(aka: ZOMGDebuffs)
With today's high-end boss fights so tuned for absolutely maximum performance, it's important to know exactly what you're getting from your raiders. Do you have all buffs and debuffs available? Are the all improved? Are they active during the fight? Need to see that they were kept up during the fight?
WoW 3.0 introduced a whole new stacking system for buffs and debuffs. Add to that the myriad of hidden auras that are implied by talents, but don't appear on the tooltips. It's near impossible to look through that ever moving mess of debuffs on a target. It's just too much too look at. Nor should you have to.
So, here's Utopia. It will give you a very concise and clear view of your buffs and debuffs (see the buff display pictured below). With a fixed number of icons, which don't move or change. They'll simply be highlighted in red if missing; otherwise faded if unavailable, bright if present, yellow if present but unimproved, and so on.
Clarity is the key, and how fast you can answer yourself any questions mid-fight. I play a rogue, and because our warriors slack (they like to pretend to dps and moan about Sundering), we can very quickly see whether Sunder Armor is applied and, if it's absent, throw Expose Armor into our cycle. The icon is always in the same place, and always means the same thing.
The Display
An arrangement of icons showing the 'classes' of debuff, rather than the traditional specific debuff icons. For example, you will have one single icon representing Sunder Armor and Expose Armor. You don't care which is applied, only that it's there. The same applies to all the myriad of other buffs and debuffs which are now grouped into doing the same job.
By default, these icons are presented thusly:
- Dimmed - Your group can't apply this aura
- White - Debuff applied
- Yellow - Your group has applied this aura but it is an unimproved version. Do you feel dirty?
- Red - Your group can apply this aura, but hasn't
- Blue - Aura is unavavailable because of a conflicting spell (Blessings, Curses etc.)
Mousing over any of the icons will show the potential of the raid. Highlighted lines show what your raid can do. A Tick shows it's done, a cross means it's not. Next to this you get the values for the auras, and if that's different from the maximum your group can do, this is shown.
Anything unavailable will always show the maximum potential value of a debuff with all improved talents, whereas when something is available it will show the maximum that could be done by your raid.
The progress bar will show the percentage that has been debuffed for a quick at-a-glance view.
Standard buff tooltips are enhanced to show you the real values that you're getting from your raid member's buffs.
Up-Time Module
The new debuff Up-Time recorder will record a fight, when auras are applied, removed, by whom. The DPS for the fight, deaths and significant boss events so that you can examine the timeline of your fight after the fact.
While donations are not ever expected they do help, and recent donations by a kind few are one of the reasons I have returned at this time to resume work on this and other mods. Please do consider how worthwhile Utopia is to you and help to continue it's support into the future.
PayPal: [email protected]
hpally, thanks.
Now go fix Inspiration / Ancestral fortitude too because those are not Armor% buffs anymore.
Thank you for your work :)
I found a bug in the "healing received" notification that you might want to know about.
If a paladin specs for improved devotion aura in the prot tree, ANY aura triggers the 6 percent healing received buff, not just devotion.
For example as a holy paladin, if I spec for improved devotion aura and run concentration, utopia should light up the "healing received" buff, and currently it does not.
I thought it was due to an error in details.lua. (The talent check for the Spell Power section) But even after correct this to the spell ID for the talent it still shows incorrectly in details.
I get the following error every time I log on with Utopia - seems to happen whether Im in a raid or not. I have deleted the saved vars, and that doesnt seem to make a difference.
Any ideas?
[2009/08/16 20:52:19-9888-x1]: Utopia-135\Utopia.lua:2890: attempt to index field 'frames' (a nil value) Utopia-135\Utopia.lua:3884: in function `CheckForMissingTalents'
Utopia-135\Utopia.lua:4036: in function <Interface\AddOns\Utopia\Utopia.lua:4026> (tail call): ?: <in C code>: ? <string>:"safecall Dispatcher[2]":9: in function <[string "safecall Dispatcher[2]"]:5> (tail call): ?:
AceTimer-3.0-5 (Ace3):158: in function <Interface\AddOns\Ace3\AceTimer-3.0\AceTimer-3.0.lua:132>
It's pretty small at the moment.
Korudar: If you could please yes, I've not had this myself.
In Utopia Buffs the "Damage Reduction (%)" still uses the priests talent "Grace". Thats not correct anymore.
Since some months now it has no longer anything to do with grace but with "Renewed Hope" and is also always 3% like "Blessing of Sanctuary".
old (data.lua:267-276):
[47517] = { --Grace
class = "PRIEST",
spec = "Discipline",
amount = 1,
amountType = "%",
temp = true,
requiredTalent = GetSpellInfo(47517),
minLevel = 50,
temporary = true,
should be (data.lua:267-276):
[63944] = { -- Renewed Hope
class = "PRIEST",
spec = "Discipline",
amount = 3,
amountType = "%",
temp = true,
requiredTalent = GetSpellInfo(63944),
minLevel = 45,
temporary = true,
Hope that saves you some time if you wanna fix that thing ;-)