PitBull Unit Frames 4.0
PitBull Unit Frames 4.0
Woof. Arf. Yip.
Getting Started:
You can help translate PitBull for your language with the localization tool.
PitBull works with WoW Classic! Classic Era/Vanilla is supported in
releases. Cataclysm Classic is supported in v4.2.x
(the same releases retail use).
Classic Era caveats:
- Aura duration is not available from the API, so PitBull uses LibClassicDurations to show them. The duration can be inaccurate if it's affected by rank or talents.
- Cast info is only available for your spells from the API. PitBull uses LibClassicCasterino to show cast bars for other units, but this can be inaccurate since there is a lot of guess-work involved.
CurseForge: https://www.curseforge.com/wow/addons/pitbull-unit-frames-4-0
Wago: https://addons.wago.io/addons/pitbull4
WoWInterface: https://www.wowinterface.com/downloads/info20021
Hi Shefki, thanks for the reply. I've tried implementing this but it just comes up with syntax error, is there anything i need to modify, or do for it to work? Apologies for being stupid, and thanks again for the help.
Has the ability to create secure singleton unit frames been added yet?
If so, could you please give me some information on how to create one.
@Loom927, You can do something like so:
@Elistone, http://www.wowace.com/addons/pitbull4/pages/faq/#w-how-do-i-leave-gaps-in-my-raid-frames-when-sorted-by
@phallacie, Do you have the LuaTexts or DogTagTexts modules enabled? If neither are enabled you won't have any texts. Pick one or the other. If you're not wanting to customize your texts with DogTags then I'd recommend LuaTexts.
@CerberusTheDK, It's not in yet. I ran into some issues and got busy. Most of the features of the addon will be turned on, mostly it'll just be that the frames will be positioned by default in roughly the same places the default UI has them and some frames will have their scale adjusted. It'll be possible to load the addon up and use it in this state, unlike our current defaults. Though I'm sure most users will still want to do some degree of customizing to suit their own tastes. The big difference will be that you won't have to spend any time before running off to an instance.
I'm a novice to addons, but I experiment with them in my down time. My UI is fugly and partially broken from my ADD tinkering habits, so I am no means an expert. I'm interested in Pitbull for it's potential for customization, and because I'm a bit of a fan of Ace addons.
However, one thing been keeping me from giving this addon a serious try out. The default layout, or should I say the lack of one. Having all the modules on and active with all the units bunched up in the center of the screen when I first log in, in addition to the daunting configuration kept me from giving pitbull serious try. Yes, I tried playing with it, but it takes me hours to feel around to even begin to configure the player frame.
I've recently read a forum post by Shefki, talking about Pitbull finally having a decent default layout from recent developments with anchors. This sounds to me like a remedy to this problem, because I like to start from somewhere rather than from scratch when I play with a new addon. From my understanding the default layout will be rather basic, but I'm okay with that because it gives me a place to start from.
So what I would like to know the following.
Thank you, and keep up the good work!
I'm having a problem with the unit frames...player, target, target of target, etc...
The text won't show up in the boxes for some reason. All I see are blank colored boxes based on class. Not sure how to fix it, so any help would be great. I'd post a screenshot but wow is currently down.
Thanks in advance, Phallacie
is their any way to seperate the raid groups and be able to move them independantly, as i need to be able to set them as:
Group 1 Group 2
Group 3 Group 4
| Group 5
as i have other add ons in the bottom corners, and at moment raid frames cover them.
Prior to this change we should show the latency bar as an indication of when the server would see the spell as completed and would accept a queued spell. However, on hasted spells where the cast time was less than your GCD you would still be unable to queue the next spell when the cast completed from the servers perspective.
Now we accurately display when you are able to queue the next spell by taking into consideration the GCD. If the cast time + latency < the GCD then there is no latency bar to show because you still need to wait for the GCD to finish after the cast is completed on the server side. However, if the latency + casttime is > the GCD then there will be a cast bar showing when you can queue the next spell.
So try testing with a longer cast spell and see if you're seeing the latency display on it. If not I'll see if I can work with you to figure out the problem, but on my end the latency bar is working properly.
Is there any way i can get the health bar text shortened until it reaches 100k? e.g. 10m/10m then to 100000/10m. I know there is options for both of these individually, but i was just wondering if this was possible. Thanks in advance
@Tinolyn: You can set the party pet frames to swap to the owner. There's no way to hide it entirely. I don't believe we can implement that either because the swap is actually done by Blizzard code.
it's difficulte for me to use the new pitbull besause i've some problems for configur some panels.
But in this version i'd like the option for portrait 3d, all body where i want.
as Modelmagic doing this but he haven't be update since a long time ago
I hope you'd go inclued this option in the futur in Pitbull3
Thank's for all and you'd be sure you make a great job.
Is it possible to have the pet bar in party frames disappear if you have the main party frame set to possess on vehicle?
Currently, the vehicle still shows as a "pet" in party frames when I have the party frame become a vehicle on entry.
@Michalev, fixed with beta9-11. I took some extra clamping code out that I thought was unnecessary, but is needed for deficit bars. Oops.
I am having issues with the "Deficit" check box for the bars, on both my health and power bars if i use deficit at full health it shows a small bit of health missing at the end of the bar, but only at full health. 99.9% is pretty much a completely full bar for all intents and purposes but as soon as you hit 100% it drops a bunch off the end of the bar.
I guess it doesn't say gullible on the ceiling at all!
Got me good.
I was on the lookout for it on news sites, radio, tv, but not wowace! :)
That was a good one mate :P glad to see you're not abandoning the project after all!
PitBull4 will be updated, previous post was an April Fool's Day joke.