Quickstart Masterlooter Guide
Pictures will be added in later.
- Right-click the minimap icon and "switch mode" so you are in PlusRoll mode or use /bastionloot mode.
- Get in raid, get masterloot. Clear any previous raids Wincount and Reserves from Blizzard addon options.
- When raid is formed ask people to whisper you "res [item]". The addon will collect all items and match them to raid members.
The Reserves Window (Shift+Click on minimap icon) also has a handy [Call] for reserves, lock / unlock + clear buttons. - Boss dies. Alt+Click an item in lootframe to make a bid call out ("/roll (ms/res) or /roll 50 (os/sidegrade) for [item]")
Alt-Click on the item in Masterlooter Frame or in bags if collecting loot and distributing later also works for announcing. - Addon will automatically collect the rolls and show them sorted by Reserve > Mainspec > Offspec.
- Click the top result to announce winner then Masterloot the item as normal.
- A popup will prompt you to mark the won item as [reserve] [mainspec] [offspec].