Shows you a much bigger icon selection frame
Supports Macros, the Equipment Manager, Guild Bank, Warbanks and includes a search box!
(The icon selector window is no longer resizable)
Notice 2024-08-08: LargerMacroIconSelection briefly used IconFileNames as a separate addon but it's now in LargerMacroIconSelectionData, so you can safely remove the IconFileNames addon.
Thank you. I love you. Can I have your baby?
Seriously though, excellent job. I have been looking for something like this for eons. I had tried to use AdvancedIconSelector and had some issues. Now it's completely broken...
I second the request.... make a search able option, pretty please?!?
I'm glad about addon as is. At least we have more icons at once than pitty 15 icons shown in original UI. In fact why Advanced Icon Selector is broken even I'm able patch it to work with Legion is lack of possibility to search icons by name. Guess why?
Because someone on Blizzard did decide to have identify texture by TextureID instead of real texture name. So make "search" to works someone must to do data mining and create table with relation from TextureID to TextureName. Actually in WoW API there is no function where is possible convert TextureID to TextureName as far as I do know.
It's possible to add a (very basic) search bar, but not as advanced as AdvancedIconSelector
The first problem is that in Legion the macro icon texture paths were changed into FileDataIDs so there needs to be a library for that
The second problem is, we would then only be able to do a simple search on texture paths, unlike AdvancedIconSelector which also makes icons searchable with custom keywords
The third problem is, well... I'm an idiot. This is all new to me
I was hoping AdvancedIconSelector could get patched up. But it suffers the same FileDataIDs problem and incomplete keywords data, while the author seems to be MIA
TL;DR a (very basic) search box for texture paths could be added, but we need that (standalone?) library
It's a shame that Blizzard has made it even more difficult to parse and find icons, considering their icon library is only getting more massive with each patch.
Seriously wish you would pick up working on this addon again, it's awesome but way out of date :/
Like others have mentioned, the window does not have all the new icons which is a real shame and as requested by others as well, I would love to see your improvet icon window for equipment sets, guild bank tabs, etc. etc.
In any case, awesome addon ;)
Love the addon wish you would update :)
I just installed this after 5.0.4, did commandsto no avail (get chat message saying 'Type /help for a listing...
/lmis 10 10
/lmis 10,10
/lmis width 10 height 10
Will this be updated for 5.04? Icons are missing now. There are a lot of new ones for Mists of Pandaria that were added. Also, it seems that there are a lot of icons that are appearing in duplicate and/or triplicate in the default view. So, maybe all of this has changed how the icons appear with the addon installed.
Other than that, great addon!
Just found this great addon. Takes a bit of the frustration away when creating macros & searching for the correct spell icon.
I wondered the same though... is it possible for you to make it work with the item sets icon selection window?
Aah, I knew about that one but haven't checked it out. Thanks!
LOVE this :D
Please please make an option to rescale all other icon selection windows too tho, such as equipment set icons, bank tab icons, etc etc etc
advancediconselector, advancediconselector[keyworddata]
Could you please make same for item set selection menu? :3
No, what's it called?
um did u know there is already an addon that does this but you can resize your window scale frame?
For anyone having issues after 4.3 you have to replace lines 93-105 in the lua with the code below...
starting at line 93...
local numMacroIcons = #(GetMacroIcons());
local macroPopupIcon, macroPopupButton;
local macroPopupOffset = FauxScrollFrame_GetOffset(MacroPopupScrollFrame);
local index;
local texture;
macroPopupIcon = _G["MacroPopupButton"..i.."Icon"];
macroPopupButton = _G["MacroPopupButton"..i];
index = (macroPopupOffset * NUM_ICONS_PER_ROW) + i;
texture = GetSpellorMacroIconInfo(index);
if ( index <= numMacroIcons and texture ) then
That worked perfectly! The only difference is that mine wasn't on those lines.
For anyone else wanting to fix this on their own, look for the lines:
local function Hooked_MacroPopupFrame_Update()
Place the update info posted by JudFromHud between those two lines and save the lua file. Mine started working immediately upon opening my macros, even though I was still in the game when I changed it.
i love it. but it would be nice if we could get the same benefit on the other icon selection screens in game, specifically, the guild bank tabs.
thanks for the great addon.