Reduce the chance that talent switching be forbidden.
These codes are based on very hard work of reviewing Blizzard's source code and testing taint status. The cause of the failure is rather complicated. As far as we know, there are 3 reasons at least.
1. Addon calls ToggleTalentFrame() to open talent panel.
2. Addon calls StaticPopup_Show()
3. Addon use UIFrameFlash()
4. Addon use ChatFrame_AddMessageEventFilter (related to reason 3.)
This addon can fix reason 1, 2 and 4. But for reason 3, there is no workaround fix, you have to modify the code where UIFrameFlash is called (or contact author to fix it).
I looked into the taint test you posted, it seems just a little modification will do.
The essential is that make a local variable to nil will clean the taint.
Use this and you will see that it doesn't "fix" #2:
You have no idea that what does "reduce" mean. There are many reason for failing to switch talent and this addon ONLY deals with some of them.
This piece of code doesn't do shit. Really.