GemList will make your life as a jewelcrafter easier. after installation you open your jewelcrafting panel. now your friends will be able to whisper you
!gems red
to get a list of gems you can craft that fit into a red socket. of course this works with blue/yellow/meta, too.
Prepared for upcoming changes in 2.1.0
Beta Versions and recent Bugfixes
For latest betas use this link:
Before reporting Bugs
pls make sure you use the most current version of GemList. Try the link above. Try disabling all other mods and see if the problem persists. If it does not, update your other mods. If it does, post your problem and mention the version number. use /glist version or look into changelog.txt to find out.
You can set some options using /gemlist or /glist.
/glist inc Toggles whether incoming requests are shown
/glist out Toggles whether outgoing replies are shown
/glist autoscan Toggles whether your Jewelcrafting panel will be automatically scanned when opened. DON'T use this if you use the "Stormy Star of Elune glitch-fix"
/glist desc Toggles searching in description. This is to enable searching for Stats like int, agi +heal and so on
/glist scan Manually scan your Jewelcrafting panel. You have to open it first. Do this if Autoscan is turned off and you learn a new Gem
/glist tlock Determines the Spamlock Timer in seconds. Customers will get a msg to wait x seconds before next query
/glist chatprefix Use this to change the prefix which will trigger GemList in whispers to you. !gem will work always though
'/glist version Prints Version Info. Use this before reporting bugs
/glist insert lets you manually insert gems into the databse. this is the "Stormy Star of Elune glitch-fix" This is not longer needed
thanks to my friends Nosferat and Sirvival on Zuluhed-EU who help much in beta-testing. thanks to athou for the original EnchantList addon.
since this is a FAQ here a clarification on the query system:
there are no options to filter by hardcoded into the mod. it searches over occurences of the queried words in the gem's tooltip (stats and color here), name, rarity, itemlink and reagents. for a query to return any gems, ALL words in the query have to appear in one of these.
you could search for sta stam stami stamin stamina sp spi spir spirit str stre stren streng strengt strength blu blue yel yello heal healing crit spell damage agi agility def defense
and even any combination like blue spell yellow mana heal rare red def [itemlink] agi
see Changelog Tab above
Actually, beta 4 works, and it has Dec search. I'm happy.
You can find the betas under the beta tab up above ^^
I tried beta 4 and got a similar error: Interface\Addons\Gemlist\Gemlist.lua:354: Bad Argument #1 to 'lower' (string expected, got nil)
It happens anytime i open up my JC panel or when somebody whispers me a search desc... please help.. i
Ah.. if you have the same issue I had with beta 4, just go in and delete the old Gemlist and reinstall.. don't try to copy over cuz it doesn't work! >.
I get the same error below as well. Where do I get this version beta 3.1 that you say still works?
Sigh, yeah since latest patch mine doesn't work either. Same error as bellow. I tried turning off all my mods and I still have the problem. I was able to get it working by switching to beta 3.1 but that doesn't allow desc search and that makes me sad =(
I've been getting this error since the patch on Tuesday 2/13:
Interface\Addons\Gemlist\Gemlist.lua:354: Bad Argument #1 to 'find' (string expected, got nil)
Any idea how to fix this?
The pains of linking... i can't take it.
Regarding the error msg many folks are getting.
I was getting it too. Updated the following mods: CT - Advanced pkg Outfitter Kharthus's Hunter Timers Fishing Buddy
No more error msg =)
If you use one of those mods, try getting the most recent version ;)
well i was still works..although it gives error msgs sometimes
same error msg sometimes i disconnect when friend is telling me !gem red
Yep i confirm...please fix it ASAp cos this mod is very useful.
Got the same error msg.
Since last nites patch my GemList dosen't seem to be working - Get the following message:-
interface\addons\gemlist\gemlist.lua:354: bad argument #1 'find' (string expected, got nil)
Not sure if anyone else has the same prob, but has the patch effected this?
Great work btw
Loving the progress you're making with the mod, keep up the good work!
Feature request: Would it be possible to make class based queries? I often get questions such as "What do you have that's good for a rogue?" . I'd love to be able to go /glist send <name> rogue, and that person would receive all gems with the stats favorable to their class. Usually I'd end up sending a list for agi, then a list for crit, then a list for hit (since a single query for agi/hit/crit might return nothing since I don't have all those stats available on one gem).
Might get tricky with hybrid classes, so maybe heal/dps_spell/dps_melee/tank options can be added as well.
@Rapier and all the others
Where can I find this old version Beta 3.1 ?
as a lot of you wrote to fix some problems with downgrading
going back to beta 3.1 fixed my issues as of this dates patch.
Error: attempt to concatenate a nil value File: Interface\AddOns\GemList\GemList.lua Line: 314 Count: 1
I have the same problems like kevuas
After I log on with no Addons out of the gemlist .. the database is filled and the addon works
After I log on with full set of addons .. and 3 o 4 trys ... the wisper say`s "Database is empty " and no awnser works...
@Milkezter ... yes it`s one of my other mods which is stopping your great gemlist ... but how can I find it and KILL it ? ... because I love your mod ...
but I can not play .. with only Gemlist as the one and only loaded mod :_)
Regards Christian
Hi Mikezter,
I want to say that I really love this addon, but I have the same problem as gizmo.
Whenever someone whispers me !gem [itemlink] it just say Nothing found. If I am using a german WoW Version or the ELP doesn't matter. I think that there is a Problem with crosslink or something. The only different between version 4.0 is that in Version 4 the addon whispers only the same back. ^^
Could you please please please fix that because I really hate LUA scripting and I don't know how to use crosslinks. :P
Greez Tianmi
wildhorn666: if you dont know how to get the code you should perhaps leave it alone if you find it :P i have a general version of this mod (for all professins) in early alpha though.
kevuas: pls try if the mod works when no other mods are active. perhaps you should update them.
thevito: this mod is based on enchantlist, which you can download on (as mentioned earlier).
tubs: try !gems all
packetloss: dont think thats a good idea since everyone with the mod would spam the one poor guildmate. just tell your mates your alt's name :P
sry for ppl who get errors. atm i don't have as much time to code :)