PitBull Unit Frames 4.0
PitBull Unit Frames 4.0
Woof. Arf. Yip.
Getting Started:
You can help translate PitBull for your language with the localization tool.
PitBull works with WoW Classic! Classic Era/Vanilla is supported in
releases. Cataclysm Classic is supported in v4.2.x
(the same releases retail use).
Classic Era caveats:
- Aura duration is not available from the API, so PitBull uses LibClassicDurations to show them. The duration can be inaccurate if it's affected by rank or talents.
- Cast info is only available for your spells from the API. PitBull uses LibClassicCasterino to show cast bars for other units, but this can be inaccurate since there is a lot of guess-work involved.
CurseForge: https://www.curseforge.com/wow/addons/pitbull-unit-frames-4-0
Wago: https://addons.wago.io/addons/pitbull4
WoWInterface: https://www.wowinterface.com/downloads/info20021
Is there a way around this that I'm not aware of? Otherwise, I would consider this a major issue. The only reason I upgraded over Pitbull 3 is because I need to manage my own buffs on my target, for example. The Flame Leviathan and Malygos fights are two situations where this comes up.
Thank you very much! Again, this addon is a must for the hardcore WoW community.
a) Turn off the vehicle swap. There's an option for this you'll have to do it for the Player and the Player's Pet frames both.
b) Turn on buffs on your Player frame and write a meta filter that filters then if unit is player and doesn't if the unit is vehicle. Then use that meta filter for your buffs on your player frame.
c) Get the author of your buff/debuff addon that you're using for your own buffs/debuffs to support vehicle swaps.
Anyone know the lua code for showing raid group numbers?
First of all you can have as many or as few layouts as you want in the Layout editor. If you want every single frame to have a separate config make a new layout for every single frame. You can name them anything you want or you can do what I'd imagine most people do and just name them after the frames. There are several advantages to this system. New users who are not used to this level of configuration can slowly expand the amount of configuration rather than being forced to configure every frame separately. Advanced users that want several frames sharing the same configuration can do so. However, it can be confusing if you're simply not used to the concepts and are coming from PB3 where every frame had it's own config.
For party frames and group frames. I'm pretty sure you're trying to use the Unit group drop down to change which group you're editing, instead of the Current group drop down. With PB4 you can have as many groups as you want (eventually the same will be true with singleton frames as well). By default we only have a couple of Party groups made. So you need to make a new group for the raid. Once you've made the new group use the Unit group drop down to tell PB4 which set of units you want the group to display. If you're using that Unit group drop down to try and change what you're editing you end up just continuing to edit the same group and as a result you're having the frustrations that you're expressing.
If you want entirely different raid setups for 10, 25 and 40 man simply make multiple raid groups and set each one to only show for the raid size.
I have no idea why you can't do 3d portraits. I'm using 3d portraits just fine. Portraits are under the indicator tab in the layout editor.
With respect to your difficulty configuring the groups, I made some changes to the layout of the Groups panel by adding tabs to keep the Current drop down on the screen. This should alleviate the confusion that a lot of people have had with trying to use Unit group to switch the group they are editing.
You can give it a try by downloading the latest alpha at:
Ive been in game adjusting your mod since 3am (its 6am now) and i havnt even gotten past individual frame customization. So as much as id like some help to try to understand this thing, id also like to be able to figure it out without spending 3 hours trying to set up 25 man, 10 man and party frames...i should be at the micromanage point now but im not.
im curious is there a way to disable buffs/debuff (or any features that are universal for bars) Im Using beta 2.
For Example: I want the buff/debuff bar for my target frame... but not for pet frame. i am doing this by going to layout editor->auras-> buff/debuff (enable/disable) Thanks
crophonso, write this in the text field:
if you sooner or later want level to displayed too, change it to the following:
If you want the level to be first, just switch UnitClass with UnitLevel and vice versa.
I have same problem as Crophonso. I can set it it show Level, race and level, class, race but not level, class. And because i dont know how lua works i end up with errors when trying to copypaste and change few things
Hey all! New to the mod, loving it so far. Very steep set-up wise coming from x-perl, but I can already tell it will be worth it.
I've got a question for you all, something I've been trying to do for a while now setting this sucker up and just not been able to. I heal, and for me, race isn't a big issue as far as having it readily available on my unitframes, so I've been trying to remove it. I figured out that the race is show as part of the Lua:Class text, and that I need a new code for it that only shows the unit's class. The unit's race and level are information that i can look for on a tooltip if i really need it, so i'd like to remove them. The different codes that came with my download do not have any option for this, so i'd appreciate some help, thanks.
i used grid for the raid display, yesterday i changed to pb4 raidframes.
when i setup a 5, 10 and 25 man frame the x coordinates of each frame resets
after a switch from one setup to another (from 10 to 25 for example).
is it possible to create a profile for each raid situation (5, 10 or 25) ?
or is it a known bug ?
continue the great work !
Another alternative is to use a single raid group, setup multiple profiles with how you want and then manually change the profiles. There is an open ticket for profile switching based on zones and things like that. There's no reason this isn't possible it just hasn't been implemented.
Display text or have your health bars work in deficit mode, i.e. empty @ full health & growing as you lose HP?
I know getting used to something new isn't always fun, but that's life.
PB4 is easier, it is very different but once you spend the effort looking at it you will find it much better. I currently run PB3 on my main server toons and using PB4 while in beta on another server toons. So far, liking PB4 and will so even more when a few more things are added.
Keep up the good work :)
Remember people like Shefki, ck, and the thousands of other addon authors do not have to share their efforts with anyone, and I strongly suspect that they have spent far more time providing us with addons and supporting them than you have trying to learn the new PB4 way of doing things.
PB4 is radically different from the earlier PB3, in operation, configuration and flexibility.
Your current UI isn't that hard to replicate in PB4 - and yes I like many others came from PB3, and at first the new config was confusing, but I spent some time experimenting and searching for things until I became acclimatised to the new layout (no pun intended).
I suggest perhaps asking for help from the many more experienced people who have taken the time to get to know the new system. Coming here and saying it's bloated bullshit is not the way to ellicit such help however.
I for one am grateful for such a powerful and flexible addon that is getting better with almost each and every update.
Simply put - if it's too "complicated" for you or you dont like it, dont use it.
you are saying pitbull4 should be easier to configure, but that's total bullshit the menu is so difficult cuz it's BLOATED there are WAY to many option and tiny this and that, that makes it impossible to configure, and even if i manage a LITTLE i do not get my unit frames the way i have them with pitbull3 now,
i rather see Pitbull3 get supported again and updated for the future patches, because pitbull4 is a total flop its a big disaster.
this is what my UI looks like,
Solo and 5 man mode = http://img146.imageshack.us/img146/6961/wowscrnshot031609203315y.jpg
10 and 25 man mode = http://img166.imageshack.us/img166/2851/wowscrnshot051109203824.jpg
and i can't get it done like that with pitbull4, so it Stinks,
get back to work on pitbull3 please.