GemList will make your life as a jewelcrafter easier. after installation you open your jewelcrafting panel. now your friends will be able to whisper you
!gems red
to get a list of gems you can craft that fit into a red socket. of course this works with blue/yellow/meta, too.
Prepared for upcoming changes in 2.1.0
Beta Versions and recent Bugfixes
For latest betas use this link:
Before reporting Bugs
pls make sure you use the most current version of GemList. Try the link above. Try disabling all other mods and see if the problem persists. If it does not, update your other mods. If it does, post your problem and mention the version number. use /glist version or look into changelog.txt to find out.
You can set some options using /gemlist or /glist.
/glist inc Toggles whether incoming requests are shown
/glist out Toggles whether outgoing replies are shown
/glist autoscan Toggles whether your Jewelcrafting panel will be automatically scanned when opened. DON'T use this if you use the "Stormy Star of Elune glitch-fix"
/glist desc Toggles searching in description. This is to enable searching for Stats like int, agi +heal and so on
/glist scan Manually scan your Jewelcrafting panel. You have to open it first. Do this if Autoscan is turned off and you learn a new Gem
/glist tlock Determines the Spamlock Timer in seconds. Customers will get a msg to wait x seconds before next query
/glist chatprefix Use this to change the prefix which will trigger GemList in whispers to you. !gem will work always though
'/glist version Prints Version Info. Use this before reporting bugs
/glist insert lets you manually insert gems into the databse. this is the "Stormy Star of Elune glitch-fix" This is not longer needed
thanks to my friends Nosferat and Sirvival on Zuluhed-EU who help much in beta-testing. thanks to athou for the original EnchantList addon.
since this is a FAQ here a clarification on the query system:
there are no options to filter by hardcoded into the mod. it searches over occurences of the queried words in the gem's tooltip (stats and color here), name, rarity, itemlink and reagents. for a query to return any gems, ALL words in the query have to appear in one of these.
you could search for sta stam stami stamin stamina sp spi spir spirit str stre stren streng strengt strength blu blue yel yello heal healing crit spell damage agi agility def defense
and even any combination like blue spell yellow mana heal rare red def [itemlink] agi
see Changelog Tab above
Damn... this thing could be the fix to the unstoppable spam of enchanters
Would be nice to have the code so I could make one for Alchemy
So after trying a few combinations of downloads, I've discovered that I can't use anything past Beta2 because I get errors. Specifically, when I type /gemlist scan or a number of other commands, the cursor simply doesn't move, and the database is not populated (says something like "no gems in database" when trying any search). Any clues as to what I may be doing wrong here, or how I could fix this?
This is a great mod, which I why I'd love to use the most recent version!
This mod is absolutely fantastic, upped my sale of gems threefold! What I would ask though, is maybe if you could make one just like this, but for enchanting? That would be fantastic
Love the mod.
Interesting thing happened the first time I installed it. Guild chat would no longer work, outgoing or incoming. so I unistalled it and /gquit and rejoined to get /g working again. Then I installed the beta4 version, and guild chat did not break. But I liked how the release version would list all gems when just "!gem" was typed, so I tried to install the release again, but I still get the help list when just typing !gem.
for gemlist v 0.4 rev 27517
when I try to scan or open jewelcrafting, I get the following:
Interface\Addon\Gemlist\Gemlist.lua:354: bad argument #1 to 'find' (string expected, got nil)
love the mod, the previous version was wonderful. look forward to seeing it again.
Possible to make a different chat trigger? Would be nicer to have !gems work in guild chat in case im on an alt or another crafter is on...
I'm having the same problem as Gizmo. Item links in the newest release seem to not be working.
ab version 3.1 kommt bei mir imme "datenbank ist lehr" also wisper zurück.. und ja ich hatte das juwelenschleifer fenster geöffnet gehabt....also die 3,1 geht noch die nachfolgenden nicht mehr.... und ich benutze DE client.....
was tun? ;/
Haven't tried it yet, but it looks like a great mod.
I was originally looking for a mod that would allow me to easily advertise the gems I can make in the trade channel. Does this support this?
I also like the idea someone posted of being able to associate a price to each gem type, so that someone can see what all your prices are in the gem list whisper.
Elo =)
Hmm Ver r27517 dosent work with the itemlink for me. EX: !gem [Living Ruby] Got ---> Nothing foud. Dont know if i have done something wrong =)
Beta 4 works fine =)
star of elune glitch-fix is added in newest beta on usage: /glist insert [itemlink]
i fixed this on the latest beta. dl from
I'd even suggest adding an auto-ignore for abusers. ie. someone sends 25 requests within 1 minute -> ignore
You need to add an anti-spam to the !gem request.
Someone can just spam !gem and crash you :P
I'm getting the same "Rlines" problem as several people have mentioned here. Has anyone figured out what this problem is and how to fix it?
Stormy star of elune is currently bugged in the game and shows up under Trade Skills instead of Gems. Its it possible to get this to show up in gemlist?
One small bug found. If you display only items for finger slot (for example), and then close the JC UI and open it back up, I'm getting the following error:
\GemList.lua:335:'for' initial value must be a number
Assume it has something to do with it searching for gems but there aren't any to be displayed.
Rev: 27021 No i dont get any reaction after /glist scan, ists like my return-key is defect. But the prob is: because of some aother addon, dunno which one, every time i get up my JC window the database is cleared. To get dates into the database i have to turn off (all) addons.
Thanks 4 the fast reaction btw ;)
if u need a list of my addons i can post it here.