PitBull Unit Frames 4.0
PitBull Unit Frames 4.0
Woof. Arf. Yip.
Getting Started:
You can help translate PitBull for your language with the localization tool.
PitBull works with WoW Classic! Classic Era/Vanilla is supported in
releases. Cataclysm Classic is supported in v4.2.x
(the same releases retail use).
Classic Era caveats:
- Aura duration is not available from the API, so PitBull uses LibClassicDurations to show them. The duration can be inaccurate if it's affected by rank or talents.
- Cast info is only available for your spells from the API. PitBull uses LibClassicCasterino to show cast bars for other units, but this can be inaccurate since there is a lot of guess-work involved.
CurseForge: https://www.curseforge.com/wow/addons/pitbull-unit-frames-4-0
Wago: https://addons.wago.io/addons/pitbull4
WoWInterface: https://www.wowinterface.com/downloads/info20021
Is the Player-Frame Border Problem still there?? Still the last thing why i didn't upgrade to PB4
@ jrich523: maybe I misunderstood you, but party/raid frames are already implemented.
so... whats the timeline on party and raid unit members? im fairly happy with whats available now and i could use this plugin full time if i could just create/customize my party/raid units.
looking GREAT guys! thanks!
@ Azmak:
Not sure if you have figured out how to have the set ups different per character or per situation yet but if you go to the forum link posted above, under this addon's description, you will find the information you need. I too was baffled a bit on how to set things up and found my answer there. Unfortunately, I can't remember how to do it "exactly" so I won't try to explain it. I am sure I would confuse you more if I did. lol
To ck, Shef, Van, Stanz I just wanted to let you all know that I love this addon. I have been very happy with all the addons I use that you all have created. Keep up the great job!!!
So far, LOVE the changes. Incredibly versatile.
I have only ONE suggestion, which I know would make it an end all, be all raid frame/target frame addon for mages: the ability to enlarge stealable buffs.
Perhaps I've missed it somewhere (I don't believe I have), but that one feature is the only reason I stuck with xperl for so long, before I decided I needed to go Pitbull 100%.
gogusrl, actually you can't really do that right now there's an open ticket to add it though.
I managed to drag the config window up above my screen today. Is there any way to return it to the center?
Edit: Nevermind that, restarting wow fixed it right up.
I`m pretty sure it`s there and I can`t find it, but how do I link buffs and debuffs so it does something like this :
Another request would be to allow us to create more Units (just like Groups). I want to use Pitbull`s option for vertical bars to make a hud but for that I require 2 player Units (one with health and one with power).
As I said I probably didn't explain myself well enough. The way I understood and expected the "config mode" at top left of config window - the way I "expected" it to work was first we set up the positions and frames and everything we want for SOLO mode, then we wipe the slate clean and set config mode to Party and set up the positions and frames the way we want everything to appear when we are in a party, then rinse repeat again for 10 man etc etc.
So when I am solo my stuff appears at the bottom of the screen where I placed them and all the frames and they way I config'd them appear as I set it - then when I join a group, if you will, the screen clears of all pitbull frames and changes to the setup I defined in the "config party" mode. Now when in a party everything is on the left with the new frame configuration and positions. It doesn't do that and I am wondering if it would be a possibility to set it that way.
I understand I think, what you are saying by using Profiles but if done the way I would like and expected it no switching profiles and reloading of the ui would be needed prior to joining a group or raid or disbanding and going back to solo. What we see on screen should change dynamically as our group status changes.
Besides...Solo, Party, 10 man would all be saved to one profile (Priest for example) then when I switch to a Hunter, perhaps he would have a totally different setup for all three situations.
@ Azmak: that's what profiles are meant to be. Not just on a per character basis, but also different situations. At least that's how I've always viewed them.
Pitbull is very nice and I am enjoying it but I wanted to ask something.
One of the first things that came to my mind when I saw the new configuration window and how we can turn on the "config modes" for various situations is that we can customize it.
What I mean is, I thought Pitbull4 would let us indicate which frames to show when solo or in party or 10 man but it doesn't.
Solo - I want player, target, target's target, player's pet, player's pet's target, focus and focus' target
Party - I want the 5 man party frame, party targets, party pets, party pet's target, focus and focus' target
10 man - I want 10 man party frame, party targets, focus, focus's target.
In SOLO I set up my stuff near bottom of the screen in the center above the action bars.
In PARTY I set up my stuff on the left side of screen, about 1/2 way down
In 10 MAN I set the stuff up on left side of screen but closer to the top.
So here it is I go through each config mode, solo then party then 10 man
So solo stuff is at the bottom center of screen but when I am in a group it's still showing stuff from my solo setup. And when I join 10 man its still showing stuff from group and solo set up.
What I want is, let us set up all the positions and frames we want when solo, then let us do he same for party and 10 man. As our group dynamic changes (going from solo to group to 10 man) our frames change to reflect how we set them up.
Right now, when I solo all my stuff is at the bottom, but when I join a normal group I have the group stuff on the left AND the solo stuff on the bottom - I have two player frames the normal player one and the one with me in party frame. What I am expecting and want to happen is when I join a group, the solo player frame and pet frame and target frame disappear at the bottom, and show with my group frames on the left side of screen.
So when I'm in a group all my frames are left side of screen and nothing at bottom, when I leave group, stuff on left side of screen disappears and stuff at bottom center appears again.
I am sure I confused you or didn't make myself clear. Let me know and I'll try again.
Akiana - Updated a week ago, I wouldn't consider it as "dead" yet.
Is the Project still alive ?? I don´t see any Updates =(=(=(
I'm trying to figure out how to remove so you don't see the race of yourself or of the target but can't find it :/ can anyone help me out please?
use a different layout for your target's target. if you use just one layout for all of your frames, a change will have an effect on everything.
I'm having a annoying problem. I try to for example remove the health and power bar from the target's target but it removes it from all of frames. Can anyone help me?
is there a way to have marking such as skull, X or circle appeared on target like it does for 3.0?
Is there any option in pitbull4 that will allow me to hide the pitbull unitframes and enable the default blizzard frames when in a vehicle? Thanks!
to pbmichel: Buffs/debuffs are under the Aura settings. So you choose target frame for editing and go to aura tab.
Could someone please explain to me how to make pitbull 4 show my target's buffs/debuffs?