GatherMate2 is an addon to collect and track herbs, mines, fishing pools, gas clouds, archaelogy finds and treasures, and displays them on the world map and the mini map.
This is the Retail version of GatherMate2, the version for WoW Classic can be found here
GatherMate will remember the location of every herb you pick or every ore you mine, so that you can easily find the positions of the herbs and mines again. Once you come into range of a recorded spot, GatherMate will show an icon representing the type of herb/ore/fish/etc. on your mini map, directly allowing you to decide if its worth checking out. Additionally, all spots are shown on the World Map, to ease navigation to certain types of nodes and making gathering more fun.
To give you a head start, GatherMate2 also offers a pre-filled data module, so you don't need to discover all herbs and mines yourself, but instead can just start gathering right away. Simply install GatherMate2_Data and hit a few buttons to import all the provided data, and you're good to go.
- Tracking of all gathering professions and more!
- Herbs
- Mines
- Gas Clouds
- Archaeology Digs
- Fishing Pools
- Treasures
- Display of all collected data on the World Map and the MiniMap
- Support for Routes
- Import data via GatherMate2_Data
- Share data in your guild with GatherMate_Sharing
Video about configuring this addon.
Using GatherMate2 is straight-forward.
After the installation, GatherMate2 is automatically active and collecting data.
You can configure which data should be shown on the World Map or MiniMap in the Configuration Dialog, which can be accessed either via the /gathermate slash command or be found in the Interface options in the WoW Menu.
Localization (Translation of Nodes)
GatherMate2 relies on the node names to be translated in all languages WoW supports. You can contribute additional translations for your language here using the Localization tool:
Any translations submitted through that tool will be automatically included in the next release.
GatherMate2_Data has been updated with all fresh data from Wowhead, including support for Shadowlands, and will be continously updated throughout the coming expansion.
If you are looking for a pre-filled database for GatherMate2, get GatherMate2_Data here:
should have [local] in front
or some goes global, caused some strange problem to me...
These worked fine in GM1.
South, deapsea monsterbelly or something like that. Unless I am misremembering.
eh not really those nodes were actually in an area that wasn't on the zone map, those islands were in the north sea far as i recall?
ahh. wasn't something similar happening with fishing nodes on those icebergs south of borean tundra?
no the problem is the outdated blizz api, which is still coded to switch map to continent view any time you're near an instance, since the area just outside dire maul is a dig site, the pings are bieng put on the continent map cause that's what blizzard set your current map to. if you dug with your map open, and zoomed back into actual zone, the pins would go on the feralas map instead, unfortunately that's not what most users really want to do. the ideal solution would to ignore user contributed pins on continent map and have ONE person who's reliable remember to always put map to right location before looting at that dig site. and also maybe yell at blizzard for being so retarded in first place. map shouldnot be set to continent view any time you get near an instance (only some instances still do this, dire maul is one of em, and does it even when you're 100-200 yards from the portal), that's poor outdated design.
With the newest versions of gm2 and data, i am seeing some arch nodes in the feralas zone, on the continent level map. It looks like about 6 clumped together, the icons are smaller than the blizz icons indicating a dig. It is hard to tell where they are, but it might be in/around dire maul if you zoom into the zone.
Update: With feralas having an active dig site: toggling "only with digsite" hides these. So i think the zone information for these nodes is messed up somehow.
Okay, thanks for the info. I just cleaned up the dig sites on EK with the gnome, so even though it worked with one toon and not the other I'm going to run through the useless routine they put you through before looking into it. Disable all addons then try....delete wtf, cache...and so on. Thanks again for your time.
You know dig sites are per character and not per account so each character has a distinct set of sites at any given time. However that being said at any given time you should have 4 site per continent per charcter. So i dont know why a charcter with archaeology wouldnt see the dig sites on the continent map (Gathermate does NOT put those 4 continent level icons on the map those are provided by blizz gathermate only puts in zone level icons)
Got my two toons to 85 and their professions up to max so I kept archeology for last to enjoy it. Today just a few minutes ago I went to the continent map with my gnome and checked for dig sites on Eastern Kingdom and the four were there. However when I switched to my dwarf there were no dig sites on the eastern kingdom continent map. Both toons trained the same and the addons are set for both of them. Do you know why I'm not getting the dig sites with the dwarf?
EDIT In case someone should have a similar situation, my problem was this. I have the addon Mapster with the world map and in the lower left hand coroner of the map is a small check box that says: show dig sites! I checked the box and all is well now.
I have checked all addons and I'm sure this addon is causing it, please fix this cause I love this addon.
Thanks a lot!
Iormus, check out some of the arch addons. Archeology helper uses gathermate nodes in hits hud, draws red/yellow/green cones after surveys.
I just thought I'd quickly say, I'm not getting any error messages (any more), however, after I log out and log back in, there's a cluster of nodes around my char', that follow me everywhere. I've tried disabling things, and the only way I've found is to remove nodes completely.
Same goes (presumably) for the rare spawn ores at lower levels: silver/tin, gold/iron etc.
In general, when combining nodes, it should *always* combine nodes of the same type (mineral/herb/cloud/etc) without worrying about the precise subtype of node.
You can use the keybinding to turn icons on and off check the config.
Im looking into the transitioning problem with nodes still showing in instances from the previous map.
sharing should be working with gathermate_Sharing installed if it isnt thats a bug.
There are no fishing nodes right now in the extract while im sorting out user supplied data that was for the old world and in-correct.
I havent been around much with the holidays so bear with me.
Love the addon. Thanks for all the hard work.