MrTrader is a Tradeskill window replacement, with additional features to streamline how you interact with others for your tradeskills, especially if you have alts. Browse all your tradeskills from any character on the same server, link them just as easily to others, and even allow others to ask for a tradeskill link without having to do anything on your part.
Core Features:
- Tradeskill Window Replacement
- Difficulty Filtering
- Custom Collections
- Context Menus
- Auction House-style Filter Browsing
- Auto-Responses in chat to link requests using '!full' or '!link'.
- Supports Guild, Raid, and Whispers.
- Fully configurable, with privacy-friendly defaults.
- Server-Wide Tradeskill Access (requires a LibDataBroker display)
- One-menu access to your tradeskills.
- Link any tradeskill you know, or your alts know.
- Browse any tradeskill you know, or your alts know.
- Browse your guild's tradeskills without having to dig through the guild roster window.
LibDataBroker displays like Fortress or TitanPanel are required for the Tradeskill Access menu feature. I personally like TitanPanel, but any of them will work.
If you have a feature request, or a bug report, please Create a Ticket. You can View all Tickets to see if your request is already being tracked, add your own comments, or participate in the discussion of a feature request.
Note: I have been on break from WoW, and would be happy to pass the reins onto someone who is interested in running with the project. I can catch them up to speed on where things were going and share some prototypes I was playing with before I went on break. Contact me if interested.
Keep getting masses of error messages relating to this & numerous other mods when opening the tradeskill window. Each error always mentions something to do with this addon.
I didnt want to spam pages of errors so i've posted just 1 that hopefully will make some sense to yourself. If its not something that helps you let me know & i'll post a different one. My guess is its the same error causing most if not all the others but as i know nothing about programming i could be talking a load of rubbish.
Message: C stack overflow
Time: 09/19/09 18:24:44
Count: 1
Stack: [string "Interface\FrameXML\BasicControls.xml:<Scrip..."]:18: in function <[string "Interface\FrameXML\BasicControls.xml:<Scrip..."]:4>
[C]: ?
[C]: ?
[C]: in function `format'
...e\AddOns\Blizzard_DebugTools\Blizzard_DebugTools.lua:430: in function `ScriptErrorsFrame_Update'
...e\AddOns\Blizzard_DebugTools\Blizzard_DebugTools.lua:412: in function `ScriptErrorsFrame_OnError'
[string "Interface\FrameXML\BasicControls.xml:<Scrip..."]:18: in function <[string "Interface\FrameXML\BasicControls.xml:<Scrip..."]:4>
[C]: ?
[C]: in function `format'
...e\AddOns\Blizzard_DebugTools\Blizzard_DebugTools.lua:430: in function `ScriptErrorsFrame_Update'
...e\AddOns\Blizzard_DebugTools\Blizzard_DebugTools.lua:412: in function `ScriptErrorsFrame_OnError'
[string "Interface\FrameXML\BasicControls.xml:<Scrip..."]:18: in function <[string "Interface\FrameXML\BasicControls.xml:<Scrip..."]:4>
[C]: in function `SetTradeSkillSubClassFilter'
...rface\AddOns\MrTrader_SkillWindow\MRTSkillWindow.lua:547: in function `UpdateFilter'
...rface\AddOns\MrTrader_SkillWindow\MRTSkillWindow.lua:226: in function `PopulateFilterTree'
...rface\AddOns\MrTrader_SkillWindow\MRTSkillWindow.lua:73: in function `Show'
Interface\AddOns\MrTrader\MRTHooks.lua:29: in function <Interface\AddOns\MrTrader\MRTHooks.lua:24>
(tail call): ?
Interface\FrameXML\UIParent.lua:988: in function <Interface\FrameXML\UIParent.lua:471>
[C]: in function `CastSpell'
Interface\FrameXML\SpellBookFrame.lua:350: in function `SpellButton_OnClick'
[string "*:OnClick"]:4: in function <[string "*:OnClick"]:1>
Locals: (*temporary) = <function> defined Interface\FrameXML\BasicControls.xml:<Scripts>:4
(*temporary) = "...e\AddOns\Blizzard_DebugTools\Blizzard_DebugTools.lua:430: bad argument #6 to 'format' (string expected, got nil)"
Hope i picked 1 that helps although knowing my luck probably not hehe
I'd also like to track this particular issue just in case I can't find the solution quickly.
The tooltip feature that sinatr suggested would be a very nice addition (if it's possible to code that).
It's not far from beeing perfect in it's current state :)
The main problem is that I can't just use an index (which would be easy), because an index points to different skills as you learn new ones. I was already jumping through hoops to detect if two filters /really/ matched, so the filter work was a bit easier.
I'll keep a ticket open on WoWAce/CurseForge, but I will warn you that it is probably gonna stay low-priority for now. The cost/benefit ratio just doesn't favor it right now over the other big ask I've been getting (Queues).
As for the tooltip idea, if I understand where you are going... you want a tooltip of the item created to appear when hovering over the item in the list? If so, that is actually a great idea. I like it.
Aside from that.. congratulations on a job well done!
I have a rough idea of what queues will look like, but until I can answer some of the nagging questions in my mind as to how useable that concept really is, I'll probably not have a whole lot of work done on it.
Date: 2009-09-17 17:15:32
ID: -1
Error occured in: Global
Count: 1
Message: ..\FrameXML\UIParent.lua line 229:
stack overflow
[C]: LoadAddOn()
..\FrameXML\UIParent.lua:229: UIParentLoadAddOn()
..\FrameXML\UIParent.lua:283: TradeSkillFrame_LoadUI()
MrTrader\MRTHooks.lua:31: TradeSkillFrame_Show()
MrTrader\MRTHooks.lua:35: TradeSkillFrame_Show()
MrTrader\MRTHooks.lua:35: TradeSkillFrame_Show()
MrTrader\MRTHooks.lua:35: TradeSkillFrame_Show()
MrTrader\MRTHooks.lua:35: TradeSkillFrame_Show()
MrTrader\MRTHooks.lua:35: TradeSkillFrame_Show()
MrTrader\MRTHooks.lua:35: TradeSkillFrame_Show()
MrTrader\MRTHooks.lua:35: TradeSkillFrame_Show()
MrTrader\MRTHooks.lua:35: TradeSkillFrame_Show()
MrTrader\MRTHooks.lua:35: TradeSkillFrame_Show()
MrTrader\MRTHooks.lua:35: TradeSkillFrame_Show()
MrTrader\MRTHooks.lua:35: TradeSkillFrame_Show()
MrTrader\MRTHooks.lua:35: TradeSkillFrame_Show()
MrTrader\MRTHooks.lua:35: TradeSkillFrame_Show()
MrTrader\MRTHooks.lua:35: TradeSkillFrame_Show()
MrTrader\MRTHooks.lua:35: TradeSkillFrame_Show()
MrTrader\MRTHooks.lua:35: TradeSkillFrame_Show()
MrTrader\MRTHooks.lua:35: TradeSkillFrame_Show()
MrTrader\MRTHooks.lua:35: TradeSkillFrame_Show()
MrTrader\MRTHooks.lua:35: TradeSkillFrame_Show()
MrTrader\MRTHooks.lua:35: TradeSkillFrame_Show()
MrTrader\MRTHooks.lua:35: TradeSkillFrame_Show()
MrTrader\MRTHooks.lua:35: TradeSkillFrame_Show()
MrTrader\MRTHooks.lua:35: TradeSkillFrame_Show()
MrTrader\MRTHooks.lua:35: TradeSkillFrame_Show()
MrTrader\MRTHooks.lua:35: TradeSkillFrame_Show()
MrTrader\MRTHooks.lua:35: TradeSkillFrame_Show()
MrTrader\MRTHooks.lua:35: TradeSkillFrame_Show()
MrTrader\MRTHooks.lua:35: TradeSkillFrame_Show()
MrTrader\MRTHooks.lua:35: TradeSkillFrame_Show()
MrTrader\MRTHooks.lua:35: TradeSkillFrame_Show()
MrTrader\MRTHooks.lua:35: TradeSkillFrame_Show()
[C]: CastSpellByName()
MrTrader\TradeskillMenu.lua:215: OpenLink()
MrTrader\TradeskillMenu.lua:80: func()
I use ACP to load / unload addons as I am in raid or not and of course I didn't add the tradeskill's one (using curse automatic update so I didn't see it :p).
One more thing : yesterday I battled with your tradeskill window to craft a gem. First it was listed when checking if I can craft it, but when I opened it again it couldn't find it again.... opening with the classic frame I found it : colour's list was reduced. And I didn't do it myself.
The error looks related to something a bit more complex. The hook will try to load my module if you selected to use the tradeskill window. If it can't, it will fall back to Blizzard's UI (or it should). In your case though, from the stack, it looks like when I went to load Blizzard's UI, that failed too. Which would cause this particular failure. I'm not protecting myself against the case where both addons fail to load, and so it just sits there building up the stack until the addon will finally load.
I'm not entirely sure what causes Blizz's own UI to refuse to load for a period of time, but I've seen it in places like Dalaran where latency with the server is much higher than a ping number suggests.
As for the list reducing, I'm not entirely sure what to do with just that report. It just doesn't give me enough to go on in order for me to take over and fix it on my end. If it reproduces again, can you please screenshot it and open a ticket? It would give me a better picture of what is going on in order for me to try to reproduce it myself.
Can you add an option that MrTrader isn't closed when the auction house window appears? It should be possible to bring any of the two windows to the top if you click on one of them. That'd be great.
Yes it can be done, but the question is: should it? Right now the window is following the same behavior as the regular tradeskill window. It means it lives in the 'pushable' window stack that Blizzard uses for most windows that pop up (AH, Character, skill list, spellbook, and so on).
The catch here is that to do what you ask, I need to pull it out of the normal Blizz behavior regarding windows. The AH window itself is being closed by the WoW client to make room for the tradeskill window. Some users might not like turning it into a non-standard window, so I have to be somewhat careful here in how I implement it.
At least one bug I stumbled upon:
Let's say you have enchanting open as your tradeskill and you have clicked on a formula that requires an essence that has to be split to provide the necessary "subessences". MrTrader is not notfied when a bagchange occurs so it will not show that you can do that enchantment after you have split the essence.
One feature wish:
An option that allows MrTrader to remember the last selected entry on the left list side when MrTrader is closed (it shouldn't matter if it was a difficulty level or an item on the right side inside a favorite list). That would be great (at least for me) :)
I have one feature request which is to add support for the addon lilsparky's workshop
Thanks for all the hard work you've put into this addon!
Simple, effective and the favorite list... Wow :)
Thanks a lot for this one!
This is something I've been kicking around since the very first release, and actually a big part of the original motivation behind MrTrader. The other part being me wanting to get my tradeskills off the button bars. I just couldn't figure out how I'd want the window to look and work for the longest time, and I didn't want just another ATSW/Skillet out there.
And of course, there is still plenty of work to be done on this feature to make it better. ;)
Of course. While I like ATSW in a few ways, the rough edges always drive me away whenever I try it, which is partially what drove me to start writing MrTrader in the first place.
But I totally understand that some might not want the tradeskill UI foisted on them in order to get the rest of the functionality, so it will be something you can turn on and off. As the final release is a ways off, I've been focusing on getting the thing up and running over the final little pieces of configuration work. And I still have a fair amount of feature work left to go on the new UI before I consider it even remotely 'done'.
I'd probably not recommend the current crop of pre-release builds if you don't want to play with the new UI. Especially since there are no fixes to the other parts, you don't gain anything.
Is it possible to add an option for disabling the Mr. Trader tradskill window so that we can choose to use it or not?
I'm asking because I'm using the addon Advanced Trade Skill Window from Slartibartfast since the very first version and I'm really happy with it. I'm also really happy to have such an nice and usefull addon like Mr.Trader. but, since the new version I have from both addons the tradeskill windows. ^^
Thats why I'm requesting an option to have the possibility to disable the tradeskill window from Mr.Trader.
I also wrote a ticket, just in case.