- Addons
- Achievements
- Action Bars
- Artwork
- Auction & Economy
- Audio & Video
- Bags & Inventory
- Boss Encounters
- Buffs & Debuffs
- Chat & Communication
- Class
- Combat
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- Data Export
- Development Tools
- Garrison
- Guild
- Libraries
- Map & Minimap
- Minigames
- Miscellaneous
- Plugins
- Professions
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- Quests & Leveling
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- Tooltip
- Twitch Integration
- Unit Frames
Dec 9, 2010
Allows you to create icons, which can be customized greatly by user's input. CiR is more than just the usual cooldown tracker.
Apr 15, 2018
Saves contents of your guild bank and sends/receives updates over the addon channel
Nov 3, 2022
"Your quest log is full". How many quests do you have in your log?