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If you're interested in following the development process or contributing, you should also check out the official GitHub repository. We're always in need of more hands to help us make the addon better!
Rarity tracks how many times you've tried to obtain various rare items like mounts, battle pets, and toys. It will tell you how likely you are to obtain the item, track how long you've been farming for it, and tell you how lucky you've been so far. Although it's mostly used for mounts, battle pets, and toys, it supports pretty much any item, including profession patterns, archaeology projects, and more.
Looking for Rarity Item Packs? Click here.
Out of the box, Rarity includes support for every single mount, battle pet, and toy in the game which require some time to farm. It also includes support for some mount-related items like Skyshard, Primal Egg, and Giant Dinosaur Bone. It'll even notice if you mouseover a Mysterious Camel Figurine, plus lots of other stuff. Rarity factors in the size of a typical group when determining probabilities, and can also tell you if you've killed various bosses this week (or day). Holiday just started, and you didn't notice? Rarity will give you a helpful reminder to run those holiday dungeons or daily quests if you still need an item from them.
If Rarity doesn't track something you want to track, you can add it yourself! Just about everything is user configurable.
Curious what math is going on behind the scenes? The author of Bunny Hunter created the original algorithms. He wrote an article about it here. Your chance to obtain an item doesn't increase as you farm it; Rarity is just telling you how lucky you've been so far. It can be remarkably cathartic to see a progress bar move up as you spend hours upon hours trying for that Disgusting Oozeling.
Main features
- Rarity is primarily an LDB feed with a large tooltip. It can function as either a mini-map icon (you have to turn this on in the options), or as a standard LDB feed (use a display like Fortress, Button Bin, Titan Panel, or Chocolate Bar).
- Provides a progress bar, which you can toggle by clicking the icon or feed label.
- Adds info to NPC and item tooltips, showing you if it drops or contains something that Rarity tracks. Rare mobs with a guaranteed drop show which item they drop and if you've defeated them yet.
- Includes full source info, telling you how to obtain everything Rarity tracks.
Other features
- Share packs of items with other users
- Can automatically add waypoints to TomTom for certain items
- Uses statistics whenever possible to keep track of attempts
- Breaks your farming down by session, day, week, and month
- Looks at your instance locks to see if you've defeated various bosses recently
- Reminds you if you need to farm a holiday dungeon or daily quest, and hides holiday items that aren't available right now
- Supports bonus coin rolls
- Automatically screenshots when you obtain an item
- Keeps track of rare achievements like Frostbitten and Glorious
- You can add your own items to track
- Lets you modify your attempt count without having to edit saved variables
- Automatically imports data from Bunny Hunter if you're switching
Slash Commands
Simply typing /rarity should open the options menu (unless disabled).
For troubleshooting issues:
- /rarity dump displays the most recent debug log entries (even if the debug mode is disabled)
- /rarity validate checks the consistency of your item database, including custom items (experimental)
Comments & bug reports
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Frequently Asked Questions
Click here to read the Frequently Asked Questions. Please read this before requesting support.
I was having problems with Skadi as well, so I decided to investigate a bit. As far as I can see, the loot detection in r130 works perfectly fine. The actual problem is in R:IsHeroic(), which returns false while in heroic UP. It looks like there are several 5.x-generated problems in that function:
1) Both GetInstanceDifficulty() and GetInstanceInfo()'s third return value no longer give the 'old' difficulty values that conflate 5-man and raid difficulties, but the 'new' unambiguous difficulties that can be found in Difficulty.dbc: 1=5man normal, 2=5man hc, 3=10man normal, 4=25man normal, 5=10man hc, 6=25man hc, 7=LFR, 8=challenge mode, etc. That is good news, as the heroic check no longer needs to look at the number of players etc, just check if the value is one of (2,5,6), if so it is heroic.
2) Of course that does not explain why IsHeroic() no longer works in 5-mans. There seems to be a bug (I assume it is a bug, because it makes no sense) in that GetInstanceDifficulty() (but not GetInstanceInfo()) returns a value that is one larger than the correct difficulty, i.e. in a heroic 5-man you get diff=3. This might be intended, or might be something that Blizzard will fix at some point, but either way I would suggest getting rid of the call to GetInstanceDifficulty() and just using difficultyIndex from GetInstanceInfo() instead, that works fine.
3) This has nothing to do with the problem at hand, but the dynamic difficulty check also appears to no longer be working as intended. Walking into 10-man hc DS, GetInstanceInfo() gave me difficultyIndex=5 (as it should), but isDynamic was true and dynamicDifficulty was 0, so IsHeroic() in its current state would have returned false. This needs further investigation, I suppose.
Nice catch! That API change didn't come up during my reading. I am super busy right now, so I didn't have time to test r134 (alpha). It should theoretically fix the problem. Can one of you try it and let me know if it fixed the issue? Thanks!
r134 works fine for me, i.e. Skadi is tracked, have not tested Anzu. Thanks for the quick update. The only caveat is that dynamicDifficulty could possibly still be used somewhere...
DynamicDifficulty doesn't really matter as long as GetInstanceInfo() always returns the correct current difficulty (which I assume it does now, since they totally revamped it). In 3.2/3.3, they seriously hacked their APIs to tack on the dynamic difficulty feature, and in 5.0 they appear to have finally gutted that system and replaced it with a proper API. So I'm assuming this will work as intended going forward.
Not sure why, but it's not tracking my Skadi kills anymore. I recently wiped the addon completely, removing it and all settings and reinstalled and today (my first day since I reset it) it's still not tracking him. ItemID looks right, for both the mount and the kill. Everything else is tracking just fine.
Edit: Just to note I'm not using any new or different addons I was using prepatch and using no other loot based addon (other than having Blizzard's autoloot enabled) and this is occurring on a rogue where I am personally looting (not using a loot-a-rang or glyph of fetch from a hunter) and it is *only* with Skadi.
Everything looks right in the settings (NPC ID is the main thing), and we're not using a Statistic to track this one, so it should be working. Because that encounter involves a lot of NPCs at once, you might be getting bit by Blizzard's AOE loot bug. If you loot more than one NPC at once, it's very unreliable. Hopefully Blizzard gets this fixed in time for the next patch (it's been reported to them). I don't see any other possibility for this issue right now—it should be working.
I've also found that my Skadi kills have stopped being tracked. It happens across multiple characters, and it can't be the aoe bug as all the adds corpses despawn very quickly and drop no loot.
Like Ateya im not using anything different from before the prepatch.
Incase it could be a conflict, my addons are DBM, JSHunterbar, and TradeSkillMaster.
Well it must be a Blizzard bug of some sort. In any case, try r132. I changed the detection method to listen to his death instead of him being looted. This should work reliably, unless the problem is actually his NPC ID being wrong.
Updated to 132 just now, I'll let you know tomorrow if I'm still not counting, as I'm on cooldown. I checked, double, and triple checked his ID, the spell ID, the item ID of the drake, everything, and it's all correct. Perhaps Blizzard changed his NPC ID? That thought crossed my mind, and went poking around thinking maybe an addon could pull the NPC ID out and put it on a tooltip (as opposed to referencing a database) but had no luck. Just to note: I am killing him on heroic, not normal.
You mentioned there's problems with AoE looting sometimes, but I've honestly not encountered any. I looted well over 3,000 horses, usually 20+ at a time, in Hillsbrad going for the black tabby and your addon counted them all without fail.
It's possible that Blizzard fixed the AoE loot bug, I'll check on it tomorrow. But I doubt they did. It only affects mobs in a group which drop nothing or only money. http://www.wowace.com/addons/rarity/forum/40931-known-issues-and-limitations/
If Blizzard changed Skadi's NPC ID, it would cause the problem. I would expect WowHead to have picked it up, though.
Hopefully r132 fixes the issue, whatever it is.
is there a way to merge the data from my toons , vs losing all the stats that I have collected thus far?
Unfortunately, no. You'll have to manually edit the attempt counts.
http://www.wowace.com/addons/rarity/forum/40930-frequently-asked-questions/#p1 (second question)
I have just pushed out a new build (r130) which enables cross-license tracking by default. This will not apply to players already using Rarity (only players who have never installed Rarity before). Players already using Rarity need to take steps to enable cross-license tracking.
Please follow this link and read the first question for all the details:
does this work with AoE looting in patch 5.0.4?
Yes, but there are known issues. http://www.wowace.com/addons/rarity/forum/40931-known-issues-and-limitations/#p1
ANy way you can add Account Wide feature, I love this addon and use it while I farm , but as I have 10 85's sometimes I forget who has what , and sometimes I park 4 or 5 outside the same instance and chain farm.
Mounts and companions are becoming account-wide tomorrow when the 5.0.4 patch hits. Rarity already handles this just fine, and all your characters will magically own the same mounts and pets. Therefore, there isn't a need for any additional features regarding multiple characters at this time. Happy farming!
What I meant is say I have 4 toons outside MT , and tring to farm white hawkstrider and all 4 do the instance and none get it , each one will say tries 1 and then give the % when it should be tries 4 and a diferent % because I have tried 4 times on my acocunt to get said mount.
Oh yeah, good point. I think this is easily doable by switching Rarity's settings profile into global mode (instead of per-character). I'll look into it and probably make that the default going forward if it works. Thanks for mentioning it!
np mate and thaks for the great addon and quick response