- Addons
- Achievements
- Action Bars
- Artwork
- Auction & Economy
- Audio & Video
- Bags & Inventory
- Boss Encounters
- Buffs & Debuffs
- Chat & Communication
- Class
- Combat
- Companions
- Data Export
- Development Tools
- Garrison
- Guild
- Libraries
- Map & Minimap
- Minigames
- Miscellaneous
- Plugins
- Professions
- PvP
- Quests & Leveling
- Roleplay
- Tooltip
- Twitch Integration
- Unit Frames
Nov 3, 2010
Warn players about a specific aura (buff/debuff) at a specific stack via whispers and icons.
Feb 7, 2010
Provides a library for accessing auction data and pricing from various Auction Data mods
Nov 17, 2016
Minimalistic LDB plugin that allows tracking of raid IDs across characters.
Aug 27, 2012
Reduces achievement spam when a group of people earn the same achievement.
Nov 17, 2016
Wipemate is a statistics add-on that displays a list of raid members, sorted by kills or wipes. It gathers this information a...