<font>Please delete your all your TinyTip folders before upgrading to the latest version</font>
What is TinyTip? Well, it started out as just a simple upgrade over AF_Tooltip_Mini and exploded from there. Now it shares no code with what it used to be, becoming something more, while still staying true to its name. The core of TinyTip is basically just an upgrade over AF_Tooltip_Mini, a small file around 24KB. The more modules you allow to load, the more this value increases. The goal of TinyTip is to allow you to mix and match your modules while keeping the smallest memory footprint possible. All files except TinyTip.lua and its locale files are optional. You can take a look below, I've listed the optional files as "not required". If you don't use a file's features, you can safely remove it from the TOC.
Anyway, as you can guess, TinyTip changes the look of your GameTooltip. Here are the features found in core:
TinyTip (core)
In TinyTip.lua (required)
- Name, backdrop, and border (optional) colouring by reaction (Hostile, Friendly, etc.)
- Class coloured with raid colours.
- Level coloured by difficulty.
- Creature Type (Imp, Cat) given for Pets.
- UnitClassification (Humanoid, Undead, etc.) given for NPCs.
- Elite Status (Elite, Rare, WorldBoss, Rare Elite) added when applicable.
- (Tapped) for Tapped, (Corpse) for Corpse
- Optional Guild Names displayed. (on by default)
- Optional backdrop coloring for friends and guildies. (on by default)
- Optional Honor Rank Name or Number. (on by default)
- Optional "Hostile", "Friendly", etc. reaction text for the colour-blind. (off by default)
- Optional Compact Tooltip mode.
- English, German, French, and Chinese localization, and partial support for other clients.
In Embedded TinyTipAnchor.lua (not required)
- Positioning Options (Anchoring, Offsets)
In TinyTipTargets
- TargetOfTarget information - what is this tooltip's unit targeting?
- Search through Party members targeting this unit, or...
- Search through Raid members targeting this unit.
In TinyTipIcons.lua (TinyTipExtras, not required)
- PvP Rank Icon
- Buffs and Debuffs
- Raid Target Icon
In LoadOnDemand Addon TinyTipOptions
GUI Options, use /tinytip or /ttip to bring up the menu.
Only loaded if you use that slash command.
Q: TinyTip is preventing another tooltip addon from working.
A: Go into that other addon's TOC file and add/change this line to include TinyTip.
## OptionalDeps:
Q: I'm getting an error from TinyTip, or an option isn't working right.
A: 1) Check my WoWI portal to see if it's a known issue, and for updates.
2) Maybe your files are corrupt. Delete TinyTip, TinyTipExtras, and TinyTipOptions, then re-download them and install from stratch.
3) Your Saved Variable database may have gotten corrupt somehow. Try using /tinytip default and then /tinytip confirm to reset it.
4) If resetting your options doesn't work, exit WoW, delete all your Saved Variable files for TinyTip (global and per character), then restart WoW.
5) Leave a bug report on my WoWI portal.
Q: Where's the secret cow option?
A: There is no secret cow option.
have found the prob.. the name of players is only not shown if they have no guild!! on players with guild the name is shown correctly in the tooltip... ! (--> i mean the mouseover tooltip )
(The pvp icon prob seems to be an german blizz bug.. pvprank seems to be faulty but pvpname works correctly (but you dont use this in your code?)) --> OK have found the problem its an incompatibility with MyRolePlay maybe you could fix this.? (only the name prob the pvp prob is still there)
tinytip doesnt show pvp ranks and names with german wow.. also the new one from wowace shows the class name and lvl sometimes in one row..! --> mhh it seems that also some (german?) names are not displayed
only 2 things i'ld like to see and maybe I missed a toggle for the anchor on the default tooltip and a resizing for it as well.
SynxS: Not only that, but it added a mana bar to *every* tooltip in the game. I'll have to check if it's fixed with this new release.
There's a bug with " See target mana bar " when you enable then disable, the mana bar still stay .........
fix ?
Go to http://www.wowace.com/files/ This is a repository of WoW-V2, ACE2 mods. All the Tinytip mods are there.
no mirrors available =(
wow says "incompatible" ??
Will this be updated?
Can't post it on WoWAce as the website is semi-down, but I wanted to let this mod's author know this bug I found:
On the latest SVN version (TinyTip-r19525.zip) When you do this: /tinytip (In dewdrop menu): Appearance > Display Compact Tooltip and click it this error pops up everytime you hover over something that produces a tooltip:
Interface\Addons\TinyTip\TinyTip.lua:213 Attempt to find 'this' in non-table object (used '.' instead of ':' ?)
I checked out that line and theres nothing reffering to 'this' :S
Also, resetting to defaults and / or /reloadui makes no difference. Only relogging fixes it.
Posting in hopes of an update, love this mod. Simple and sweet
Is it just me, or neutral(yellow) units aren't getting colored?
and I would also like what General Wurst suggested
great mod!
Is it possible to implement class colouring for target names in the tooltip? Not just targets target name...
anychance you could make so that allways black thing also works on tooltip from when mouseing over your buttoms :)
plx :D sentox
is there a way to change the color of the guild name?
When I change the scaling of the tooltip from 100% to whatever, it will stay at what I changed it to for a bit then change back to 100% for an unknown reason. When I go back to scaling it's still listed as what I changed it to and will change back, only to change back to 100% later on.
Please fix this it's driving me crazy :(
I would also like to request that you allow us to scale unit tooltips and non-unit tooltips seperately. Thankyou
You can fix the acehook issue by downloading the newest SCT http://www.curse-gaming.com/en/wow/addons-222-1-scrollingcombattext.html then copying the AceHook-2.0 file from .../sct/libs/ace2 and moving it to your tinytip folder.
But at least it's better this time and exactly what i was looking for.
When i initially installed the mod 2 boxes all over each other and a huge growing box of names of everything i moused over that wouldn't fade.
Interface\AddOns\TinyTip\AceHook.lua:350:attempt to index field '?' (a nil value)
After zoning I sometimes get this error. Everytime I mouseover a target that should give a tooltip, the error appears and the tooltip shows on its default position.
Interface/AddOns/TinyTipExtras/TinyTipExtras.lua:136: AceHook - 2.0: There is a stale hook for "OnTooltipCleared" can't hook or reactivate.
problems seems to have started after i updated some mods. off the top of my head, they'd be SCT 5.01, SCTD 2.01, and X-Perl 1.8.3.