Sweetsour's Shaman Auras
Sweetsour's Shaman Auras
Like myself, I know there's a lot of people that enjoy the functionality that Weak Auras has to offer; in fact, some of you may remember the Shaman Weak Auras package I offered. Though, the one downside with Weak Auras when dealing with larger packages is multiple import strings and a somewhat sloppy installation process. In light of this, I've decided to make the whole process much easier for the end-user and offer a solution that has is far easier than having to setup a large Weak Auras package.
The addon has evolved from Weak Auras, so it has that familiar feel that you're used to. Thanks to thousands of users testing the addon, it has become something far greater than I originally expected!
How to Use
This addon has been designed to provide a high-level of customization, in terms of aura layout. It's a very simple process and can be achieved by doing the following.
- /ssa - Access "Home" window in Interface Options
- /ssa ele - Access Elemental customization options
- /ssa enh - Access Enhancement customization options
- /ssa res - Access Restoration customization options
Moving Frames
One of the most requested features was the implementation of being able to move all of the frames. It's very simple to do!
- Type "/ssa <spec>".
- Click the "Layout" tab.
- Click the "Move <spec> auras" button to open the aura movement utility.
- A grid will appear and the auras will become moveable.
1 & 2. This has been requested and haven't put any planning towards it as of yet.
3. This has been fixed in r33-beta
4. This has become a known issue. I'll be re-designing the move functionality in the near future.
thanks for the update
Great and useful addon, thx!
How do I initialize localization?
My main goal is to see these aura names translated:
I've changed ruRu.lua a bit in "Locales" folder like this:
local translations = {
L = {
["Spirit Walk"] = "Поступь духа",
["Boulderfist"] = "Тяжелый кулак",
["Frostbrand"] = "Ледяное клеймо",
["Flametongue"] = "Язык пламени",
["Astral shift"] = "Астральный сдвиг",
["Settings"] = "Настройки",
but still can't get it work with translations. Could you give me a clue?
That's perfect, thank you!
To help with localizing, you can go to this link https://www.wowace.com/projects/sweetsours-shaman-auras/localization
I'm having trouble moving the auras around. ive gotten to the grid through the menu and cant figure out how to move the auras after i check the boxes off. looking through the comments there is a unlock button that isnt appearing for me regardless of what i try, is there some step im missing?
Yea, it turns out the initial design of the interface is less than ideal, so I'll be re-designing it in the near future. Until then, you click the "Unlock Auras" button after you select the auras you want to move.
my problem is that the unlock button doesnt seem to exist for me. im not sure what to try. it just doesnt seem to be in any area
Interesting. Would you be able to take a screenshot of the UI?
https://gyazo.com/7e382a26214d500ec6fc1e43e915338b tried different resolutions but nothing made it appear
First of all just WOW! :D
Loving the addon!
I'm just missing one thing, Clearcasting and if my Flame Shock has Clearcasting on it, is there a way you could put this in :)?
When playing Resto, MY healing stream totem progress bar get's stuck at some point and stays, overlapping a new bar
Hmm, I don't recall Shamans having clearcasting; is this from a racial or item?
I named it wrong... Elemental Focus is what I mean.
I'm still getting the healing stream totem bar stuck, it only goes away when i ReloadUI, as well I cant disable it in the menu, it keeps showing.
Great addon! I love the layout, I tried using weakauras myself and couldn't get it right so this is amazing!
Gust of wind does not have a checkbox to disable.
When I uncheck every box, lava burst, stormkeeper, and earthquake (I see you already know about that one) are still on screen.
Is there a way to rearrange the order of the icons?
Thanks so much for your time in making this addon :D
Thanks for bringing up the checkbox issue about Gust of Wind, I'll be sure to add it as well :)
As far as the issue with the icons remaining after unchecking them, they'll be fixed in the next update.
Having the ability to re-arrange the icons has crossed my mind, but I haven't put much thought into yet on how I'm going to do it.
Awesome Addon! Is there any way to remove Earthquake from the tracker?
As in the Earthquake icon/aura?
EDIT: I just noticed there wasn't a checkbox for Earthquake; nice find! It'll be available in r32-beta, thanks! :)
Hey Bud - love the addon so far, love that you're always working on stuff!
Couple things...
1. My icefury bar is gone - is it just me and I'm missing it somewhere or is it broken? I've tried resetting everything and it just doesn't show up anywhere. Even when I try the preview Icefury Bar option it just doesn't show up. Thanks!
2. The moving auras window is a bit tedious with the check a box, unlock, move, relock, next item, unlock, move, relock, next item... is there a way we can just unlock all the individual auras at once? Thanks!
1. Hmm, very odd. Could you type the following and let me know what's printed out in your chatbox?
/script print(SSA_IcefuryBar:GetWidth());
2. Yea, I'm thinking of simplifying the entire aura movement process and do away with the checkboxes.