MrTrader is a Tradeskill window replacement, with additional features to streamline how you interact with others for your tradeskills, especially if you have alts. Browse all your tradeskills from any character on the same server, link them just as easily to others, and even allow others to ask for a tradeskill link without having to do anything on your part.
Core Features:
- Tradeskill Window Replacement
- Difficulty Filtering
- Custom Collections
- Context Menus
- Auction House-style Filter Browsing
- Auto-Responses in chat to link requests using '!full' or '!link'.
- Supports Guild, Raid, and Whispers.
- Fully configurable, with privacy-friendly defaults.
- Server-Wide Tradeskill Access (requires a LibDataBroker display)
- One-menu access to your tradeskills.
- Link any tradeskill you know, or your alts know.
- Browse any tradeskill you know, or your alts know.
- Browse your guild's tradeskills without having to dig through the guild roster window.
LibDataBroker displays like Fortress or TitanPanel are required for the Tradeskill Access menu feature. I personally like TitanPanel, but any of them will work.
If you have a feature request, or a bug report, please Create a Ticket. You can View all Tickets to see if your request is already being tracked, add your own comments, or participate in the discussion of a feature request.
Note: I have been on break from WoW, and would be happy to pass the reins onto someone who is interested in running with the project. I can catch them up to speed on where things were going and share some prototypes I was playing with before I went on break. Contact me if interested.
It would be great if so ...
In the short term, the focus will be on polishing and expanding the core functionality in the data broker and tradeskill window modules.
and low and behold.... i just had it stop when the "quality" of the craft changed just like you said. It shifted to yellow from orange crafted some stopped.. I hit create all again it shifted to green crafted some and stopped.
kolenka, that's odd, i never have it fail after more than 2. Here let me explain mine just so you have it.
Login fresh + Open TradeSkills + Hit Create All, 2 Items get crafted it stops. Hit create all again, it never stops again. Reload your UI do it again... same thing 2 crafted then it stops until you hit create all again.
I'm going to try to track it down in the code as well. Maybe you should write some debugging code to show exactly what is happening everytime something is crafted when create all is hit. Like how many items it add's to the queue / etc.
Which kinda sucks, because it hints more towards either weird interaction with Blizz's tradeskill addon, or a bug in the client. After 3.3, I've been seeing it occur less, and it usually fails after 6 rather than 2 now, and I know I didn't change any code.
Best guess I have now is that something is closing the tradeskill window in the middle of crafting, but I don't know what.
kolenka, sadly it happens when i ONLY have that addon enabled. :( So I don't believe any other addons are at fault for aiding in the issue.
This seems to only happen when I hit create all, if i tell it a custom amount to create it does. So I think it must be with somehow you are setting variables, or something that gets set when Create All is pressed.
I've seen it myself, and I've seen others report it. I can't track down the cause though and I've not been getting feedback from others to maybe track down a common source. MrTrader uses the same thing to craft multiple items as the official UI, and the only thing I can think of that would interrupt it is something on the server end, or something closing the tradeskill window.
Can you add a list of all the enabled addons you are using to Ticket #22?
Is there any way to easily fix the fact that MrTrader is only crafting 2 items then stopping on the first go then after that you put in the amount you want to craft and it will craft that many? It's been doing this for some time now.
The draggable window isn't exactly a new request, you can track it using Ticket #18 if you like.
Thanks for the kind words, marblex. It reminds me I haven't posted anything about the work I've been doing for the next larger release.
I've been hammering away at v0.6 for awhile now, but UI is always a tricky thing, and I don't like releasing something until I feel it is intuitive enough to be able to be used without being told how to use it. Queues are turning out to be a horrible beast in this area. Questions that I have to consider when deciding how to embed it into the UI:
Mix that in with hand-editing the XML that drives the layout for every change, and it has been slow going, to say the least.
I've also been looking at how reagents currently display. It has struck me that the default UI's method of a list above, and details below is somewhat wasteful. I've been poking around and looking at various other parts of the default UI for inspiration on how this might be done better. Two big complaints here seem to be:
Mix this in with other asks for more information in the actual list (armor's required level, etc), as well.
It seems to me that these are actually related problems, and hints at a larger underlying UI issue with this concept of list & details. I'm tinkering with other ideas right now, including the idea of displaying the reagents similar to a vendor price (people are already used to the idea of items being included in a price), but that will rely on the icons being somewhat understandable at that size, which I'm not entirely sure will work as well as I think.
Only the person who has the skill you want to see needs to have the addon set up correctly.
Got a couple of minor feature requests. Excluding the difficulty tab, would it be possible to add a option to colour the items name text to the quality of the item & also add the item level (1-80). Would save a lot of time having to curse over each name to see what the item & level is exactly.
Also just like to mention that your 0.5.9 update coupled with the compatability tweeks done on Altoholic seem to have fixed all the errors that were cropping up when using both addons.
Many thanks for all your time & effort on this fantastic addon.