PitBull Unit Frames 4.0
PitBull Unit Frames 4.0
Woof. Arf. Yip.
Getting Started:
You can help translate PitBull for your language with the localization tool.
PitBull works with WoW Classic! Classic Era/Vanilla is supported in
releases. Cataclysm Classic is supported in v4.2.x
(the same releases retail use).
Classic Era caveats:
- Aura duration is not available from the API, so PitBull uses LibClassicDurations to show them. The duration can be inaccurate if it's affected by rank or talents.
- Cast info is only available for your spells from the API. PitBull uses LibClassicCasterino to show cast bars for other units, but this can be inaccurate since there is a lot of guess-work involved.
CurseForge: https://www.curseforge.com/wow/addons/pitbull-unit-frames-4-0
Wago: https://addons.wago.io/addons/pitbull4
WoWInterface: https://www.wowinterface.com/downloads/info20021
As a temporary workaround if you're using LuaTexts you can set the justification yourself: font_string:SetJustifyH("RIGHT")
May not work 100% of the time but should mostly work.
And the text isn't really center justified. It's just all the texts are LEFT justified right now. Of course if you right anchor a left justified text it'll basicaly look center justified.
Thanks for the reply shefki - but it is when i create multiple line texts that i really have the problem with the center justification i.e. i use a text on the left hand box of the player frame using it bound to the frame and outside left. in this text is the hp and the power using this text..
the annoying thing (or not really annoying just kind of irksome) is that the power gets centered under the HP.
but yes i can see what you were talking about justification in PB3 - i knew that it didnt let you set the justification just that it was always justified *to the frame*
there are 2 suggestions that i can think of to maybe help with this - allow you to (when you assign multiple texts to the same anchor) set a grow up/down or left/right property, or allow justification for multi-line texts like mine. Right now if you create 2 tags and stick them together they always make it left to right in priority.
BlackDespondency, PB3 didn't really let you control the justification, though it did set it based on the anchor. I've actually been pondering what do about justification. You may be interested to know that the options under the General tab under Indicators actually impacts text. If you want to put stuff close to the outside you can lower the outside margin setting there to help. But I have been working through some of the layout bugs.
NykSpree8, There was a bug so much as a couple changes that would make your current settings not be set. We changed the default profile from global to Default to match the norm of other Ace3 addons, simply reselecting global would get your settings back there. The other was the change from DogTagTexts being the default to LuaTexts. All you had to do there was disable the LuaTexts module and re-enable the DogTagTexts module. Other than that I'm unaware of any issues with settings being lost.
Arkive, The difference between LuaTexts and DogTagTexts is fairly nominal now. People that really care about performance should go with LuaTexts. But DogTagTexts shouldn't kill your system like it did when I first wrote LuaTexts. I've since go back and fixed some issues with DogTagTexts.
braudrist, Go to Modules, LuaTexts. put RAID_ROSTER_UPDATE in the new event box. Set the checkboxes to be just the All box checked for it once you're done.
I used this as a trial on an alt.
I found that Blizzard Unit Frames kept reappearing even though they had been switched of by the module.
Would it be possible for My health bar NOT to show %age, just absolute, while my Target's health bar shows abloute AND %age ?
Another newbie question: How do I add the event RAID_ROSTER_UPDATE so that the raid group numbers gets updated? It isn't listed in the drop-down menu box.
thanks in advance.
Is there a performance benefit to using LUA text over Dogtags? I'm infintely more familiar with Dogtags but if there's a good case to be made for LUA I'll bite the bullet. Thanks.
Small bug or maybe something on my end?
I was having a problem a few months ago where I would install an update and all my settings would reset. I think Shefki confirmed it was a bug of some sort and I had to resort to taking SS of my settings so I could re-configure my frames @_@. Has this been fixed or are people still having to re-configure from scratch with an update install? I wouldn't say this is a big deal and that's it's not a big deal, but there are a lot of settings and having to re-configure from point zero whenever you update does get tedious and annoying.
Is there currently a way to set the justification of a line of text - i cant find anything in LuaTexts to do so. If there is not is there a plan to add such a feature - this is something i used in pitbul3 to place texts outside of the unitframe itself but still close instead of centered as it currently.
i have all the rest of it working correctly - thanks to your guide for function names. and this is a great addon - much more streamlined looking forward to the non-beta versions.
return ConfigMode()
replace it with:
return Name(unit)
In the Events drop down check UNIT_NAME_UPDATE.
Only one thing I can't figure out... having used XPERLS since forever, I'm used to having the player name in the castbar, (which I managed to do) and then have the player name disappear when a spell is being cast. ATM when a spell is cast, the player name stays there and the spell being cast is shortened with "...".
Is there any way to get the spell to show in full and have the player name disappear?
EliteMortal, You need to make a new layout for every frame you want something different on. Once you've made a new layout in the layout editor, go to Units or Groups and select that layout for that frame from the Layout dropdown.
braudrist, http://elitistjerks.com/f32/t63351-luatexts_new_dogtags/p4/#post1295804
I was going to ask the same thing that EliteMortal just asked. I really like everything else so far. Not having individual controls for auras for each frame group/type is the only thing keeping me from using this full time.