Questing minion
August 20, 2009: I have started the tear-down/rebuild of this addon and will keep this description updated as I go. My path will be:
1) DONE - Thanks Fyrye. Update the libraries so we can get it working without yelling at you, albeit with a bit of tweaking
2) Update the code to work with the new questlog api
3) Recode and reduction of external library dependancy
Replied to yer PM Toadnz, if anyone else is lookin for it I've put it on http://www.wowinterface.com/downloads/info18381-nQuestLogFanUpdate.html
Hey Silentdave!
Certainly looking forward to the update! I'm happy to risk helping you test it as well.
read the addon descriptions, it contains a few bits of info that are noteworthy regarding this 'fan update'
Incidently I came accross a couple of quests (while running no addons) which had blank zone headers ie Blizzard did not pass the info as to which zone the quests should be done in.. this casued the quest minion to lockup/freeze so I've put some extra code into Quixote lib to handle such - this generic fall back zone I've called "Unknown" and I've not localised it for other languages but a simple string search in Quixote will find it for ya.
Also fixed the the mouseclick events in the main xml (thats where half the problems were coming from) along with many "this -> self" conversions along and an accidental global "self" reference in the early stages of click processing which again caused alot of field = nil errors
I must make it clear, I'm in no-way maintaining this addon other than fixing it for personal use until such time that fixing is going to require a rewrite or heavy duty overhaul.. at that point I'll simply change to another addon, but for now nQuestLog is alive and kicking.
So, over the next couple of days I'm making sure I haven't missed anything silly and my Mrs is helping with such as she uses it also, after that I'll find somewhere to upload it to and provide a link here, however, if it doesn't work for you then its tough luck, I really do not have the time nor the expertise to adopt this addon with a view to maintaining it, hell.. last time I did any serious coding was before c++ was even conceived.
Right.. the short of it.. I've got nquestlog working, but i'm lookin at puttin some defensive code to handle quests with empty zone headers (could be caused by other addons) so that it isn't hanging on such situations and will simply dump them into say "unknown" zone so that it is more robust, it should be fairly simple to do.
For those interested, I'm gonna check it over the next couple of days to make sure its not falling over like a drunk, it is currently throwing up some acecomm errors, but i'm not too bothered about that.
Once it looks stable enough (me and my wife are testing it) I'll sort out somewhere to distribute it, either here or curse or filefront or similar.
Just to reasure people.. its auto-collapsing/expanding as it should, its back-lighting and reacting to mouseclicks as it should, its interfacing with lightheaded as it should, in short, aside from the problem from a while back with the achievement tracker being perma-hidden its working as it should.
patch 4.0.1 has completely kyboshed this addon, i'll have a deeper look into it once i've sorted mi UI out (several other addons screamin and throwing their toys outta the pram). If i can find anything out regarding propping it up to get a bit more life out of it i'll post, but I'd say, for now atleast, its pretty much dead
Date: 2010-09-25 12:20:42
ID: 11
Error occured in: Global
Count: 1
Message: ..\AddOns\nQuestLog\nQuestLogEvents.lua line 160:
attempt to index global 'this' (a nil value)
[C]: ?
nQuestLog\nQuestLogEvents.lua:160: OnQuestLogClick()
[string "*:OnMouseDown"]:7:
[string "*:OnMouseDown"]:1
Date: 2010-09-25 12:28:39
ID: 12
Error occured in: Global
Count: 1
Message: [string "nQuestLogFrame:OnMouseUp"] line 1:
attempt to index global 'this' (a nil value)
[C]: ?
[string "*:OnMouseUp"]:1:
[string "*:OnMouseUp"]:1
Date: 2010-09-25 12:29:22
ID: 13
Error occured in: Global
Count: 1
Message: [string "nQuestLogFrame:OnHide"] line 1:
attempt to index global 'this' (a nil value)
[C]: ?
[string "*:OnHide"]:1:
[string "*:OnHide"]:1
[C]: Hide()
nQuestLog\nQuestLogCore.lua:180: ToggleVisible()
nQuestLog\nQuestLogFuBar.lua:183: OnClick()
Here's a fix, it seems to give no errors.
Edit file... nQuestLog\modules\BlizzardFrames\BlizzardFrames.lua
delete/change the function BlizzardFrames:OnGossipShow() to...
Sourced from FuBar_QuestFu
its still working with myrathi2's fix. tho i do get
Message: ...\nQuestLog\modules\BlizzardFrames\BlizzardFrames.lua line 304:
'for' limit must be a number
when opening the quest log and it only happens 1x
LUA snip...
301 function BlizzardFrames:QuestLog_Update()
302 -- Only process if the quest log is visible and the option is checked to add quest levels
303 if ( QuestLogFrame:IsVisible() ) and ( self.db.profile.addLogQuestLevels ) then
304 for i=1, QUESTS_DISPLAYED, 1 do
so the error makes alot of sense and unchecking add quest levels fixes the error, though not sure what for i=1 should be changed to.
Anyone still using it? I was successfully until 3.3.3 which is now blowing up in the BlizzardFrames library. Anyone having this issue? I should clarify, it's not completely blowing up, it still seems to work, but randomly throws errors related to the library.
The offending line is:
button:SetText(format("[%d] %s", select(i, ...), button:GetText()))
I tried using the hack but I still have an issue where fubar shows the number of quests as 0/0/25 and is unclickable and the minion itself is gone.
anyone knows how to solve problem with this addon-it removes objective frame so i have trouble seeing /tracking achivements?
Likewise, thanks for the tip on the fix.