SorhaQuestLog is a basic Quest/Achievement addon similar to MonkeyQuest and nQuestLog.
It allows the display of quests and achievements on the screen in an configurable way.
Options panel is accessible using /sql or /sorhaquestlog
Quest Controls
Hidden Quests
- Click the square at the top of the tracker to show/hide hidden quests
- Right-click a quest to show or hide it.
- Left-click a zone to collapse/expand it
- Right-click a zone to open a menu to show/hide quests
- Alt + right-click a zone to open a menu to show/hide zones
- Left-click a quest to open quest text pane. (Alt-Left if you enable full log option)
- Alt + Left-click a quest to open quest in world map log (Left if you enable full log option)
- Control left-click a quest to set it as the active quest tracking
- Alt + Ctrl left-click a quest to abandon it. (Can disable confirm dialog in options)
Core Features:
- Individual Minions for Quests, Achievements and Scenarios
- Auto Show/Hide options when entering instances, arenas, combat, pet battles, the outside world etc.
- Can hide the default blizzard quest frame
- Handles blizzards remote quests
- Borders and background for minions
- LDB Module
Quest Log Minion Features:
- Expandable/collapsible zone headers
- Auto collapsing/expanding zone headers as you change zones
- Hide Zone headers when all their quests are hidden
- Expand collapse menu available using alt-right-click on a zone
- Hide quests by right-clicking the quest or by selecting it from its zone headers right-click menu
- Hide completed objectives
- Can completely hide quest tracker when tracking no quests
- Hide or re-size item buttons
- Colour objective texts and statuses by completeness(gradual) , state(done/undone) or choose a custom colour
- Colour quest titles and level texts by level, completeness(gradual) , state(done/undone) or choose a custom colour
- Changeable fonts, font shadowing and font sizes for Zones, Quests and Objectives
- Adjustable indentation for quests and objectives
- Option to display only the quest details pane of the quest log when left-clicking a quest. (Alt left click to get the full quest log panel)
- Ctrl left-click a quest to set it as the active quest for blizzards minimap tracker, (Dugi arrow support)
- Alt + Ctrl left-click a quest to abandon it. (Can disable confirm dialog in options)
Achievement Minion Features:
- Customizable text by choosing fonts, sizes, shadowing and colours.
- Customizable textures for progress bars
- Optional progress status bars for the achievements that can have them
- Option to limit the number of tasks displayed per achievement
Notification Features:
- Customizable sounds for quest/objective complete and quest starting item picked up notifications.
- Choose custom sounds for quest completions and objective completions
- Re-direct the objective completion messages elsewhere with LibSink
Recent Changes
New since v1.4.8
- Track world quests
- Link Scenario and achievement minions to quest minion
Other Stuff >.>
Bug reporting and Suggestions
You can report bugs or suggestions using wowaces ticket system at:
If you want to help localize SorhaQuestLog you can do so using the wowace localization section at:
In reply to MrsBlinkie:
Blizz profile, or Sorha profile?
I figured out how to fix the sounds , open the lua file go to line 27 and add the sound file id to the line id numbers can be found on
the file name to search for is the name before the .ogg (PeonReady1 for example)
example of old setup
-- Register framd font
LSM:Register("font", "framd", [[Interface\AddOns\SorhaQuestLog\Fonts\framd.ttf]])
LSM:Register("sound", "Peon Ready", [[Sound\Creature\Peon\PeonReady1.ogg]])
LSM:Register("sound", "More work?", [[Sound\Creature\Peasant\PeasantWhat3.ogg]])
LSM:Register("sound", "Work complete!", [[Sound\Creature\Peon\PeonBuildingComplete1.ogg]])
LSM:Register("sound", "Quest Added", [[Sound\Interface\iQuestActivate.ogg]])
LSM:Register("sound", "Quest Completed", [[Sound\Interface\iQuestComplete.ogg]])
LSM:Register("sound", "Quest Failed", [[Sound\Interface\igQuestFailed.ogg]])
fixed setup
-- Register framd font
LSM:Register("font", "framd", [[Interface\AddOns\SorhaQuestLog\Fonts\framd.ttf]])
LSM:Register("sound", "Peon Ready", 558137, [[Sound\Creature\Peon\PeonReady1.ogg]])
LSM:Register("sound", "More work?", 558143, [[Sound\Creature\Peasant\PeasantWhat3.ogg]])
LSM:Register("sound", "Work complete!", 558132, [[Sound\Creature\Peon\PeonBuildingComplete1.ogg]])
LSM:Register("sound", "Quest Added", 567400, [[Sound\Interface\iQuestActivate.ogg]])
LSM:Register("sound", "Quest Completed", 567439, [[Sound\Interface\iQuestComplete.ogg]])
LSM:Register("sound", "Quest Failed", 567459, [[Sound\Interface\igQuestFailed.ogg]])
hope this helps keep this great mod alive
Sweet! I was just about to try to fix this, but you beat me to it!
you are welcome , love this addon , glad i was able to figure it out
Thanks for the fix. I hope this is updated as others have said there's NO other quest addon that compares I've tried them all waiting for an update on this one. Please consider updating or someone taking it over!!
you are welcome , i cant find anything that is even close to as good as this , hopefully they keep it going
Best quest tracker addon period, I hope its not dead, been using it for years.
Is this addon dead? Doesn't seem to be updating the tracker in 8.2
Anyone have a fix for that?
Correction: It doesn't work for the new quests/zones in 8.2. Old stuff seems to be working.
Having the same issue and would love a fix.
Having the same issue and would love a fix.
Not sure if anyone else is having the issue, but along with it not updating for the new zones, I keep getting it throwing errors if I have the sounds turned on for notifications.
same w/sounds :(
So.. workaround for me was to reset my profile and set up again. Quests are now tracking fine after about an hour of testing. Hope that helps.
Regarding sounds, I think Blizzard made some changes to the way custom sounds are handled in AddOns for 8.2. I saw a lot of people complaining about various problems with that.
Hopefully we'll see an update of this AddOn soon :)
can confirm this work , reset profile and quests started working , no sounds still stinks but at least quests are updating
Some of my sounds have returned. My default sounds were ones provided by Skada that I could select in Sorha. Maybe Skada fixed their sound paths.. you might look at the code and see if you can put in a fix for the sound you prefer to use.
Is it possible to add options to disable this addon while in warfronts or mythic plus dungeons?
For some reason the warfront resource counters are NOT showing when in a warfront. Am I missing a setting somewhere? Or is this something that needs to be worked on?
Thanks for a wonderful addon!
I am experiencing an issue that several others below me have reported.
Bonus objectives/quests with progress bars do not show up in the tracker. At all.
I found the "Use Bars" settings in the "Quest Tracker" settings window, and it is turned on.
I have verified that it is not a conflict with any other addon I run. This behavior persists even when SQL is the only addon I have enabled.
In reply to Swizzletink: