Please use http://www.curse.com/addons/wow/xloot - Group is included in the package, and this is no longer maintained.
Smooth "Group Loot" roll frames
Options not featured in screenshot:
- Show time remaining on roll (Shown over icon)
- Show winning roll type icon (Need, greed, etc)
- Show undecided players
- When to track rolls you have decided on (Always, when rolling, never, by quality)
- Anchor direction (Up or down)
- Skins (Choose skin in XLoot 1.0, compatible with Masque skins)
- Frame scale, width, and button size
Loot Rolls anchor and Loot Popup anchors can be re-shown through the options panel or with /xlg
Skin used is determined by XLoot 1.0, if installed
why did ya touch old version.. :-/ this one aint nice, too small, some strange loot monitor, which stays on screen forever, no config, in summary.. I'm not happy :-(
The old version is still there. If you don't like what I'm doing with my addon, you aren't obligated to use the newer verson, or use it at all =)
I will however point out that the "Some strange loot monitor" can be disabled with a check box, the scale can be changed with a slider, and the config is available under Interface/Addons. Just like the description says.
The new version is flagged as Beta, and by setting either the curse client to Beta channel or downloading it yourself, you are quite literally volunteering to test new things =]
I am considering simplifying things to more match WildCard25's suggestion (After initially dismissing it) below, which would be to keep roll frames visible (Optionally, if only X quality or better) until the item is won, replacing roll buttons with the current roll and then winner instead of hiding and showing a new, separate frame.
So if you would like to contribute to the next version with your input and hopefully find something more to your liking, work with me here. This version will replace the old eventually, either way =)
I haven't had the chance to test it yet, but does having a roll tracker mean there won't be any more roll numbers on the buttons themselves? I'll be in a raid tonight and see for myself, but I thought it wouldn't hurt to ask beforehand.
Nope, there will still be numbers on the buttons. The lack of numbers was a bug/due to me not pushing the lib that parses chat.
In fact, ideally, there will be the following options that rely on me working more on stacks:
(This includes anchors snapping to eachother)
Show watches when..
- Immediately
- I have selected any roll for a item
- I have selected a roll for a item and it is higher than *threshold
- I have selected any roll but 'pass'
*Watch threshold
Watch linger duration
I'm running a version of the old XLootGroup that I've modified a bit.
Like the new version I added roll numbers to the buttons. I also display the roll time left to the left of the bar (iirc that was part of the original design). Never got around to adding the tooltip :-)
I added 'roll monitoring' in the form of displaying the name of the winner of the roll in red (for need) or green (for greed/disenchant) on the original bar instead of the item name. This allowed me to only have one window/bar for each roll instead of needing XLootMonitor installed as well (i also modified the loot event lib to keep monitoring until the roll was won to make this work).
Hope this is an idea that you haven't thought of and discounted already, would love to see this in the new version as it gives you only one place to look for all your group loot info :-)
I've debated putting the name on the original roll bars, but in the end I don't like it. I appreciate the suggestion, however. Hopefuly "Show roll tracker after I have selected a roll" with the anchors docked to eachother/opposite will match your ideal "All the information in one place" fairly adequately. And though I thought about moving it to monitor as well, group tracking will stay in group, where it makes more sense.
I did realize it was silly to stop monitoring at Cancel yesterday, and that change is already in.
Yeah, that's what I get for pushing at 4am. Fixed.
Well, it works now (scaling and growing direction), though I didn't understand what was those options for. Please add more options for dimensions of the roll buttons and width; clean up the options for visibility; group up/ separate the options for roll_anchor, watch_anchor and roll_buttons..
Hopefully we won't have to manually edit the .lua. :D
While the config options are now there, it seems the addon doesn't follow the modifications (at all). Hopefully in a new version, thought to mention to avoid possible silly mistakes like forgetting. :D
Well that's odd. I'll pull published versions and see what I screwed up =)
Well, I tested it, you have to click "Ok" but the options are definitely applied.
I didn't think a live preview of options was necessary, it tends to be a large hassle for very rare use, compared to XLoot which has a lot of display options.
after last update it doesn't show any rolls and coices in LFR.
tested on English realms.
Same happens to me , I reverted to previous version just now.
Well, that's what happens when I try to push updates at 4am =)
It should be fixed now, as the library that parses the rolls and whatnot is actually loaded.
Thanks for the report
Date: 2012-04-03 17:43:47
ID: 1
Error occured in: Global
Count: 1
Message: ..\AddOns\XLootGroup\XLootGroup.lua line 713:
Cannot find a library instance of "LootEvents".
(tail call): ?
[string "*:OnLoad"]:6:
[string "*:OnLoad"]:1
[C]: ?
[C]: error()
!Swatter\Support\LibStub.lua:23: LibStub()
XLootGroup\XLootGroup.lua:713: f()
I have 2 anchors now. Group roll and Roll Tracking. Does it mean that I wont see numbers on one bar? I wonder if there is a chance to pin one to another. Also test thingy would be nice as I don't even know how this will look like :D
Great work tho. I will be waiting for more updates :D
Yeah, the tracking anchor shows all rolls until completion, and then a little after to show who won, with details in the tooltip. Or it should, with this last update :P
you forgot to register Libs\LibLootEvents\LibLootEvents.lua in the toc file
Thx for re-make of addon. it's much easier now to see who clicked need! ;)
But there is problem - it doesn't show who selected 'need' 'greed' and 'disenchant' on non-english realms. At the same time it shows who selected 'pass'
If any assist required from me to fix that bug I'll be glad to help you.
(bug found on ruRU realms)
ps. this is for localization.lua: