Questing minion
August 20, 2009: I have started the tear-down/rebuild of this addon and will keep this description updated as I go. My path will be:
1) DONE - Thanks Fyrye. Update the libraries so we can get it working without yelling at you, albeit with a bit of tweaking
2) Update the code to work with the new questlog api
3) Recode and reduction of external library dependancy
I would like to offer my apologies for acting like a ripe royal cock, I was a little frustrated and unfortunately, took it out here.
This addon is really good and yes it DOES work with WotLK.
I am extremely embarrassed for saying what I said especially since I too write addons. Neuron / Quagmire, please accept my humble apologies, and just sum it up to me being a prick....
Saying that he's playing a private server for not updating is pretty silly, rude even, he's under no obligation to prove anything or even update this. Lots of addons stop getting updated. Not to mention this has been working for myself and many others I know just fine in WotLK.
Still getting the same error with todays revision
Edit: I abandoned 2 quests in borean tundra and the minion started working again after I did a /reloadui. I'll find the names of the quests and post them here.
I can only gather that the reason this addon has not moved over to WotLK, is that the author plays on private servers....
I would like to be proven wrong!!!
The minion will stop displaying and will prompt an lua error if you take this quest: http://www.wowhead.com/?quest=13234.
The error is as follows: nQuestLogFormat.lua:131: attempt to perform arithmetic on local 'got' (a nil value)nQuestLog-1.0 r%d.75646\modules\Tooltips\Tooltips.lua:469: in function `showZoneQuests'nQuestLog-1.0 r%d.75646\modules\Tooltips\Tooltips.lua:486: in function <string>:"*:OnEnter":5: in function
IT would be nice to hear something, I really like this mod, is there anybody that can take it up since the author doesn't seem to be responding.
Is nQuestlog ever going to be fixed
LibDataBroker support, please?
Feature request: Parse or add achievements and have a seperate window to track individual achievements. Also in doing this tooltip guides for achievements such as, "Critter needs lovin" on mouse over etc.
Have Achievements remembered after log out, and make this all work with the current nquest OR make it a plugin to the current nquest. There we go :)
I wish there could be an update to this addon, I so miss to see the wowhead comments on every quest, superior feature! I have tried a few other quest addons but noone has such a nice GUI as NquestLog :(
here is a link to the error message fixed version so you don't have to go in the code yourself :D
r231 is the first version that is working for me.
Really? mine is not working at all in 3.0.2 hrm
Works fine in 3.0.2
For those not wishing/confident enough to make changes to the underlying code, I found that disabling the nQuest text and enabling the Blizz text worked just fine; nQuest's audible alerts still function fine and cause no difficulties with the rest of the UI, so I'm happy with it as-is - at least until an official update!