Questing minion
August 20, 2009: I have started the tear-down/rebuild of this addon and will keep this description updated as I go. My path will be:
1) DONE - Thanks Fyrye. Update the libraries so we can get it working without yelling at you, albeit with a bit of tweaking
2) Update the code to work with the new questlog api
3) Recode and reduction of external library dependancy
WTB - Achievement tracking! :)
any news guys?
Nevermind... I R Stupid some days... found what I needed
thanks folks C
nQuestLog-1.0 r%d.235\modules\Coloring\Coloring.lua:312: in function <...rface\AddOns\nQuestLog\modules\Coloring\Coloring.lua:284>
(tail call): ?:
nQuestLog-1.0 r%d.235\nQuestLogFormat.lua:91: in function `Format_QuestTitle'
nQuestLog-1.0 r%d.235\nQuestLogCore.lua:300: in function `RefreshMenu'
nQuestLog-1.0 r%d.235\nQuestLogFuBar.lua:164: in function <Interface\AddOns\nQuestLog\nQuestLogFuBar.lua:163>
(tail call): ?:
FuBarPlugin-2.0-80867:987: in function <...\FuBarPlugin-2.0\FuBarPlugin-2.0\FuBarPlugin-2.0.lua:985>
FuBar-3.0.90012\FuBar.lua:1213: in function <Interface\AddOns\FuBar\FuBar.lua:1207>
Tablet-2.0-90216 (TabletLib):2556: in function <Interface\AddOns\TabletLib\Tablet-2.0\Tablet-2.0.lua:2554>
Thanks fyrye for posting these fixes! nQuestLog is one of the most important WoW addons for me :)
Regards, Highend
Currently fyrye clone works much better than r237.
Working on it right now.
I'm glad to see that someone's taking care of nQuestLog, since it's been one of my overall favourite add-ons.
Is there some kind of a latest build available for those few of us who don't like dabbling in code they don't understand? Or can one of you who has already incorporated the most-necessary changes upload his or her version as a temporary update please?
thanks alot :D
As for the Blizzard Frames Fix for GRiMoku, since they made it double wide, they changed the handling for the frames that hold the quest title text My clone added a hack for this which emulates the way blizzard changed it The other way, for some odd reason, when you scroll, the level info would disappear.
Just a heads up.
When accepting a Quest of type Player, it effectively breaks nQuestLog's tracker
I added a hack to nQuestLog on my end but haven't shared it due to my any different changes since my clone's post.
The real way to fix it is in Quixote which determines the output.
Since Quixote-1.0 is disconintued, ill post both fixes here, since I don't know how to create a patch file correctly.. yet.
You only need to use 1, Quixote is the actual fix, while the hack is just a workaround to not break it when picking up a player quest type
Quixote *FIX*:
nQuestLog *HACK*: nQuestLogCore.lua Line: 293
Go into nQuestLog\modules\BlizzardFrames\BlizzardFrames.lua
Line 304 (unmodified) should look like this for i=1, QUESTS_DISPLAYED, 1 do
replace it with for i=1, #QuestLogScrollFrame.buttons, 1 do
I have no way of testing this (at work). Here is the thread I pulled it from: http://www.wowinterface.com/downloads/info4752-3.1-beta4.html#comments
Private message me if it works or not and I'll commit the change when I get home tonight.