MrTrader is a Tradeskill window replacement, with additional features to streamline how you interact with others for your tradeskills, especially if you have alts. Browse all your tradeskills from any character on the same server, link them just as easily to others, and even allow others to ask for a tradeskill link without having to do anything on your part.
Core Features:
- Tradeskill Window Replacement
- Difficulty Filtering
- Custom Collections
- Context Menus
- Auction House-style Filter Browsing
- Auto-Responses in chat to link requests using '!full' or '!link'.
- Supports Guild, Raid, and Whispers.
- Fully configurable, with privacy-friendly defaults.
- Server-Wide Tradeskill Access (requires a LibDataBroker display)
- One-menu access to your tradeskills.
- Link any tradeskill you know, or your alts know.
- Browse any tradeskill you know, or your alts know.
- Browse your guild's tradeskills without having to dig through the guild roster window.
LibDataBroker displays like Fortress or TitanPanel are required for the Tradeskill Access menu feature. I personally like TitanPanel, but any of them will work.
If you have a feature request, or a bug report, please Create a Ticket. You can View all Tickets to see if your request is already being tracked, add your own comments, or participate in the discussion of a feature request.
Note: I have been on break from WoW, and would be happy to pass the reins onto someone who is interested in running with the project. I can catch them up to speed on where things were going and share some prototypes I was playing with before I went on break. Contact me if interested.
Weird thing is that other addons seem to be getting the right number, which is making me unsure it is entirely the fault of my addon.
@serious2: One of the core goals of the tradeskill window was to not try to override too much of what the original UI did (yet), or follow the same road as Skillet/ATSW and try to filter it all myself in the scripts. Blizz provides a nice fast API for searching and filtering, so why not use it? :)
@mrruben5: I've considered it. I'm not entirely sure how I'd want to go about doing it. I might offer it up as a separate LDB data provider, as the current menu is pretty busy as is. I've usually just gotten by using a different addon for the cooldowns.
And the slash command only has one option, so why bother adding "config", /mrtrader should just open the config don't you think? Just annoying because most addons do that...
But the most important feature I would like to see is to support Gnomish Yellow Pages, which is a necessity when you hit level 80 to find people who have certain JC recipes. In the default UI, you can highlight a recipe and it will turn blue for those who have it in GYP. Don't know if its possible, or if the guy who made GYP should do it, but it would be great!
- Make it fit on even most laptop screens so I can have a mailbox/trade window open, and my tradeskill.
- Offer something to make this more compact window easier to manage. Ideally so you didn't have to dig through too many recipes at the same time, or spend a ton of time learning how it worked.
That said, the feedback here is still useful, as there are ways one can improve the reagent list, I'd think without making it too text heavy. I personally hate text heavy UIs, and the icons are a huge thing for me as I can usually just skim the icons and it tells me what and how much I need. Doesn't help that some recipes come with ridiculously long descriptions (the Blacksmith's socket gloves/bracers for example) that eat up a ton of room.
The original intent of the slash command was to do more than open the config window... but it never really materialized. I agree with your comment about it, and I'll add it to the list of things to do to fix that.
Yutaka is right about GYP. A lot of addons plug into the default UI because it is always there. Anyone who replaces the UI can't really replace it in a way to make these addons work. I've done some work exposing an API for LSW to modify buttons, and I'd imagine GYP can use the same API.
Message: Interface\FrameXML\UIDropDownMenu.lua:514: attempt to index local 'frame' (a nil value)
Time: 09/28/09 12:22:00
Count: 2
Stack: [string "Interface\FrameXML\BasicControls.xml:<Scrip..."]:18: in function <[string "Interface\FrameXML\BasicControls.xml:<Scrip..."]:4>
(tail call): ?
(tail call): ?
Interface\FrameXML\UIDropDownMenu.lua:514: in function `UIDropDownMenu_GetSelectedID'
...terface\AddOns\DataStore_Crafts\DataStore_Crafts.lua:214: in function <...terface\AddOns\DataStore_Crafts\DataStore_Crafts.lua:209>
...terface\AddOns\DataStore_Crafts\DataStore_Crafts.lua:389: in function <...terface\AddOns\DataStore_Crafts\DataStore_Crafts.lua:388>
...terface\AddOns\DataStore_Crafts\DataStore_Crafts.lua:473: in function `?'
...ore\libs\CallbackHandler-1.0\CallbackHandler-1.0.lua:146: in function <...ore\libs\CallbackHandler-1.0\CallbackHandler-1.0.lua:146>
[string "safecall Dispatcher[1]"]:4: in function <[string "safecall Dispatcher[1]"]:4>
[C]: ?
[string "safecall Dispatcher[1]"]:13: in function `?'
...ore\libs\CallbackHandler-1.0\CallbackHandler-1.0.lua:91: in function `Fire'
...\AddOns\DataStore\libs\AceEvent-3.0\AceEvent-3.0.lua:119: in function <...\AddOns\DataStore\libs\AceEvent-3.0\AceEvent-3.0.lua:118>
[C]: in function `UseAction'
Interface\FrameXML\SecureTemplates.lua:310: in function `handler'
Interface\FrameXML\SecureTemplates.lua:529: in function <Interface\FrameXML\SecureTemplates.lua:478>
Locals: (*temporary) = "LeftButton"
(*temporary) = false
(*temporary) = nil
(*temporary) = nil
(*temporary) = nil
(*temporary) = <function> defined =[C]:-1
I thought it might be a problem with altoholic & posted it on the relevant forum. Thaoky gave me the following response that hopefully might help you out with a solution.
"I saw the same kind of error with Jobber. It's due to a missing blizzard frame, and that should NEVER happen, the cause is the other addon."
Sadly i cant help you out with any other information.
Many thanks for your work on this excellent addon & my apologies for keeping posting problems.
If I allow the blizz UI to load going forward, his code will still cause some interesting side-effects in MrTrader, because he assumes that the Blizz UI is all that matters. The script error can be fixed by backing out my RAM savings, but there will still be other bugs introduced by his addon.
Using MrTrader 0.5.8 & Ackis Recipe List r2519, the scan button still doesnt seem to show up. There are no error messages so i am just wondering if i have missed something?
Thanks, Reeb.
I have to agree with serious2. I love the favorites feature. I'm also using Ara_broker_tradeskills. You can see tradeskill cooldowns in it. It's your take on it if you want to add a feature for this, but I'm just as happy with two seperate AddOns.
For now I use this addon to be able to see and link what my alts can make and enjoy using MrTrader as one of the two tradeskill addons that have the favourites feature (ATSW is the other one). I feel MrTrader has a lot in store for us :) It is also good that unlike ATSW MrTrader has retained the ability to search for what crafted things can provide instead of crafting spell names only. I can search for "spell power" on my JC and I will find spell power gems. In ATSW I will find nothing.
Beats me why it says Ace2 and Ace3.
I don't have any default relationships setup, and I don't see anything in my pkgmeta that could be linking me to Ace2.
EDIT: Someone else found that I still had AceLibrary being pulled in from Ace2, hidden amongst the Ace3 stuff. This was originally pulled in for DewDrop, but I didn't pull it when I pulled DewDrop from use. Whoops.
Why are you using both Ace2 and Ace3? CallbackHandler-1.0 and LibStub are Ace3 exclusive, and you don't list any libs that require Ace2... I don't get it.
Forgot to mention, my 1st long error post is with a handful of mods running.
I get the following show up as soon as i login with nothing but MrTrader running.
Interface/AddOns/MrTrader/TradeskillMenu.lua:15: attempt to index global 'MRTLoc' (a nil value)
Again, hope this helps :)