ReforgeLite is a lightweight reforging calculator that helps you figure out the optimal strategy to reforge your gear given your stat weights and caps without leaving the game.
The addon now has its own project page, located at
Downloads are still only available through Curse page.
What to do if you're not happy with the results
The quickest way to get response is to e-mail me directly at [email protected]
Please describe your problem, and, most importantly, attach a debug log that you can find by scrolling to the bottom of the main UI window (the "Debug" button inside settings section).
How to use it
To open the addon window, type /reforge or talk to the reforging master. On the left half of the window you can see your current item stats for reference.
On the right side you can set up stat weights/caps, or select an existing preset (presets are regularly updated from, which in turn gets its information from Elitist Jerks).
In the simplified mode, you can specify the stat priority, along with up to two capped stats (each capped stats can have an arbitrary number of breakpoints). If you want more control, you can go into advanced mode and enter the exact stats specific for your gear, obtained from a tool such as SimulationCraft.
Behind the hood, simplified mode sets the lowest stat to a weight of 100, and each next stat adds 20. When you switch between the two modes, ReforgeLite converts your current weights to the other format.
When you're done setting up weights/caps, press Calculate. The calculations are fairly memory/time intensive, so ReforgeLite might trade some precision for speed, though the losses should be minimal. You can press the Calculate button a few times if you want to try getting a better result, the output will always display the best result so far.
Once the calculation finishes, you will see a section with your stats after reforging, and the difference from your current stats. Click on the Show button to see which items should be reforged.
If the reforging UI is open, you can click on the Reforge button to automatically reforge all items in the selected way. Do not interfere in the process (clicking the cancel button or closing the reforging UI is fine). Caution: I'm only human, so while I try my best, I can not guarantee that this process is absolutely bug free, so its recommended to watch over the process. If you leave to make some tea and come back to find it spending thousands of gold reforging your boots over and over again, don't tell me I didn't warn you.
FAQ: The results seem incorrect. I'm getting too much/too little hit/expertise/etc.
First of all, with Mists of Pandaria, expertise now affects spell hit, so it is not uncommon for casters to reforge into some expertise (on items that already have hit) to reach the cap, especially at lower gear levels. Note that ReforgeLite directly adds your expertise rating to hit rating, which is not the way it is displayed in the game, but it is more convenient when verifying the result.
Also, keep in mind that ReforgeLite uses your currently active spec to decide which stat conversions are in place, so if you're a Paladin trying to reforge your Protection gear while in Holy spec, you will likely get very little hit because it thinks you get enough from expertise.
If you are still not satisfied with the results, feel free to e-mail me (at [email protected]) with a brief description of the problem and a debug log (found at the bottom of the scrollable arera, in the options category).
FAQ: I'm using certain items for my off-spec and I don't want their reforge changed.
Simply click on an item icon in the large stats table, this will lock the item's reforge.
FAQ: More caps?
This is a very popular demand, and I'm sorry to tell you that it is not possible with the algorithm I'm currently using. I'm fairly sure the only other way to go is a brute force approach, which is simply way too slow to work in a Lua environment. There are plenty of external tools that employ it, such as I will be adding an import option in the near future to make it easier to use their results.
FAQ: Decimal weights?
You might notice that you can't enter anything besides digits in the weight boxes. This was done for simplicity's sake, and it does not limit you at all - you can multiply all your weights by a 100 (or whatever you prefer) to make them integers, and that would not affect the result at all.
FAQ: My reforge/results window isn't showing up. What do?
There are a few possible reasons.
First, ensure that the addon is enabled (and not marked as outdated if you haven't checked the box to load out-of-date addons). If the addon isn't loaded, you should get an error when trying to type /reforge in chat.
Second, try enabling Lua errors in the game options. If this causes error messages to show up when you try to open the reforge window, then send me the text of the error and I'll figure something out.
Third, it is possible that you accidentally moved the window off-screen. The easiest way to fix this is by deleting the addon config file located at <game folder>/WTF/Account/<your account>/SavedVariables/ReforgeLite.lua - this should reset the addon settings to default (make sure you're in game when doing that, or the file will simply reappear). This will also delete your custom weight and reforge presets - if you want to avoid that, you can try editing the said file, by changing the values of variables "windowX", "windowY", "methodWindowX" and "methodWindowY". Values such as 100 for X and 500 for Y should make the window(s) visible at least.
Loved this addon. May you Rest in Peace.
The Addon is popping up everytime I log in a new character. Anyone else having this problem? When I uncheck load when reforging it doesn't happen, but I want it to load when reforging, just not everytime I change toons. :)
This addon works fine for dps and tank specs (atleast on my toons) but for some reason it will not work for resto druid. I select the haste cap I want and click calculate. Sometimes it looks like its working and after clicking the reforge button I will be waaaaay off from the cap I wanted. Other times after clicking calculate it won't do anything, meaning it shows all zeros in that right hand column like i am already at cap or something and I'm not. I will add that it's not an issue of not having enough haste to get to the cap either. I use this addon for all my classes and my tank off spec but for my healing main spec I have to figure it out myself or use ask mr robot.
Probably to do with the prismatic prisom of pride trinket which is a haste multiplier
Reforgelite worked fine but since I need a haste cap for my Mage it doesn't work the way I want anymore.
Either reforgelite ignores the Cap and reforges everything to haste or it reforges all my haste to mastery...both not the thing I want
Why can I only select two of the "to" options? For my brewmaster I need to obviously get hit/expertise capped but I want a set value of haste too, why can I not set a value I want it to go to???
For me reforge light stoped working completely since 5.4. Just one day I come to reforger and window doesnt opened. I tried to use /reforge command but instead received standard "unknown commend. type /help for bla-blah.." I tried to reinstall it, to remove it manually and manually install. Doesnt works. help ?
9 days passed. not even a single comment. does anybody got that issue as well? I cant even post an error message as there is none :{
I have the same problem. Strange, since it should be compatible with 5.4.8. What changed?
It's not Reforge Light borked, something else is broken in your UI.... mines still working fine even with a broken skin issues in ELVUI... and with no errors with elvui disabled
Feature request: when loading pawn scales, only load scales whose name contains the current character's class.
I've modified my local copy to do this (it's a very small number of new lines in Presets.lua), and it's a huge quality of life win for me.
Currently, This addon is broken for elemental shaman. I've downloaded it and reinstalled it 3 times and it's still not working. Keeps trying to tell me to reforge spirit into a stat that is already on item.
Made a ticket about the missing cap options
Roar, I just wanted to thank you for writing this awesome addon. And for the update. Your hard work doesn't go unnoticed. This addon really helped imporve my gaming experience. Thanks again. I will donate when I have a chance and some extra coin.
And I just realized I misspelled improve.. Is there an addon to aid my terrible spelling? j/k, peace
Okay I reverted the optimization, I'll finish that some other time.
Uploaded 1.38 - for now its just the new item upgrades and pvp item levels.
local ItemUpgrade = {
add these:
[504] = 12, -- ES/US upgrade 3/4
[505] = 16, -- ES/US upgrade 4/4
[506] = 20, -- ASIA upgrade 5/6
[507] = 24, -- ASIA upgrade 6/6
Working very well, good job.
update - Dridzt uploaded a fixed scaling.lua in the "Tickets" section (see above) - Iroared has uploaded a beta-version with a fix and a "pretty significant change to the underlying algorithm"
Hey, thanks for the tip-off. I uploaded a new version as beta as I've made a pretty significant change to the underlying algorithm and I haven't tested it in-game. If it works, I'll re-upload it as a stable version.