Estimated range display. Type /rangedisplay for configuration or /rangedisplay locked to lock/unlock the frames.
RangeDisplay is a simple range display addon. It is using spell range, item range and interact-distance based checks to determine the approximate range to your current target. Due to the whackyness of interact-distance based checks, recent versions only use those when spell/item based checks are not possible . The display can be configured in many ways (displaying only the max range, adding border and background, etc).
Currently you can set up RangeDisplay to show your current range to your target, focus, pet and mouseover units. The mouseover unit range can be anchored to the mouse or placed at a fixed position.
New in v3.8.0: It is possible to add sound notifications to "range sections" (similar to color setting). The sound will be played when entering the section. If two sections have the same sound file attached to them, then the sound is not played again if switching between the two sections.
This sound notification is enabled by default for the target unit's close range section.
Displaying max range only: if you want to display only the maxRange, you need to set Text to "%d" and tick the Reverse option for the section(s).
Hopefully fixed in v4.2.0
First off I'd like to say this is a great Addon and I cannot thank you enough for your contribution.
I was wondering if it is possible to add the ability to have party1/2/3/4/5 just like you have arena 1/2/3/4/5
This feature could be added, but I'm not sure it would be easy to handle all party-change events (like members going offline, entering dungeons, etc). It would probably be better to find a unit frame addon that supports range display (or bug your favourite unit frame addon's author to add this feature, it's easy with LibRangeCheck-2.0).
That said, I might try adding this sometime in the future if I'll have some time.
Jeeze i must be blind but i can't find the option to show only max range in the newest version. Anyone know where?
That option went away when I added free form range formating. Now you can set up any text display for the given section, that is interpreted as a format string with two parameters: minRange and maxRange, and there's an additional checkbox: Reverse, which will swap the two parameters.
So, if you want to display only the maxRange, you need to set Text to "%d" and tick the Reverse toggle.
hope this makes sense :)
The 45 yard bug is back now and more aggressive than ever. It's now happening in BG's and a lot more frequently too. I have to reloadui every 3 minutes to fix it.
I`m getting the same error. I`ve noticed that in my settings for "target" the default section is Checked and i can`t uncheck it. I can however alter the colour of this section, and when the bug happens, the color matches the colour i set in the "default section" which can`t be unchecked.
Still getting the 45 yard range error.
http://i.imgur.com/k8pff.jpg http://i.imgur.com/akPz3.jpg
I'm sorry, I have no idea why it fails... If it were a general issue with item checkers, then it'd be stuck at 80yd, not 45, and I don't think I managed to hit on two 45yd range items that are both somehow bugged on the same mob... Guess you'll just have to live with it, until someone can come up with an explanation why it fails... Does it fail for you for the same mob(s) with different characters? Or it fails with a specific character with various mobs? Does it happen only when you're in a cross-realm group?
It seems to happen more often in the Windward Isle area. For all I know it could be Jade Forest, but since I got my Cloud Serpent mount the other day, I haven't been back over there, and have also noticed the addon hasn't given me the bug since.
I only use it on this one char, since I am not leveling any alts for the time being. It's fine if you can't figure it out, it's been behaving. :)
druids+Symbiosis=45 yard range error
Interesting... Does the 45yd bug hits the druid casting the Symbiosis, or the target of the spell? (or both...). Also, does it happen for both friendly and enemy ranges?
Just a quick note to thank you for a great addon! Just wondering.. previous release version was 4.1.0 and the lastest has reverted to 4.0.1? :)
fixed, thanks :)
Please check with the latest release (v4.1.1) if the "stuck at 45yd" problem still happens.
I've been getting this strange bug where sometimes it shows my range as "45" even when I am within 5 - 30 yards of my target. It will go beyond 45 up to 80+, but just gets stuck at 45 when I am actually closer than that. Been using this addon since WotLK launch, and it has never done this before. A quick reloadui fixes it, but then it'll get stuck again rather quickly. Any ideas?
Please post the class/race/level of the character you have this issue with.
I've the exact same issue, on my Level 90 Human SPriest. Normally, a UI Reload fixes it, but in the Phase of the Gara'jal Encounter in the Mogu'shan Raid where you fight the adds, the Problem is always there, even if the Boss is shown correct.
Could you please try commenting out two lines from LibRangeCheck-2.0.lua: search for Wrangling Rope, and change the line from
There are two lines like this, one for friendly units, and one for enemy units. Change both. This disables the 45yard item checker. Check if the range display still gets stuck somewhere on that fight.
I just updated to your latest, and will leave the Wrangling Rope untouched to see if your solution fixed it, but as I was reading the lua file, I noticed you had this:
Frostbolt and Ice Lance are now 40 yards, and Ice Shards is no longer apart of the mage talents. I do not know what this list is for, or if it affects the addon at all if it's inaccurate. Just thought I'd point that out.