PitBull Unit Frames 4.0
PitBull Unit Frames 4.0
Woof. Arf. Yip.
Getting Started:
You can help translate PitBull for your language with the localization tool.
PitBull works with WoW Classic! Classic Era/Vanilla is supported in
releases. Cataclysm Classic is supported in v4.2.x
(the same releases retail use).
Classic Era caveats:
- Aura duration is not available from the API, so PitBull uses LibClassicDurations to show them. The duration can be inaccurate if it's affected by rank or talents.
- Cast info is only available for your spells from the API. PitBull uses LibClassicCasterino to show cast bars for other units, but this can be inaccurate since there is a lot of guess-work involved.
CurseForge: https://www.curseforge.com/wow/addons/pitbull-unit-frames-4-0
Wago: https://addons.wago.io/addons/pitbull4
WoWInterface: https://www.wowinterface.com/downloads/info20021
This is a bug with the game itself. Every unit frame addon is having the same problem. The only known solution we have at this time is to suggest that you upgrade to Direct X 11. If that's not possible there's nothing we can do until/unless Blizzard resolves the problem themselves.
I am trying to use the totem-per-element-sound when expired/destroyed and it does not seem to be working with the version of Pitbull that I am using (v4.0.0-beta36). I tried a couple different sounds. The sound preview in the configuration UI works fine, but the sound does not play when my totem expired (I only tested with fire totems as that is the only one I need).
Thank you :)
working great in beta37 which i was able to grab today. thank you very much!
Will be fixed in the next release. Either that never worked or Blizzard recently made a change.
I'm not seeing that problem. Can you enable errors and post all of the errors that you're seeing.
You can enable errors in WoW by doing the following.
1) Press escape until the game menu comes up.
2) Click the Interface button.
3) From the Game tab choose Help.
4) Make sure Display Lua Errors is checked.
5) Click OK.
You may need the reload/restart the game to duplicate the issue. If you get a ton of errors post the oldest ones you get.
i have an issue with my death knight. When I enable the "Totems" indicator all the texts (name, classe, health, runic power, etc.) in my player frame disappears. Everything else instead remains (icons, bars, portrait, etc.).
How is this possible? How can I solve? Thank you.
Can you please open a ticket here (it's a curse site so same username/password as you use here):
Please attach your config file (under your wow install WTF/Account/$ACCOUNT/SavedVariables/PitBull4.lua where $ACCOUNT is the name the game is using for your account, older accounts will have your old username, newer accounts will just be a number).
I'd like to resolve this but I'm not able to replicate it. Doing the above should help me see the problem and get it resolved.
Done :)
I appreciate your effort but unfortunately I've already done that to no avail. I've tried everything I can think of such as:
Pitbull4, Pitbull4_Aura, Pitbull4_Aura_(1-9), Pitbull4_Frame, Pitbull4_Frames, Pitbull4_Frame_(1-9), Pitbull4_Cooldown, Pitbull4_Cooldown_(1-9), and many others.
So I'm wondering if OmniCC simply doesn't work with the Pitbull4 aura frame or if there's something I'm not seeing.
Bug should be fixed in the latest Alpha.
I wasn't accusing you of lying. I just thought you had made a common mistake like looking for something in a profile that you weren't using.
I have replicated the issue and see what the problem is. I'll get it fixed. In the meantime you can work around it by changing something on the following tabs of the layout: General (and any of its sub tabs), Bars/General, Indicators/General, Texts/Default font or Texts/Default size, Faders/Minimum opacity or Faders/Maximum opacity or Faders/Smooth opacity change.
Ultimately what is happening is that AceDB is optimizing the layouts that have default values still set on them. As soon as something loads them then they get created with the default values. The key issue here is that you have to create them and not modify them or use them.
Will be included in the next release. Thanks.
Could you add the new Warlock pet Power Type called Fel Energy to the Color Options?
I modified Main.lua for that: DATABASE_DEFAULTS.profile.colors.power["POWER_TYPE_FEL_ENERGY"]
I didn't create an account on wowace to report a fabrication just to make your life harder by forcing you to replicate a bug that wasn't happening at all, on my end or anyone else. I don't know why its happening, or why you aren't able to replicate it, but it is happening for me. No offense, but you shouldn't automatically assume someone is lying because you can't replicate it. I did some additional testing which will hopefully help. If not I don't really know what to do as I'm not experienced at programming or reading through code to be able to spot anything wrong.
-I first disabled all other addons with the exception of Pitbull, created a few new layouts without associating them with a particular unit or unit group, and they still disappeared upon logout.
-I was going to delete my cache today for NPC scan cached mobs so did so now and deleted Pitbull and its modules from interface folder and downloaded the newest build again. Nothing changed.
-I then copied my main character's Pitbull profile to other characters that I commonly log onto since you mentioned it. These characters previously had default profiles active. I noticed when I did this and checked their layout options, the Target's target's target layout I created the day before was available. I didn't re-enable Target's target's target so upon logout on these characters that layout disappeared just as it had on my main character.
-I did, however, find out another important fact. If I re-enable Target's target's target, the layout is once again available in my list! This would serve as a workaround I guess to switching layouts for my raid groups but I would have to go through the trouble of enabling a particular frame, going to the group tab, then selecting that layout associated with that frame as my Unit Group layout during the 2 minutes of down/buff times before the gates open in the 40 man BGs. Hopefully this new discovery might help find the bug.
Sorry that my tone came across as a harsh or aggravated one at the top of this message, but I truly wouldn't create a lie just to make an Author/Maintainer waste his/her time.
It's a bug if it's really happening. But I really don't think it is happening. I have all sorts of test layouts that aren't assigned to any frames or that are assigned to frames that are disabled. Never had a problem with it. I just created a layout and tried to replicate what you described and was not able to, the layout was still there when I logged back in.
Did you by chance log into a different character that had a different profile active?
How about I teach you to fish instead of just telling you. :)
When in the game type /framestack
You'll get a tooltip that shows you the names of the frames under your mouse (including ones you can't see). Mouse around till you find the info you want.
When you're done just type /framestack again and the tooltip will go away.
Thank you, I have another question as well.
What is the pitbull frame name for auras? I'm asking because it's needed to make an OmniCC exception. I want to use pitbull cooldown text and have OmniCC for my actionbar but I can't figure out the frame name for pitbull auras or if it's even possible to make an exception for it in OmniCC.
Hi! I've been a long time user of Pitbull since its early days and recently cleared my trio of folders to completely create a new UI. After grabbing the most recent version of Pitbull, v4.0.0-beta36-4-g38b3a65, I began setting up various layouts to use for each of my frames and came across something very odd. Before, I only set up a couple of layouts for my frames so I have no idea if this is intended, a bug, or if its been true for a much longer time than just recently.
I decided I wanted to set up 3 separate layouts for my raid frames so I could swap between them based on what I was doing (BGs, 10 man, or 25 man). I noticed that when I created a layout and didn't associate that layout with a Unit or Unit Group, it disappears upon logout. I systematically went through and tested it using a frame I always disable: Target's target's target. I Simply enabled this frame, set up my next layout (lets call it 25-man), and chose this new layout via the drop down box under Target's target's target and logged out. I logged back in and the layout was still available among my other created layouts. I then Disabled Target's target's target while leaving the layout the same. Upon logging back in, it was gone from my list of layouts.
My question is, is this a bug or intended? I would very much like to set up different layouts so that when I join Alterac Valley or Isle of Conquest my bars don't cover up important parts of my UI. I don't want to have to enable extra frames that clutter my screen just to save a unique layout so that it doesn't magically disappear from my list of layouts.
it would be nice if you could tell us when blizzard solved the problem. at the moment i deactivated pitbull, but i want to use it again when the problem is solved.
so i hope it will be told here when i'm able to use it again