- Support for Cataclysm Classic (experimental)
- Rarity now has a Discord server!
If you're interested in following the development process or contributing, you should also check out the official GitHub repository. We're always in need of more hands to help us make the addon better!
Rarity tracks how many times you've tried to obtain various rare items like mounts, battle pets, and toys. It will tell you how likely you are to obtain the item, track how long you've been farming for it, and tell you how lucky you've been so far. Although it's mostly used for mounts, battle pets, and toys, it supports pretty much any item, including profession patterns, archaeology projects, and more.
Looking for Rarity Item Packs? Click here.
Out of the box, Rarity includes support for every single mount, battle pet, and toy in the game which require some time to farm. It also includes support for some mount-related items like Skyshard, Primal Egg, and Giant Dinosaur Bone. It'll even notice if you mouseover a Mysterious Camel Figurine, plus lots of other stuff. Rarity factors in the size of a typical group when determining probabilities, and can also tell you if you've killed various bosses this week (or day). Holiday just started, and you didn't notice? Rarity will give you a helpful reminder to run those holiday dungeons or daily quests if you still need an item from them.
If Rarity doesn't track something you want to track, you can add it yourself! Just about everything is user configurable.
Curious what math is going on behind the scenes? The author of Bunny Hunter created the original algorithms. He wrote an article about it here. Your chance to obtain an item doesn't increase as you farm it; Rarity is just telling you how lucky you've been so far. It can be remarkably cathartic to see a progress bar move up as you spend hours upon hours trying for that Disgusting Oozeling.
Main features
- Rarity is primarily an LDB feed with a large tooltip. It can function as either a mini-map icon (you have to turn this on in the options), or as a standard LDB feed (use a display like Fortress, Button Bin, Titan Panel, or Chocolate Bar).
- Provides a progress bar, which you can toggle by clicking the icon or feed label.
- Adds info to NPC and item tooltips, showing you if it drops or contains something that Rarity tracks. Rare mobs with a guaranteed drop show which item they drop and if you've defeated them yet.
- Includes full source info, telling you how to obtain everything Rarity tracks.
Other features
- Share packs of items with other users
- Can automatically add waypoints to TomTom for certain items
- Uses statistics whenever possible to keep track of attempts
- Breaks your farming down by session, day, week, and month
- Looks at your instance locks to see if you've defeated various bosses recently
- Reminds you if you need to farm a holiday dungeon or daily quest, and hides holiday items that aren't available right now
- Supports bonus coin rolls
- Automatically screenshots when you obtain an item
- Keeps track of rare achievements like Frostbitten and Glorious
- You can add your own items to track
- Lets you modify your attempt count without having to edit saved variables
- Automatically imports data from Bunny Hunter if you're switching
Slash Commands
Simply typing /rarity should open the options menu (unless disabled).
For troubleshooting issues:
- /rarity dump displays the most recent debug log entries (even if the debug mode is disabled)
- /rarity validate checks the consistency of your item database, including custom items (experimental)
Comments & bug reports
Help translate Rarity
Click here to help translate Rarity into your language.
Frequently Asked Questions
Click here to read the Frequently Asked Questions. Please read this before requesting support.
Hello! I'd like to know if it's possible to check how many times i've killed a certain boss and how lucky the drop was! I just got Invincible after 6 attempts (i know, super lucky), but i'm not seeing Invincible in the list that comes down when i mouse over the mini map icon for some reason. Sorry for the dumb question but i'm quite new at this!
In reply to MYAAAAHHHH:
After mounts are obtained, they will no longer be marked as "tracked". You can start tracking them again by checking "repeatable" in the options menu for the given item.
I have a quick question regarding tracking of loot from Island expedition, I notice that the addon can track things like risen mare. If I wanted to make a custom drop like a transmog piece, is there anyway I can track it in the same way? I tried looking around but I couldn't find a way to make a custom item track in the same way Drop: Island Expedtions.
In reply to lorsan:
Unfortunately, there's no streamlined method you can use to track items specifically for Island Expeditions at this time.
Tracking for those items was basically hacked in before it was even clear how to obtain them, and after looking through the relevant code I'd say that extending the functionality to support IE out of the box would take more time than I have currently available, which is almost zero.
I can add an item in the backlog for this feature, but unless someone else wants to take a stab at it I don't think I'll get around to implementing it anytime soon.
Status: https://github.com/SacredDuckwhale/Rarity/issues/211
Hello, the addon is not counting any of my attemps at Firelands, niether for Flametalon of Alysrazor and Smoldering Egg of Millagazor
In reply to Drekaelric:
I'm aware, but I can't do much about it. Blizzard broke the statistics for that raid when they introduced the Timewalking difficulty.
If similar issues in the past are anything to go by, it could be a long time until they get around to fixing it.
with the latest update, 99% of the data is resettet - attempts starts again at 0.
but when i look at: gamepath\World of Warcraft\_retail_\WTF\Account\XYZ\SavedVariables in the lua, there are values, for example:
["Player-578-05A4FC67"] = {["Player-578-05A4FC67"] = { ["playerName"] = "Mortifera", ["statistics"] = { [8187] = 0, [10977] = 8, [10978] = 30, [10979] = 0, [10980] = 0, [8568] = 9, [6158] = 20, [12763] = 4, [3256] = 69, [6989] = 174, [6990] = 164, [6165] = 57, [6166] = 19, [3258] = 69, [4645] = 10, [2879] = 67,
german client.
anyone else with this problem? known problem?
In reply to NamelessMorti:
Sounds very odd, but I don't see any recent change to the addon that would cause this. Are all characters affected? Which items are NOT reset? And you say the data is still there, but not being recognized?
I'd need a copy of the addon database (saved variables) and as much information as possible, starting with the above, in order to look into it I think.
In reply to Cakechart:
here is my rarity.lua:
strange too: at the beginning of this lua, there are only chars i logged in since last rarity-update (when i log in with other chars, they will get added).
i used the temp. fix from git.... i thought this was fine, then "updated" with curse (wowup.io) to the actual version and mentioned the problem.
it seems that there was some kind of database-reset.... but this would not explain, that a few counts are still correct ingame.
what was not resettet:
- antoran charhound (Antorischer Aschenhund) from Shatug (antorus-raid) - 93/100
- ironhoof destroyer (Eisenhufzerstörer) from blackhand mythic - 123/100
and only a handful more
what was resettet, for example:
- abyss worm from Sassz'ine, tomb of sargeras (but i own this since 3 weeks)
- Goldenmane's Reins (Goldmähnes Zügel) (worlddrop stormsong valley), where i am now again at 10 (startet from 0)... i was at 300-500 i think - this was the point where i mentioned my reset
and 99% too (including pets and toys)
these counts are on all logged in characters the same.
"And you say the data is still there, but not being recognized?" -> this is how i interpret the above posted lua-lines
my biggest "problem":
the big love rocket is resettet too and this makes my really crying :-(
the db-verify doesn't help.
what about "clear accountwide stats"? can this be helpful? i am afraid of using this ^^
In reply to NamelessMorti:
First off, please copy/paste the file contents to pastebin.com. I can't download it from that site, and since it's only text there's no need to use a file uploading service anyway :) You can make it private and PM me the link.
Secondly, do you have a local backup (either manually or the one WOW creates in your SavedVariables folder, next to the actual file and usually called Rarity.lua.bak or similar)? If you still have that we can check if it contains more data and you might be able to restore what's missing.
Other than that, db-verify can't restore missing data. Its purpose is to detect invalid entries, so it's not relevant to your problem. Clearing accountwide stats removes data that can be queried from Blizzard's API and it helps remove duplicate attempts derived from kill statistics when a character was renamed, moved, or affected by a realm merge. It won't remove anything you can't get back by logging into the character again, but it likely won't do anything here.
For now, I can't say anything else, but perhaps you accidentally removed the addon and its database via Curse or wowup when you installed/updated things?
In reply to Cakechart:
i dont have made any backup and the Rarity.lua.bak in saved_variables contains the same data as the normale rarity.lua :-(
i only copied your temp-fix (as you couldn't upload the r700-version here, du to problems on curse-side) manually (but this was only the addon-folder, so here was no impact on the saved_variables).... and later, as your version was uploaded on curse, i updated it with wowup.io, as it doesn't realised, that the installed version wasn't already uptodate.
but i never removed or "reinstalled" rarity that way.
can you explain me, what these values in the lua are:
["Player-578-05A4FC67"] = {["Player-578-05A4FC67"] = { ["playerName"] = "Mortifera", ["statistics"] = { [8187] = 0, [10977] = 8, [10978] = 30, [10979] = 0, [10980] = 0, [8568] = 9, [6158] = 20, [12763] = 4, [3256] = 69, [6989] = 174, [6990] = 164,
here are a lot of high-counts.... more then i found ingame in the rarity-options.
(thanks for your effort so far!)
In reply to NamelessMorti:
These are the kill statistics cached by the addon, as retrieved from Blizzard's API for a given character. Characters are identified by a globally unique identifier (GUID) that the game uses and that's the "Player-...." part.
I suppose we should first determine whether your attempts NOT originating from kill statistics are still here, as the stats can be retrieved from the game servers at any time. To do this, you could find some items you know for had some attempts and that are no longer there. If they are in the pastebin/Lua file still then something might be amiss and we could probably fix it, but if they're not... then your data is most likely lost and cannot be retrieved without an external (offline) backup.
If the kill statistics you see there aren't displayed either, then it's possible your character's GUID has changed. This can happen during realm merges, potentially, but in this event the data should still be available under the old GUID. Trying the above should help uncover if this is the case, or you could compare the GUIDs listed to the ones returned by the game using some scripts that I'd have to look up later.
I'll have to take another look at the database when I'm home, but that could be as late as next week, so I recommend trying the above first and seeing if you can find out more :)
In reply to Cakechart:
I just hit the same issue after updating yesterday. I've only tried on one character so far though. From what I can tell stuff that's off the number of raid boss kills didn't reset and everything else did. What file exactly do you need? I don't see a rarity file under saved variables anywhere (which might be the problem?)
In reply to miporroent:
are you looking at the correct saved variables? there are a few of it ^^
World of Warcraft\_retail_\WTF\Account\_accountname_\SavedVariables - here you should find a lot of lua, including the rarity.lua
but thanks for your reply so far! good to know, that i am not alone ^^
In reply to NamelessMorti:
Must be blind, somehow I glanced over the file when looking in that folder however I do have more info
Logged on a third character and I see the same problem plus another one, earlier today I did Kara for Midnight's mount. Because of the reset the addon says that it was attempt 1. On my other character that attempt doesn't even shows up. If I look at the lua file I can't find a plain text entry for the mount, nor the item Id for it nor either of the two NPC's (attument/midnight).
Another observation - The file only had the two characters that I had logged on yesterday, even though I've farmed stuff with at least 5 others. After logging in a third today that one was also added.
So if I had to guess the addon might be corrupting the data (which would royally suck, it felt a bit less miserable seeing my knockoff blingtron attemps go to almost 1000) and on top of that not saving data for some of these items. One other theory is that because I had logged in at some point with an unpatched version that might have partially loaded and wiped the data at the point of the error although that seems like a stretch.
I can share the file still if it would help, also let me know what kind of other data I can provide that would help.
In reply to miporroent:
The saved variables are in <WOW _retail folder>/WTF/SavedVariables but you can just search for Rarity.lua in the WTF folder.
It sounds like the entire database was cleared and the attemps that are available from Blizzard's kill statistics were automatically restored. I recommend looking for the local backup (Rarity.lua.bak?) or any other backup you hopefully have made, which might contain your data still and allow you to restore it all.
In reply to miporroent:
If the data was reset, then the best course of action is to restore it from a backup. I don't see how Rarity could corrupt the saved variables as it's the game client's responsibility to handle storing them on disk, though there've been issues with the client itself resetting saved variables (e.g., when updating an addon that is currently loaded without shutting down the game). This is why backups are absolutely crucial for any data you can't bear losing :/
Either way, this will be difficult, if not impossible, to fix on my end. Unless there's something wrong with the way Rarity reads the database after the prepatch but the data is still there, it may not even be caused by the addon itself.
In reply to Cakechart:
Right at this point it's more of a mourn and move on thing given that there's only 2 people reporting this so most likely it was isolated. One thing that I can't explain though is that I'm seeing the counts go up again (e.g. Attumen and Knockoff Blingtron) but for whatever reason they didn't update yesterday on that first run I did. Headscratcher but without anything else to diagnose I can write it off.
In reply to miporroent:
I have the same problem.
When prepatch happenned, rarity stopped workig. Gave it some time and then started following here. When i saw there was an update I installed it and now attempts are gone :( .
Hope we can get the attempts back
In reply to takahaargh:
If they're still inside the saved variables files, you can get them back.
If they aren't, you'd need an external backup and I more information if there's any chance of the addon being responsible for the corruption at all (for which there isn't currently any evidence I could act on) :(