This project is abandoned and its default file will likely not work with the most recent version of World of Warcraft. Whether this project is out of date or its author has marked it as abandoned, this project is no longer maintained.
Collects Herbs, Mines, Gas Clouds and Fishing locations and adds them to the worldmap and minimap.
Please note this has been replaced with GatherMate2 for Cataclysm and Mists of Pandaria.
Well, do you all have your Flash Players updated? And are you using google? That is probably how you are getting hacked, check out the reports on WoW. Also if you have a GOOD Antivirus like Norton 360 it will tell you when it finds a virus or malware and also where it found it,quarantine it, and you probably won't get hacked. I know it almost happened to me and the source was Google Uploader.
Me thinks the Client is the problem. I started getting false communications THE SAME DAY I installed the automated addon checker, Curse Client. I have 3 puters, 3 accounts. ONE had the Client installed, that's the one e mail account that got the false Blizzard messages. KICKER: once I deleted the Curse Client it took about ten days but, ALL false messages STOPPED. So, IMHO, if you DL and install ALL addons MANUALLY, you should be ok. Read the posts, common thread: "I use Curse Client".
I downloaded everything via curse client, about ten add-ons, which is why I assumed they'd be trustworthy. I'm pretty sure that the infection came from one of those -- and GatherMate was one. It could have come from any of them, though. And while it's certainly true that the add-on wouldn't load until after logging in the first time, & so on that occasion it couldn't possibly record my log-in info, it could at that point launch an exe that would install a keylogger, which would then watch for subsequent log-ins. I have no idea if that's what occurred or not. But I haven't been to any other wow sites at all in the past couple of weeks. & it is interesting that I and several others were hacked a day or two after downloading this add-on . . . .
Addons are ran AFTER you login, not before. Unless youre running some exe file the addon couldnt have been loaded before you logged in to watch you type in your credentials.
Checking wowace where the addon is primarily hosted and developed there are no complaints or tickets there. To those getting hacked: did you run any addon checker like the curse client?
Curse Client is far from trustworthy. Check the recent comments about them... hell their history for that matter, when it first came out they caused a crapton of hacks.
ME TOO! OMG, I got hacked last Monday, 6/28, for the 1st time in my whole life ONE DAY after downloading this add-on from here! I'm in the process right now of re-installing all my add-ons, having had all my gold & gear stolen & my account banned for 24 hours. I just came to this page to download GatherMate again, along with all the others, when by total chance my eye fell on this comment thread. Now, to be fair, I updated a few add-ons at the same time as I downloaded GatherMate for the first time. So, theoretically, it's possible that it could have been one or more of the other add-ons that was infected. But the only communication my computer had with any possible source of infection in the days before I was hacked was THIS SITE, CURSE.COM. So I'm pretty sure the infection came from here, & all the more suspicious that others who downloaded GatherMate got hacked. I'm SOOOO glad I read these comments!
DO NOT DOWNLOAD. I have no idea why this addon is still approved by My system is completely secure. There was no way my information could have leaked. The one change to my system was adding THIS addon. The next day my account was hacked.
TAKE A LOOK at the people arguing against this addon stealing information. They're accounts made with only one post most of the time, likely the developer who is using this addon to steal people's accounts. I urge the administraots at this website to review this addon immediately. Look at how many complaints have been made. My account was stolen by the developers of this addon, and this is basically FRAUD, which can be a serious criminal offense.
New user here Love the add on with sexymap, but for some reason Wintergrasp data isn't loading is this normal or am i just messing somthing up ..
June 15 .. fixed with update ... THANKS
First of all if you use any executable to update your addons, you deserve to get hacked. Any addon by itself cant "hack" you or anything remotely close to that. They only work inside of WoW and they cant communicate outside of WoW period. Addons are *not* executables just .lua so they are harmless in WoW.
Judging by the other posts I know I will be flamed/put down for saying this BUT I like other have experienced something odd.
Last thrusday night I came home decided to play wow, it was the only thing I did on my PC that entire day, I use the curse client for ease of DLing things and the icon was displayed meaning addon up date. It was for Gathermate and SexyMap. I updated both logged into wow played for 2 hours maybe less. Logged out and went to sleep. Woke up in the morning around 8am and a email was sitting on my cell phone saying my password had been reset. I get the usual blizz scam emails but know better I have been playing since release. My account was 'hacked' all characters/items/gbank/55k gold all gone.
This is also my first time EVER posting on curse but I thought I should after seeing the history of these posts. I've been using sexymap a long time and gathermate very recently. I updated these 2 mods logged in the game. Did absolutely nothing elses besides that, not even start up the internet browser. 9 hours later, my account is suspended for exploiting/gold trading/something about spamming chat.
Been shaking my head hard at wondering how my info could have been stolen etc. But I only use curse client for addons, for wow info. And nothing else at all. I rarely download anything. And no I've never shared my account or PW. No one even knows I play. Never any prolems until this. But the only thing I did thursday besides wow.exe was update the two mods like mentioned.
Only reason I checked out the page here on curse was because Curseclient said there was more update for me. Gathermate was the only needing an update - So that made me think...
Anyways I just find it odd is all there are more than a few posts pointing fingures....
First step: Get an authenticator, second step: Curse has had at least one security breach in the past and your info probably got taken that way. Trust me, if you don't want it to happen again, get an authenticator.
TAKE A LOOK at the people arguing against this addon stealing information. They're accounts made with only one post most of the time, likely the developer who is using this addon to steal people's accounts. I urge the administraots at this website to review this addon immediately. Look at how many complaints have been made. My account was stolen by the developers of this addon, and this is basically FRAUD, which can be a serious criminal offense.
I have a problem every time i download gather mate i go to my add ons but its never there
New user here Love the add on with sexymap, but for some reason Wintergrasp data isn't loading is this normal or am i just messing somthing up .. June 15 .. fixed with update ... THANKS
Last thrusday night I came home decided to play wow, it was the only thing I did on my PC that entire day, I use the curse client for ease of DLing things and the icon was displayed meaning addon up date. It was for Gathermate and SexyMap. I updated both logged into wow played for 2 hours maybe less. Logged out and went to sleep. Woke up in the morning around 8am and a email was sitting on my cell phone saying my password had been reset. I get the usual blizz scam emails but know better I have been playing since release. My account was 'hacked' all characters/items/gbank/55k gold all gone.
This is also my first time EVER posting on curse but I thought I should after seeing the history of these posts. I've been using sexymap a long time and gathermate very recently. I updated these 2 mods logged in the game. Did absolutely nothing elses besides that, not even start up the internet browser. 9 hours later, my account is suspended for exploiting/gold trading/something about spamming chat.
Been shaking my head hard at wondering how my info could have been stolen etc. But I only use curse client for addons, for wow info. And nothing else at all. I rarely download anything. And no I've never shared my account or PW. No one even knows I play. Never any prolems until this. But the only thing I did thursday besides wow.exe was update the two mods like mentioned.
Only reason I checked out the page here on curse was because Curseclient said there was more update for me. Gathermate was the only needing an update - So that made me think...
Anyways I just find it odd is all there are more than a few posts pointing fingures....
Good luck all hope this never happens to you