Registered User
Member for 16 years, 4 months, and 22 days
Last active Mon, Jan, 15 2024 13:32:37
186 Total Posts
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Simplifies GDKP bidding processes
Sends any gold exceeding a set cap to a specified toon when opening a mailbox
Changes the color of the "Raid Finder" tag in item tooltips to be red.
Add a button that converts a raid group back into a party to the raid UI
Allows shorter slash command handling
Library that provides a timestamp that is equal across clients' timezones and system clocks
Toggles "Detailed Loot Information" off when in a raid finder raid
Forces the mature language filter OFF.
Logging utility for duels
Shows how many of an item a party member has crafted
Send Messages encoded with the hexadecimal system
Allows raid leaders to view information on raid or guild member equipment information
Displays an estimated swing timer for monsters
Allows custom-triggered boss mod timers to be created
Detects and "!note" whispers and sets the whispering person's note
Displays bars depending on your professions
Checks on entering combat whether or not the entire raid has only blue gear equipped
Manage your AddOns while logged into the game
Allows custom Combat Log filtering