GemList will make your life as a jewelcrafter easier. after installation you open your jewelcrafting panel. now your friends will be able to whisper you
!gems red
to get a list of gems you can craft that fit into a red socket. of course this works with blue/yellow/meta, too.
Prepared for upcoming changes in 2.1.0
Beta Versions and recent Bugfixes
For latest betas use this link:
Before reporting Bugs
pls make sure you use the most current version of GemList. Try the link above. Try disabling all other mods and see if the problem persists. If it does not, update your other mods. If it does, post your problem and mention the version number. use /glist version or look into changelog.txt to find out.
You can set some options using /gemlist or /glist.
/glist inc Toggles whether incoming requests are shown
/glist out Toggles whether outgoing replies are shown
/glist autoscan Toggles whether your Jewelcrafting panel will be automatically scanned when opened. DON'T use this if you use the "Stormy Star of Elune glitch-fix"
/glist desc Toggles searching in description. This is to enable searching for Stats like int, agi +heal and so on
/glist scan Manually scan your Jewelcrafting panel. You have to open it first. Do this if Autoscan is turned off and you learn a new Gem
/glist tlock Determines the Spamlock Timer in seconds. Customers will get a msg to wait x seconds before next query
/glist chatprefix Use this to change the prefix which will trigger GemList in whispers to you. !gem will work always though
'/glist version Prints Version Info. Use this before reporting bugs
/glist insert lets you manually insert gems into the databse. this is the "Stormy Star of Elune glitch-fix" This is not longer needed
thanks to my friends Nosferat and Sirvival on Zuluhed-EU who help much in beta-testing. thanks to athou for the original EnchantList addon.
since this is a FAQ here a clarification on the query system:
there are no options to filter by hardcoded into the mod. it searches over occurences of the queried words in the gem's tooltip (stats and color here), name, rarity, itemlink and reagents. for a query to return any gems, ALL words in the query have to appear in one of these.
you could search for sta stam stami stamin stamina sp spi spir spirit str stre stren streng strengt strength blu blue yel yello heal healing crit spell damage agi agility def defense
and even any combination like blue spell yellow mana heal rare red def [itemlink] agi
see Changelog Tab above
Regarding beta 3.1 Awesome additions!
Ok, so /glist chatprefix works great. I set mine to "bling"
Problem: In the How To text people receive after they text me "bling" it still says "use !gems red to get red gems, etc" Now they do that, but if the keyword is bling and they text me !gems, the addon doesnt enable itself.
Is it possible to get it to update so that when i set the keyword to whatever, that the info text is also updated? So if my enabling keyword is "bling" it returns "use bling red to get red gems, etc"
Also, I like how you took my earlier suggestion and made the tooltip more descriptive. Now, is it possible to include with the addon files a .txt with instructions on what we need to update in the code to personalize it even more? Or maybe comment the source code as to what we need to change?
Thanks again!
Also, it seems that the activation word is case sensitive. So Bling doesnt work, while bling does, Anyway to fix it so case doesnt matter?
If you need more quality testers, Exi of Sen'Jin will gladly help. 370 JC, with many many designs.
I have another suggestion from using this for just the last few hours:
/w "playername" Tier2 blue or /w "playername" !gems tier2
for the different levels of jewels - I refer to them as Tier1 Tier2 and Tier3
once players are into the hardcore dungeons they dont wnat the tier1 jewlels, and only want to see the tier2 listings or tier3
Can you please enable plugin support for this addon. I've made some changes to support item links in searches and I think you'd like to take a look. I can upload the patch if you enable it here on curse.,
Gemlist beta3 is bugged, when i install it (wihtout having previously installed the beta2 or beta) it wont do a scan of my gems on first load or manually. I stopped the rest of my addons and tried and no go.
I then downloaded beta2 and it works like a charm. I'd really like to use the /send feature tho, please fix as soon as you can.
GREAT addon. I love it. no more answering guildies tells myself in instances anymore!!
hi thx for adding the french local
anyway, you must keep all ["label"]=true lines commented, otherwise ace2 will not handle the translation :) when the translation is the same as the original, their is no reason to add it. ace will simply take it for the enGB source.
this is actually the case for the --["autoscan"]=true
hi, ths for that nice mod :)
here is a french translation for last commit I found (26698)
anyway i dont know if is language related, but searching in description arent working at all.
L:RegisterTranslations("frFR", function() return {
["Interface\\Icons\\INV_Jewelcrafting_LivingRuby_03"] = "rouge", ["Interface\\Icons\\INV_Misc_Gem_BloodGem_02"] = "rouge",
["Interface\\Icons\\INV_Jewelcrafting_Dawnstone_03"] = "jaune", ["Interface\\Icons\\INV_Misc_Gem_GoldenDraenite_02"] = "jaune",
["Interface\\Icons\\INV_Jewelcrafting_StarOfElune_03"] = "bleue", ["Interface\\Icons\\INV_Misc_Gem_AzureDraenite_02"] = "bleue",
["Interface\\Icons\\INV_Misc_Gem_EbonDraenite_02"] = "violette rouge bleue", ["Interface\\Icons\\INV_Jewelcrafting_Nightseye_03"] = "violette rouge bleue",
["Interface\\Icons\\INV_Jewelcrafting_Talasite_03"] = "verte bleue jaune", ["Interface\\Icons\\INV_Misc_Gem_DeepPeridot_02"] = "verte bleue jaune",
["Interface\\Icons\\INV_Misc_Gem_FlameSpessarite_02"] = "orange rouge jaune", ["Interface\\Icons\\INV_Jewelcrafting_NobleTopaz_03"] = "orange rouge jaune", ["Interface\\Icons\\INV_Misc_Gem_Opal_01"] = "orange rouge jaune",
["Interface\\Icons\\INV_Misc_Gem_Diamond_07"] = "meta", ["Interface\\Icons\\INV_Misc_Gem_Diamond_06"] = "meta",
["Show incoming requests"] = "Montrer les requ\195\170tes entrantes", ["Show your replies"] = "Montrer les requ\195\170tes sortantes", ["Lock time between 2 requests (antispam)"] = "Temps entre chaque requ\195\170te (Antispam)",
["AFK"] = "AFK", ["DND"] = "NPD", ["First clear your tag: "] = "Effacer",
["usage1"] = "Usage:", ["usage2"] = "!gems [couleur] pour chercher les gemmes de cette [couleur]", ["usage3"] = "!gems [nom] pour chercher dans le [nom] des gemmes", ["examples1"] = "Exemples:", ["examples2"] = "!gems rouge retourne toutes les gemmes rouges", ["examples3"] = "!gems rubis retourne toutes les gemmes contenant le mot rubis",
["red"] = "rouge", ["blue"] = "bleue", ["yellow"] = "jaune", ["meta"] = "meta", ["orange"] = "orange", ["purple"] = "violette", ["green"] = "verte",
["Gems"] = "Gemmes",
["Database is currently empty."] = "La base de donn\195\169e est actuellement vide", [" wants to use GemList but the Jewelcrafting panel has not yet been opened."] = " souhaite utiliser Gemlist mais la base de donn\195\169e n'a pas \195\169t\195\169 initialis\195\169e", ["Nothing found."] = "Aucune occurence", ["Wait ... ("] = "Veuillez patienter...", [" seconds lock (antispam))"] = " seconde(s) d'antispam",
["Jewelcrafting"] = "Joaillerie",
--["Autoscan"] = true, ["Automatically scan your Jewelcrafting panel when it opens"] = "Scanner automatiquement l'interface de joaillerie", ["Manual scan (open your Jewelcrafting panel first)"] = "Scanner manuellement", ["Open your Jewelcrafting panel first"] = "Veuillez ouvrir votre interface de Joaillerie",
["Search description"] = "Chercher dans les descriptions", ["Also search gem description for a match"] = "Rechercher \195\169galement dans la description des gemmes", ["Searching gem description is currently disabled."] = "Chercher dans la descrition: D\195\169sactiv\195\169", ["Searching gem description is currently enabled."] = "Chercher dans la descrition: Activ\195\169",
["Chat prefix to trigger GemList"] = "Commande de chat pour activer gemlist",
["Send a GemList to a player"] = "Envoyer une liste \195\160 un joueur", ["Usage: /glist send <playername> \[query\]"] = "Usage: /glist send <nom_du_joueur> \[requ\195\170te\]",
} end )
Also, is there a way to change the phrase from !gems to something else? You would be amazed how many people send me stupid questions because they cant figure out how to message me and get the list of gems. Or they type in !gem
As for the whispers themselves:
Instead of: <gemlist> Usage: <gemlist> !gems [color] <gemlist> Searching Active
How about <gemlist> How to use this list: <gemlist> Type in !gems followed by the socket color that you are looking for. <gemlist> Red, Blue, Yellow, Meta. <gemlist> Example: !gems blue <gemlist> If you find an item you want please PST me. Thanks and enjoy!
Also, it would be awesome if one could change the keyword from !gems to something else. On my server we have 4 jewelcrafters that have started using this. They saw me spam it and now they use it. But when all 5 of us spam "Message me !gems" we blend together. If we could each use a different keyword it would make us more unique and rememberable.
Awesome addon, thanks for making it!
i think so
Does this addon work with "Advanced Trade Skill Window addon" ?
deetee: other crafts or professions will go to another addon, if ever
yea right, thought of these features already. i will add one after another. first prio is searching for stats.
auctioneer support will be the least feature to integrate for sure. you can use fizzwidgtes reagentcost :)
Excellent addon sure to become a "bestseller"
Two feature requests in one command, please add a
/w PlayerName !gems [itemlink]
to return either the mats needed to craft that item or the items that can be made from that raw gem.
eg: /w Mikezter !gems [Golden Draenite] returns a list of crafted gems similar to what the existing addon code does. Also /w Mikezter !gems [Golden Draenite Ring] returns list of mats
This would mean people could do the following
/w Mikezter !gems red
they then go ooh like the look of that one and give you another /w
/w Mikezter !gems [Bold Blood Garnet]
and get back a list of mats they need to supply you with.
Actually just thought of another feature :-) You could also add an optional dependency to Auctioneer and have a profit margin feature. So it reported back mats with costs and add a crafting cost as a profit margin. Thus on a /w the person could get back the cost you charge for crafting with and without mats.
Nice one!
Gonna try it when I get back home.
As a jc myself got tired of people whispering with "what *color* gem can you make.
Awesome! I've been waiting for a mod that does this! Time to test it out!
The ability to also search by stat, or base gem, or possibly a combination of all 3 would be even more amazing. :-P
I have some people who are always asking, "What can you make with this [Blood Garnet] I found?", others who ask "What red gems can you make?", and others who ask "What gems can you make with +defense", yadda yadda.
Works an absolute treat now. Good job :)
Features request for next version:
The ability to do '!gems +sta' etc
Then, of course the ability to do '!gems +sta yellow' would be the motherlode.
I'm happy to help out with this stuff if you like..
did an update. hope its fixed. im not a jewelcrafter myself *cover*
Thank you Mike. I can't wait to get the final product.
That's great Mike. I'd be happy to help test/bugfix for you