
Loudmouth provides several features to talk trash to your targets while you beat them up (or alternatively - get beat up by them). For instance, if you get a critical hit ("Oops, my weapon's stuck, wait a second..."), they run away, you miss them ("Swing and a miss..."), etc. Each type of activity has its own 'talk rate' (i.e. crits 20% of the time, misses 50%, and fears (them, not you) 100% are some current defaults). Each activity has its own quotes, which are randomly chosen.

Smacktalk did not provide an in-game method to update them, and that was a key feature of this mod, plus multiple events to talk about. This mod is still in development, and should be considered 'Alpha' quality code. The code appears to be very stable for the 0.3 release, and functional but not optimized or pretty. Expect many updates as I continue development.

Loudmouth is 'my' replacement for the Smacktalk Addon. I also looked at SpeakEasyGUI, but it was too 'complicated' and 'manual' for casual use. So Loudmouth was born.

For in game help: "/loudmouth" or "/lm".

All features are available via command line options, or Fubar menus. The GUI quote configuration window can be accessed via '/loudmouth gui' or '/lm gui'

Support can be found at Beta Interfaces/Scripts Forum - post Loudmouth

Pre-release code can be found at http://www.wowace.com/wiki/Loudmouth.

System Requirements:

Req: World of Warcraft (2.0 or higher) Req: ACE2 (libraries included) Opt: Fubar


- Define options and interface to set them when entering quotes - Allow disable of AFK messages - add displays that will show 'options' for existing quotes. - All quotes are 'common' between all characters. Add features for class specific quotes or gender related (i.e. male gets beat by female: "You got beat by a GIRL!"). - Add better multiple quote set support - Add 'quote library' support... allow other AddOns to register a quote set with Loudmouth. - Integrate with Top ScoreFu to determine if a crit is a new all time 'high'. Always announce those. - Allow quote 'movement' between char and general storage, and/or between quote sets. - allow specific quote to be sent to channel. -- in 0.8 - add Emote support, standard and custom. -- in 0.8

0.8 release notes:

- Converted all output strings to Localization strings - Added all localization strings configured - Added a Wisecrack Cooldown, no more than 1 every 5 seconds, up to 1 every 5 minutes. - Added menu option to set Wisecrack Cooldown. - Added logic to ensure the last quote won't be requoted immediately. - Fixed the Enable checkbox label on the GUI to stay even when Enable is not checked. - Fixed logic where the list box highlight was not hidden if a quote was deleted. - Added LMEditFrame with options for a selected quote - Added functions to modify the LMEditFrame - Added code to transmit current quote on any channel. - Added code to cancel editing a quote when the window is closed. - Added Emote setting, which overrides speech channels. - Fixed bug where upbutton on quote list scroll frame wouldn't disable at top of list. -- Still more to come --

0.7 release notes:

- Changed the way I delete quotes in order to fix a bug and make it more efficient. - Fixed a bug with checking emotes that results in a 'comparing number with nil' error. - Changed tooltip over quotes to only appear if the full quote is not visible. - Fixed Drop Down boxes were not correctly displayed on form:Show().

0.6 release notes:

- Fixed a bug line 872: current_set_frames should have been current_set_name - Fixed a bug in CHAT_MSG_MONSTER_EMOTE, never matched 'run' and 'fear'. - Added an "On_Upgrade()" function to move existing data to new location when I move values. - Added an Enable button to the GUI for each event category that can be disabled. - Moved values enabling categories into an enabled[] to match the rates and quotes indices. - Fixed a few places where changing a value didn't update a tooltip or other displayed value. - Cleaned up the code a bit in places to be more consistent. - Added Status on Command Line function.

0.5 release notes:

- Modified Loudmouth:Spew() to consolidate the debug messages a bit. - Fix GUI Scroll Bars. Mousewheel also scrolls quote list, if full enough to scroll. - Fixed Num_Quotes to automatically count quotes without having to manually traverse the data. - Added code to cause the edit box to get focus when you click on a quote to edit it. - Messages can now be deleted. - Changed code to put QuoteEdit:ClearFocus() in LUA so it will be called multiple places. - Removed the UIErrorMessages I was using for debugging.

0.4 release notes:

- AFK message auto sent to Guild and Raid/Party when AFK message is triggered by system. - Keyboard focus problem fixed in Loudmouth.xml. - Corrected text clipping view size in Loudmouth.xml. - Game Tooltip added to help with reading long (clipped) quotes. - Highlight selected quote being edited from the ListBox. - Reorganized code to make it easier to read. Functions are now grouped by alpha order within general purpose, i.e. UI, Loudmouth Logic, Defaults, Fubar/Ace functions. - Quote list now shows how many quotes are in that category. - Category rate can now be changed on GUI frame. - Tooltip shows total # of quotes.

Known Bugs: (most recent first)

- v0.6 - When a mob emotes and it's not a run in fear type message, a compare number with nil at line 980 will occur. Fixed in v0.7 - v0.5+ - When deleting a message, strange things may occur to your lists of quotes. They shouldn't disappear, but something may look weird. I recommend that you don't delete messages until you use v0.7, which deletes messages in a more 'stable' way. - vALL - If you enable Debugging, you'll be flooded with messages. - vALL - The Drop Down boxes are not correctly displayed on form:Show(). Fixed in v0.7


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  • Project ID
  • Created
    Jan 8, 2007
  • Last Released File
    Sep 29, 2008
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