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GnomeWorks TradeSkill Frame -
a complete replacement for the blizzard trade skill frame.
It is the 2nd of the two Inventory columns. Craftable is fine. The column marked Inventory (which is actual inventory held ) is the problem child. Each time I view it the column is empty all the way down for all items. As I say there is no error appearing so I cant really show you anything. I can get a screen shot of it is that will help biut it is the column headed Inventory. I will reload r94 and all is fine.
Hey LS,
In the case I just saw, there were no skill-ups. I stopped using GW for about a month a while back because I was having this issue very frequently, but I haven't seen it recently.
When I've seen it in the past, I noticed it can happen if I do something like close my bags, manipulate a trade window, etc, during the few seconds it takes for GW to initialize. I do things like that on autopilot without thinking, so I'm really not sure if I did it that time or not.
It's happened to me a few times with r96 but I hadn't seen it for quite a while otherwise. I haven't been using GW much this week, so I can't say for sure it was r96 specifically, but I'd bet it was a change made in the last week.
Usually if I <kbd>/reloadui</kbd> I can get it working, but it's extremely annoying. (I use a lot of add-ons so reload takes a fair amount of time.) If you have any ideas, this would be a really nice thing to fix once and for all. I love the work you've done, but little issues like this keep me from recommending it to people until it's more stable. (I'm not complaining, I understand what alpha means, and I'm willing to make the sacrifices that entails.)
BTW, I love the new support for multiple-skill-up display: it's extremely handy. I haven't tried the AH scanner yet.
asa, scan the auction house and see if that helps. gw doesn't queue up items for which it can't locate reagents. it won't tell you to buy 10 widgets from the auction house if it doesn't think those widgets are there. this isn't totally intuitive and can be somewhat pointless if you have no ah data or it's old, so i need to add some means to disable the ah inventory tracking. i also need to add some way for it to explain just what items are missing (perhaps as an entry in the shopping list) so you can tell just what is going to build in your queue and what isn't.
sarah, that clicking problem has appeared before and i dunno what the issue is. i *think* it's a draw order issue where the buttons mysteriously end up "behind" another ui element. it's been linked to getting a skill-up with the window open... was that the case with you?
bowlam, i'll look into that inventory problem... which columns explicitly are you talking about? there are two columns in each the main window and the reagent window. the first is a count of craftability (the iteration count in the main window and the number of potential reagents in your bag in the reagent window) and the second is a true inventory count (of the crafted item in the main window and of the reagent in question in the reagent window). the true inventory counts don't include any crafting counts nor queue adjustments, so if they are incorrect it's either poor tracking (which i doubt) or poor display of the tracked data (more likely).
are all inventories messed up? it might be a problem with connecting crafted items to their proper recipe. i had changed some code here in r96 i think.
This was working great last night, but today I can't get it to build a shopping list. I removed my SavedVariables/GnomeWorks.lua to make sure I had a clean start, but if I build a queue nothing shows up in the shopping list. If I expand the individual items in the list I see "Missing Reagent...". If you don't know what is causing this but might be able to point me in the direction of the code that builds that, I'd be willing to see if I can fix it.
Hey LS,
I'm using r96 and the latest LSW and having occasional problems where I can't click any recipes in the main window. The usual line highlight that appears as I mouse over is gone, and it doesn't respond to clicks in the recipe list. Other buttons seem fine.
Any ideas?
Lilsparky - I have nothing queued. Trade is Inscription. I re install r94 and all is fine. Inventory is showing me my bag, guild bag etc. I have no error appearing either. I go back to r96 and i have an empty inventory column. I do not know where to even try to fix it as there is no error.
Any advice is helpful. R94 is working fine for me so no real problem I suppose.
FYI n-0 I use LSW and KTQ to help me create the required glyphs (if that helps)
palladia, is your queue empty? queued up recipes "reserve" reagents on hand. i'm a little vague as to whether that's reflected in the current reagent inventory counts (it should be in the "craftable" column for the reagent).
it's also possible that my optimizations have left something uncomputed. see if closing and re-opening your enchanting window refreshes things for you.
asaayers, cool. you probably shouldn't blindly accept any ah prices gw throws your way, tho. it's not quite accurate about presenting the cheapest options just yet. you should see what happens if you switch from crafting an item to simply buying it (right click any craftable item in the queue window to select a different item source). also, you can buy some items and craft others by cherry picking the cheapest mats and then re-scanning the ah to force a recompute. i need to streamline this system a bit (particularly with milling and likely prospecting which both provie 4-5 potential sources, tho enchanting probably does as well with disenchanting).
bowlam, i'm not sure what would cause your inventory to fail. if something is broken, it's probably in the presentation of the data rather than in the collection of the data. your gw saved vars are probably all fine. anything queued up?
In my Enchanting window, the number of items craftable isn't getting displayed properly. The only Cata recipes that show up as craftable are the ones that only use Lesser Celestial Essence. Other recipes that I have enough mats for show that in the Reagents list, but the Craftable number isn't displayed. However, the Create and Create All buttons are active.
For example, [Enchanting Gloves - Exceptional Strength] requires Hypnotic Dust x3 and Greater Celestial Essence x2. I have 19 of each. These number are displayed in the Reagents list. But in the Recipes list, the Craftable field should display "6" but is blank.
Thank you for the shopping list feature. I was able to use that to yank all the materials I needed out of my guild/personal bank and buy the rest on the AH in just a few minutes. For the first time in a long time, I was able to craft all of my scroll of enchants because it didn't take me too long to gather the materials.
In r96 I am getting no inventory showing up. IS there a command to refresh this list. I gather I have something saved somewhere that is stopping it showing. There are no errors coming up ... just no inventory.
hmm.. yeah, smelting. smelting doesn't have data for the skill levels due to the oddness of not being linkable. thus, the skill up and coloration fails. i hadn't totally thought of that before, so i'll have to mine some data from wowhead for smelting...
Out of curiosity, because I know it's always been a bit funky due to naming or something to that effect, but is there a technical reason why difficulty colors, the (incredibly nifty) difficulty bar at middle-left, and the % skillup predictions aren't available for Mining/Smelting? Everything shows up as Grey for all smelts, regardless of skill level or chance - even a 1/75 which can get 25 or so skillups at orange off of smelting Copper.
I'd have posted it to a ticket but I'm not positive that it's actually a bug.
r96 GW and r99r LSW
GW works without errors on its own, LSW works with no errors on its own. With both running, I get an empty recipe list. 2 errors follow.
Date: 2010-12-09 10:12:16
ID: 3
Error occured in: Global
Count: 1
Message: ..\AddOns\GnomeWorks\plugins\lsw.lua line 603:
attempt to call field 'AddToItemCache' (a nil value)
[C]: AddToItemCache()
GnomeWorks\plugins\lsw.lua:603: Init()
[C]: UseAction()
..\FrameXML\SecureTemplates.lua:274: handler()
I have 96 and latest LSW, gw shows NO recipes when I open, have to disable, is there some command to refresh recipes? or do I have to delete some save file?
Just now this error appears in bugsac when I try to use R95. R94 is fin e tho. Hope it helps a bit...thanks.
BTW I have the latest LSW as well.
It is great BTW...thenks foir the excellent effort.
1x LilSparkysWorkshop-r105\lilsparkysworkshop.lua:1180: attempt to index field '?' (a nil value)
GnomeWorks-95\plugins\lsw.lua:434: in function `func'
GnomeWorks-95\ScrollFrame.lua:377: in function <GnomeWorks\ScrollFrame.lua:355>
GnomeWorks-95\ScrollFrame.lua:372: in function `UpdateData'
GnomeWorks-95\ScrollFrame.lua:388: in function `RefreshRows'
GnomeWorks-95\ScrollFrame.lua:878: in function `Refresh'
GnomeWorks-95\MainWindow.lua:1451: in function `ShowSkillList'
GnomeWorks-95\MainWindow.lua:1358: in function `func'
GnomeWorks-95\GnomeWorks.lua:101: in function `SendMessageDispatch'
GnomeWorks-95\SkillList.lua:882: in function <GnomeWorks\SkillList.lua:539>
(tail call): ?:
<in C code>: ?
<string>:"safecall Dispatcher[2]":9: in function <[string "safecall Dispatcher[2]"]:5>
(tail call): ?:
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
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Lilsparky -
It is the 2nd of the two Inventory columns. Craftable is fine. The column marked Inventory (which is actual inventory held ) is the problem child. Each time I view it the column is empty all the way down for all items. As I say there is no error appearing so I cant really show you anything. I can get a screen shot of it is that will help biut it is the column headed Inventory. I will reload r94 and all is fine.
asa, scan the auction house and see if that helps. gw doesn't queue up items for which it can't locate reagents. it won't tell you to buy 10 widgets from the auction house if it doesn't think those widgets are there. this isn't totally intuitive and can be somewhat pointless if you have no ah data or it's old, so i need to add some means to disable the ah inventory tracking. i also need to add some way for it to explain just what items are missing (perhaps as an entry in the shopping list) so you can tell just what is going to build in your queue and what isn't.
sarah, that clicking problem has appeared before and i dunno what the issue is. i *think* it's a draw order issue where the buttons mysteriously end up "behind" another ui element. it's been linked to getting a skill-up with the window open... was that the case with you?
bowlam, i'll look into that inventory problem... which columns explicitly are you talking about? there are two columns in each the main window and the reagent window. the first is a count of craftability (the iteration count in the main window and the number of potential reagents in your bag in the reagent window) and the second is a true inventory count (of the crafted item in the main window and of the reagent in question in the reagent window). the true inventory counts don't include any crafting counts nor queue adjustments, so if they are incorrect it's either poor tracking (which i doubt) or poor display of the tracked data (more likely).
are all inventories messed up? it might be a problem with connecting crafted items to their proper recipe. i had changed some code here in r96 i think.
This was working great last night, but today I can't get it to build a shopping list. I removed my SavedVariables/GnomeWorks.lua to make sure I had a clean start, but if I build a queue nothing shows up in the shopping list. If I expand the individual items in the list I see "Missing Reagent...". If you don't know what is causing this but might be able to point me in the direction of the code that builds that, I'd be willing to see if I can fix it.
Lilsparky - I have nothing queued. Trade is Inscription. I re install r94 and all is fine. Inventory is showing me my bag, guild bag etc. I have no error appearing either. I go back to r96 and i have an empty inventory column. I do not know where to even try to fix it as there is no error. Any advice is helpful. R94 is working fine for me so no real problem I suppose.
FYI n-0 I use LSW and KTQ to help me create the required glyphs (if that helps)
palladia, is your queue empty? queued up recipes "reserve" reagents on hand. i'm a little vague as to whether that's reflected in the current reagent inventory counts (it should be in the "craftable" column for the reagent).
it's also possible that my optimizations have left something uncomputed. see if closing and re-opening your enchanting window refreshes things for you.
asaayers, cool. you probably shouldn't blindly accept any ah prices gw throws your way, tho. it's not quite accurate about presenting the cheapest options just yet. you should see what happens if you switch from crafting an item to simply buying it (right click any craftable item in the queue window to select a different item source). also, you can buy some items and craft others by cherry picking the cheapest mats and then re-scanning the ah to force a recompute. i need to streamline this system a bit (particularly with milling and likely prospecting which both provie 4-5 potential sources, tho enchanting probably does as well with disenchanting).
bowlam, i'm not sure what would cause your inventory to fail. if something is broken, it's probably in the presentation of the data rather than in the collection of the data. your gw saved vars are probably all fine. anything queued up?
In my Enchanting window, the number of items craftable isn't getting displayed properly. The only Cata recipes that show up as craftable are the ones that only use Lesser Celestial Essence. Other recipes that I have enough mats for show that in the Reagents list, but the Craftable number isn't displayed. However, the Create and Create All buttons are active.
For example, [Enchanting Gloves - Exceptional Strength] requires Hypnotic Dust x3 and Greater Celestial Essence x2. I have 19 of each. These number are displayed in the Reagents list. But in the Recipes list, the Craftable field should display "6" but is blank.
Thank you for the shopping list feature. I was able to use that to yank all the materials I needed out of my guild/personal bank and buy the rest on the AH in just a few minutes. For the first time in a long time, I was able to craft all of my scroll of enchants because it didn't take me too long to gather the materials.
In r96 I am getting no inventory showing up. IS there a command to refresh this list. I gather I have something saved somewhere that is stopping it showing. There are no errors coming up ... just no inventory.
hmm.. yeah, smelting. smelting doesn't have data for the skill levels due to the oddness of not being linkable. thus, the skill up and coloration fails. i hadn't totally thought of that before, so i'll have to mine some data from wowhead for smelting...
Out of curiosity, because I know it's always been a bit funky due to naming or something to that effect, but is there a technical reason why difficulty colors, the (incredibly nifty) difficulty bar at middle-left, and the % skillup predictions aren't available for Mining/Smelting? Everything shows up as Grey for all smelts, regardless of skill level or chance - even a 1/75 which can get 25 or so skillups at orange off of smelting Copper.
I'd have posted it to a ticket but I'm not positive that it's actually a bug.
zenjiko, update lsw to the latest alpha (r106 i think).
after deleting my saved var files for gnomeworks, i can see recipes again, but a lot of lua errors :(
Sounds like the same issue I had. I posted ticket #233 about it.
I have 96 and latest LSW, gw shows NO recipes when I open, have to disable, is there some command to refresh recipes? or do I have to delete some save file?
I see the R96 and new LSW now. Have them both all working just fine.
Just now this error appears in bugsac when I try to use R95. R94 is fin e tho. Hope it helps a bit...thanks.
BTW I have the latest LSW as well.
It is great BTW...thenks foir the excellent effort.
1x LilSparkysWorkshop-r105\lilsparkysworkshop.lua:1180: attempt to index field '?' (a nil value) GnomeWorks-95\plugins\lsw.lua:434: in function `func' GnomeWorks-95\ScrollFrame.lua:377: in function <GnomeWorks\ScrollFrame.lua:355> GnomeWorks-95\ScrollFrame.lua:372: in function `UpdateData' GnomeWorks-95\ScrollFrame.lua:388: in function `RefreshRows' GnomeWorks-95\ScrollFrame.lua:878: in function `Refresh' GnomeWorks-95\MainWindow.lua:1451: in function `ShowSkillList' GnomeWorks-95\MainWindow.lua:1358: in function `func' GnomeWorks-95\GnomeWorks.lua:101: in function `SendMessageDispatch' GnomeWorks-95\SkillList.lua:882: in function <GnomeWorks\SkillList.lua:539> (tail call): ?: <in C code>: ? <string>:"safecall Dispatcher[2]":9: in function <[string "safecall Dispatcher[2]"]:5> (tail call): ?: