What this addon does
MacroBank is an addon to allow you to save macros for future use.
- Create macros inside the macro bank without having to create them in the main macro window first.
- Macros can be given a category to group similar macros together.
- Categories can be within other categories (Use '\' in between categories: Category1\Category2\Category3)
- Macros can also be given a description to distinguish them between other macros with the same macro name.
- Change both the macro text and icon in the macro bank.
- Save a macro from the main macro window directly to the macro bank.
- Load a macro from the macro bank to your main macro list.
- Replace an existing macro with a macro from the macro bank.
- Delete a macro from the macro bank.
- Load macro groups when swapping talents.
- Send macros to other MacroBank users.
Opening MacroBank
- Open your normal macro window (/macro)
Saving Macros into the MacroBank
- Select the macro from the main macro window.
- If you have some categories already defined in the MacroBank, select the category for which to save the macro into. (If no category is selected/defined, a temporary category will be created)
- Click Save.
Creating Macros in the MacroBank
- Select a category in the MacroBank for which to create a new macro into. (If no category is selected/defined, a temporary category will be created)
- Click Create.
Loading macros from the MacroBank to your main macro window
- Select the macro from the MacroBank you wish to use.
- Select the tab in the main macro window you wish to load the macro into (General or Character Specific)
- Click Load.
- If the Macro with the same name exists, it will be replaced, otherwise a new macro will be created if there is enough room for another macro.
Replacing macros from the MacroBank into your main macro window
- Select the macro from the MacroBank you wish to use.
- Select the macro in the main macro window you wish to replace.
- Click Replace.
Deleting macros in the MacroBank
- Select the macro you wish to delete.
- Click Delete.
Changing Categories, Description, and Names of macros in the MacroBank
- Select the macro you wish to change
- Type in the new category, description, or name of the macro in the corresponding edit box.
- Press Enter to save it. (Why not as you type? Description/Category is used in the scroll window)
Changing the text of the macro in the MacroBank
- Select the macro you wish to change.
- Type in the new macro text.
- Changes should be saved as you type.
Sending a macro to other users of MacroBank
- Select the macro you wish to send.
- Click the 'Send To' button.
- Type in the name of the user and click 'Ok.'
- Shift-Clicking spells from the spell book will not insert text into MacroBank's edit boxes. This is code defined in the spell book, and I'm not sure I want to go messing with it. (Same goes for items from your bags or equipped inventory)
- MacroBank's window normally opens to the right of your main macro window. You may move it by dragging it to another location.
Translation is done through the localization system at
Just installed MacroBank from Curse
I enter /m on the chat line and the Create Macros window opens with the MacroBank window next to it.
I hit Create in the MacroBank window and a Category? dialog pops up with [Temp Category] in it.
I hit Okay.
Nothing happens, the dialog just stays there.
It appears that the problem is only with the dialog that pops when you hit Create. If you right click in the Categories List and select Create Category from the popup menu it actually works.Fixed for r67
This doesn't work, I use the /macro command and the macrobank doesn't load, plus there are no instructions on how to load the plugin or where to put it.
Please Update, or anyone got a fix?
What were you trying to do?
What did you expect it to do?
it is just not working anymore, my macros are not showing nor exporting. This sucks cuz i play a DK pvp and, also pve witch makes a combine amount of 72 macros =(
Hrm.. macros not showing in the macrobank part? Hrm.. database might not have been updated properly. Would really need to see some errors to figure out what is keeping it from loading.
ok ill reintall it, and post it here...
Please update this =) all my macros for my second spec wont load now since 4.3 went live
I can't even find where my macros would be kept so I can at least copy the most important ones. \
Any info would be so helpful.
I was wondering if there is a way to delete multiple macros at a time. Also, is it possible to have the addon replace existing macros when accepting macros sent by someone if they have the same name ?
I want to use this to share assignment macros between officers of my guild. However, with the current behavior, every time I send all the macros, they all just become duplicates, into the other officer's macro banks. It would be preferable if they would get updated instead.
Another option would be to allow deletion of multiple macros with a single click. This way, before accepting macros from someone else, I could delete the former ones.
Am I using the addon incorrectly, or is there a way to make sure the macros stay on your bars?
Delete multiple macros? not really no.. can't really 'select' multiple at a time. You can however delete entire categories.. right click on category > delete macros
I did add an option to replace macros with same name, description, icon. - in whichever category it is received into.
I have the same issue twicetimes, all my macros disappear from Bartender on login. I'm not sure if it's something I'm doing wrong or if this addon is only storage for extra macros you can swap in and out as you need them.
This addon lets you swap macros in/out as you need them - letting you save macros you might want to keep around for later.
Check in Options > Auto Load > On Login if the delete global / local macros are checked.
Storage for extra macros.
Search this
self.MacroBankToggleButton:SetPoint("TOPRIGHT", MacroButtonScrollFrame, "BOTTOMRIGHT", -25, -9);
and change ist to
self.MacroBankToggleButton:SetPoint("TOPRIGHT", MacroButtonScrollFrame, "BOTTOMRIGHT", -75, -15);
Now the button is above "Change name/symbol"