Please use http://www.curse.com/addons/wow/xloot - Group is included in the package, and this is no longer maintained.
Smooth "Group Loot" roll frames
Options not featured in screenshot:
- Show time remaining on roll (Shown over icon)
- Show winning roll type icon (Need, greed, etc)
- Show undecided players
- When to track rolls you have decided on (Always, when rolling, never, by quality)
- Anchor direction (Up or down)
- Skins (Choose skin in XLoot 1.0, compatible with Masque skins)
- Frame scale, width, and button size
Loot Rolls anchor and Loot Popup anchors can be re-shown through the options panel or with /xlg
Skin used is determined by XLoot 1.0, if installed
What I like and what I don't like:
Considering that you discarded that code, I still don't understand why did you "discarded" the older-old code with the "Loot rolls" bar being as the "Loot monitor" bar. I liked when they looked the same, both being loot related. Also, I miss the right click options on the bar..
I don't like how each line is separated by several pixels (count not being zero!), probably due to the item icon being bigger than its roll line..
So, again, why the need to change that? You could very well keep that design with the roll watching grouped into one.
How old are we talking here?
Right click options, I can redo (I added /xlg opt).
I don't get the Loot rolls == loot monitor bit. Do you mean when I had them skinned as well?
As far as separation, open libs\LibXStack\LibXStack.lua and change lines 50-56, replace 4 with 0, 1, 2, or 3 (keeping any -'s in place) and tell me what seems to fit.
Yes, I meant the skinning, thanks for the save. :D Also, if I click the hiding X mark on the group rolls (thus disabling it), I can't reenable but from modifying the lua.
You could've said "function AnchorChild". :D I'll give it a try later on and see how those feel.
I prefer the anchors be unskinned. They're not meant to be permanently visible =) It's easy enough to change though, I may add a option if you're missing it that much.
I also changed the default padding from 4 to 2 with the most recent push.
Yeah, well, it had more sense for the anchors to be visually the same. I mean they were made by the same author, pertained to the same looting interest. Hell, in fact they were even part of the same addon. :D And I always kept them visible (though locked). Also, please don't change Loot Monitor, it's perfect the way it is! :P
In LFR, people run out of the portal and such before loot is distributed. This means that the winner of the loot may not be in range and I'm not sure the mod is picking it up. In this manner, the items are staying on the screen indefinitely, the only way to clear them is reloading.
There needs to be a timeout mechanism for the loot items. I have not seen one in the addon options thus far.
Using US / English locale and language.
Good point, I'll add that.
Well, until the curse packager decides it wants to work properly, you can do Skinner:Skin(anchor) near the bottom of XLootGroup.lua.
I will be re-writing Monitor, though. I don't know how much I'll be changing it, but hopefully for the better all around =)
I'm using the pt_BR (Brazilian Portuguese) client.
The frames never hide, but, I'm able to see every roll, for every item. The only problem that I have is about the frames never hiding.
It shows the winner, too?
Well, either way, this update should fix it, I added forced timeouts. But if it doesn't show the winner (Which should trigger the hiding), that's a problem.
Before version z3-beta, after all items rolls, the frames disappear sometimes, so I have to do a /rl to make them disappear, now, after this release, they never hide. I have to do a /rl every time after the rolls.
Moreover, it is very good!
Thank you.
What language client are you using/what locale? It seems like none of the roll events are getting parsed.
To that end, do the frames simply never hide, or does some roll information show up and they don't go away? If so, what information? (Greed/need rolls, etc) It shouldn't matter, but apparently there's things I haven't accounted for.
You should be able to disable tracking period and it should at least not require a /rl every time.
Reposting this piece of feedback/ request.
Please add more options for dimensions of the roll buttons and width; clean up the options for visibility; group up/ separate the options for roll_anchor, watch_anchor and roll_buttons..
Hopefully we won't have to manually edit the .lua. :D
Roll dimensions should be easy. Options will be changing and I'll try to keep them clean. Watch anchor has been removed.
I've grown into liking it. :)
Well, if you really like the feature I may well bring it back, but it will be a Monitor feature not a Group.
Getting this error with latest version of xloot group:
36x XLootGroup\XLootGroup-z2c-beta.lua:515: attempt to index local "watch" (a nil value)
Thanks for the report. It will be a little bit until I manage to fix this one, as I've decided to revert to re-work the way watches/tracking works almost completely. Hopefully that will done tonight (Tomorrow morning, technically)
sorry didn't notice options appeared miraculously there! omw for more testing