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GnomeWorks TradeSkill Frame -
a complete replacement for the blizzard trade skill frame.
Just trying this out after many great years with Skillet (LSB) and LSW.
How do I get my recipe list back to the default after I've selected a category? I selected Parts in Inscription but now I can't get back to my full categorized list without selecting FLAT which of course doesn't put it into its categories.
Just noticed that Firebloom and Purple Lotus don't seem to be picked up for milling to Violet Pigment (well maybe Firebloom is, I might have done things in the wrong order, but Purple Lotus surely isn't).
Wonder if there's a plan to put a sortable column for LSW costs / values?
Something i noticed started happening recently is, that after you've had the crafting window open and then close it. There appears an area on the left side of the screen, right where the X-button is on certain windows like the mailbox, in which you can't click, so for the mailbox, vendor windows i have to mouse the cursor right under the X-button to close them.
havrek, thanks for the data. i just need to get the numbers in order to slap it into the system. how confident are you in the milling result numbers?
grgz, that's a new wrinkle that is a first with the tradeskill system. a rank 2 recipe that makes your ignore a rank 1 variant. just when they finally get rid of spell ranks they go and add one to the tradeskill system. wtf? what's happening is that gw doesn't currently have any system to "forget" about a recipe or to remove one from the list of known recipes for any toon. when you learned rank 2, the tradeskill system apparently quit telling you about rank 1 so it provided gw with no active data (like the icon, etc). it shows up as trainable because of the way i have the system set up for trainable skills currently. it all makes weird sense. now i just need to figure out a way to make it forget recipes that are over-ridden by new recipes (without resorting to the old trade link scanner).
azroliak, the weird thing is that i don't ever get the problem so it's somewhat deterministic. my sense is that it's probably influenced by whatever other mods are making frames which would vary from session to session based on events and whatever is going on in that session. i think i'm just going to go ahead and slap a kludge in there with the idea that it's a frame level problem and just hope people quit having it randomly happen.
also, smelting has never been linkable. it's been a pet peeve of mine for as long as trade links have been around. dunno why they have it that way. i personally think it's a bug that nobody ever thought enough to complain about since linking your smelting list is generally not a common request.
Thx for the (very) quick update on the tradeskills from 450->525, it's indeed working.
On the "non-interactible" windows, i've been trying to isolate the problem/addon, and i must say i'm quite baffled.
I've been using GW for quite sometimes, and recently made my brother and a friend use it.
We all happens to get the problem, but it seems random.
My brother use nearly the same addons as i do (but not the same exactly), my friends pretty much is limited to a dozen addons top, Grid2 not being there, while it is for my brother.
At some point i thought Skinner might be the culprit due to the texturing of windows, but neither my brother nor friend use it. PallyPower seemed to be one too, but my brother don't use it.
As far as i can tell for now, it's pretty *random*, sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't, with the exact same addon configuration, and most of the times a single /reloadui solve the problem (without changing addons loaded :D).
But sometimes it doesn't until i specifically disable or enable a new addon before reloading (using addonloader/addoncontrolpanel), sometimes it takes a couple tries for that.
Weird thing is it seems it's something that can happen during play, ie : i start with a working GW (be it from start or after a reloadui), play sometime, and at some point i got the non-interactive windows.
I got it on different chars, only one being a miner, but mining isn't really the thing i open often, since i only open it to smell (at most once a day, either at the start of my game session when i cycle through chars for ah-checking, dailies and such), and i don't think it's when i open minning that the thing happens.
I'll try to remember to check that.
Another thing, that doesn't come from GW but seems to be a change in the way Blizz handles professions.
It seems you can't link "Smelting" Anymore, since "Smelting", like Milling/Prospecting, is now a 1/1 "profession" and link directly to the ability.
You can still link individual smelting recipes, but i haven't found a way to do it with the whole prof (be it from GW or Blizz's interface).
IF you can find a workaround i would be happy. ;)
A bit of minor weirdness with spellthread... I hit Tailoring 475 and learned Rank 2 of Master's Spellthread and Sanctified Spellthread. Now there are two entries of each - one for each rank. The Rank 1 entries have no icon, no description, are listed under Trainable, and cannot be used. (The create button does nothing.) Strangely, if I switch to the flat view, the Rank 2 Sanctified Spellthread is missing.
I unloaded GW and the Blizzard frame only shows the Rank 2 entries.
OK, I reloaded GW and now the unusable Rank 1 entries are gone and Sanctified Spellthread Rank 2 is present in both group and flat views. Whatever.
But now if I filter on "spellthread" or "master", Master's Spellthread doesn't show. :-P It's still present with no filter, so no big deal...
Well Looks Like Lilsparky Missed The Milling.lua update and Prospect.lua update for the new herbs that are millable at 425 in game.
I a put down for 375 in the file if someone else could dubble check with the file. I have in ticket 242 i would be happy and if they could get out in next update
smelting, eh? i'll give that a shot. man. this one is annoying cuz it's so random and hard to reproduce (for me, anyway). makes me think it's got to be frame level stuff. i've seen cases where frame levels aren't completely set in stone. not sure how or why it works that way, but it does.
i'm hitting the issue again where I can not select anything for a profession when I open Gnomeworks. It seems to specifically trigger if I open smelting. Once I do that, I cannot use gnomeworks with any other profession. However, if I don't open smelting, but do first aid or cooking etc first, I can use Gnomeworks just fine, up until the point I open smelting.
just a comment on the " not sure why'd you skip singles, but adding a min number to queue could certainly be added (so that you'd only bother making something if you're making more than X of them) which would serve that purpose"but in KTQ I have added this line specifically for that purpose
if toQueue < 4 then toQueue = 0
toQueue = toQueue + floor(toQueue / 2)
What it does is make my time actually making the glyphs much more profitable as I am not making any glyphs until I need at least 4 and if they are really good sellers I make 6 of them (ie 4 + 2 (which half again).
But this is working really well with your GW so all is good.
If you can look it seems that the mats for new cata ink are not showing up on the craftable column at present. Not really a big issue but can be a bit of a pain./
I just entered what should be a "show stopper" ticket... I have one (so far) character that gets disconnected from the server before completing the login process. The last line in chat is: Gnomeworks r97 initializing.
I'll disable Gnomeworks on this character and hope for the best.
yeah, i have grid loaded but haven't seen any issue with not being able to click on stuff... grr...
the auction scanner works directly off the queued recipes and their reagent sources. i've had reports of people not having milling as an option in the queue recipes, so it's possible that's what's going on here. try browsing milling and common recipes and then queue things up to see what it scans for. same with the essence conversions. those should all be there, but maybe it's not recognizing you "know" those recipes.
i'll turn off addonloader and turn on warmup to see how long it's taking to load and see what might be causing it.
The unresponsive window issue is not caused exclusively by Grid: I see this issue frequently and haven't used grid for many months now. I do, however, use VuhDo, which acts a lot like Grid. :-)
I just downloaded r97 but haven't had a chance to see if there's any difference.
One thing I've noticed is that the auction scanner seems to be missing some conversions. It doesn't ever seem to do milling, which makes it pretty useless for glyphs.
Another is that I think that GW in general doesn't realize things like the fact that 3 lesser enchanting essences = 1 greater enchanting essence.
Prices for different converted forms often differ dramatically on many realms, so the AH scanner definitely needs to take this convertibility into consideration. (There are few of us market makers on most realms, so many markets often diverge substantially from their clearing prices.)
Along Oukami's lines—I use AddOn Loader, so the pause on loading isn't a big problem for me, but it is still pretty long. If there are any easy areas for optimization, a speed-up here would be very welcome. I wonder if you should put a warning message when someone doesn't use AddOn Loader.
feherandor, what took so long with the queue profitable plugin? was it the set up time to adjust the different settings or was it something else? in terms of accuracy, can you give me some examples so i can pinpoint what might be failing? not sure why'd you skip singles, but adding a min number to queue could certainly be added (so that you'd only bother making something if you're making more than X of them) which would serve that purpose.
i've seen some cases where the auction scanner gives one result then gives a second result on a subsequent scan, so i think something might be slightly off somewhere. but i haven't seen it totally not do anything.
can you tell me what mats it said you needed that you didn't need?
reagents should remember their source until you rescan the ah (which will attempt to refactor your mat sources based on price.. at least, that should be the basis).
i'll make sure to have "create" and "create all" only consider in-bag reagents and not in-queue reagents.
is the buggy-ness of the gw milling process the issue where gw won't do milling as a single step? that is something i will definitely be fixing. there is some randomness to milling results so it's not a surprise that you might buy all the herbs you think you need and then still need a few more after all your milling is done. nobody knows exact drop rates for herbs and what factors play into those rates, so the best i can do is find people who've posted milling results and go with them.
manaman, whew. i was concerned there was something new wrong with lsw/gw.
user_30959, what's happening is that gw is reacting to updates to the tracked inventories and updating craftability counts as they change. so if you add a recipe that takes, say, 10 of your greater eternal essences, gw will update all of the recipes that use those reagents to indicate how many are currently craftable. i'm still thinking about ways to optimize this because the more items you have, the longer it takes to react.
Lilsparky wrote:
user_30959, the latest revisions have changed the inventory tracking. i had realized the craftability calculations were drastically flawed in previous revisions. the current system is accurate, but it costs some cycles. i'm trying to get those cycles down. how many alts do you have and how full are your bags/bank/etc?
I have three guild banks 6 x tabs each and they are almost full
6 alts with professions, but never experienced such lag and performance loss until 90+ revisions.
Interesting...The Download link at the top of LSW's wowace page downloads r100. After installing r107 directly from the "recent files" link, all is good now. Ty.
tried the built-in ktq... meh. it took 10x time to populate the list, and it wasnt accurate. maybe add skipsingles option?
also i love the new scan auctions, but it doesnt always work.. sometimes i ran it and nothing changes
and 3 requests:
please fix the reagent list, it showing mats that i dont actually need (added items with ktq, glyphs to be specific)
please make reagents remember their source if i choose one for them, it always goes back to "vendor conversation"
please allow "create all" with mats when i have them in the queue... currently it goes like this:
1. i populate my list with ktq, look at the (sometimes incorrect) mats list and buy herbs accordingly
2. i mill every herb manually cause milling with GW is kindof buggy
3. i clear the queue list to be able to create all inks
4. i create all inks
5. i populate the list again, and buy herbs again because new ones showed up...
Hey Lilsparky
Have uploaded under tickes
The Milling and Prospect
But prospect numbers (how many gems from Ore might not be acurate but you can see witch gem comes from the ore)
manaman, yeah 107. if that's now showing up, check to see if it's disabled in the plugin button list...
paks, that auction scheme could work. right now, the green items are the ones that gw has selected for you. if instead of coloring them, i add an additional button that says "buy" it would mean you could only buy those items. if you click on a different column, it would select the item (adding a "buy" button). i actually need to add multi-selecting to my scroll frame system so maybe this would be a good impetus to do so. paging would have to have handled like i am now, tho the "buy" button could be changed to reflect this ("buy" becomes "find" or "page to" or something).
also, i'd like to get it to the point of being smart enough to just hit a "buy the next one" button so you could just spam a macro if you want.
heveka, if you have data for prospecting, milling or even de'ing, i'd be happy to incorporate it.
i do see that the new herbs are not added to the milling and ore to Prospect do you mind if i fix it in my version and send you the files when done ? to give you a hand ??
My Best Regards
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Just trying this out after many great years with Skillet (LSB) and LSW.
How do I get my recipe list back to the default after I've selected a category? I selected Parts in Inscription but now I can't get back to my full categorized list without selecting FLAT which of course doesn't put it into its categories.
Just noticed that Firebloom and Purple Lotus don't seem to be picked up for milling to Violet Pigment (well maybe Firebloom is, I might have done things in the wrong order, but Purple Lotus surely isn't).
Wonder if there's a plan to put a sortable column for LSW costs / values?
Create All isn't working in Inscription either.
Something i noticed started happening recently is, that after you've had the crafting window open and then close it. There appears an area on the left side of the screen, right where the X-button is on certain windows like the mailbox, in which you can't click, so for the mailbox, vendor windows i have to mouse the cursor right under the X-button to close them.
havrek, thanks for the data. i just need to get the numbers in order to slap it into the system. how confident are you in the milling result numbers?
grgz, that's a new wrinkle that is a first with the tradeskill system. a rank 2 recipe that makes your ignore a rank 1 variant. just when they finally get rid of spell ranks they go and add one to the tradeskill system. wtf? what's happening is that gw doesn't currently have any system to "forget" about a recipe or to remove one from the list of known recipes for any toon. when you learned rank 2, the tradeskill system apparently quit telling you about rank 1 so it provided gw with no active data (like the icon, etc). it shows up as trainable because of the way i have the system set up for trainable skills currently. it all makes weird sense. now i just need to figure out a way to make it forget recipes that are over-ridden by new recipes (without resorting to the old trade link scanner).
azroliak, the weird thing is that i don't ever get the problem so it's somewhat deterministic. my sense is that it's probably influenced by whatever other mods are making frames which would vary from session to session based on events and whatever is going on in that session. i think i'm just going to go ahead and slap a kludge in there with the idea that it's a frame level problem and just hope people quit having it randomly happen.
also, smelting has never been linkable. it's been a pet peeve of mine for as long as trade links have been around. dunno why they have it that way. i personally think it's a bug that nobody ever thought enough to complain about since linking your smelting list is generally not a common request.
Thx for the (very) quick update on the tradeskills from 450->525, it's indeed working. On the "non-interactible" windows, i've been trying to isolate the problem/addon, and i must say i'm quite baffled.
I've been using GW for quite sometimes, and recently made my brother and a friend use it. We all happens to get the problem, but it seems random. My brother use nearly the same addons as i do (but not the same exactly), my friends pretty much is limited to a dozen addons top, Grid2 not being there, while it is for my brother.
At some point i thought Skinner might be the culprit due to the texturing of windows, but neither my brother nor friend use it. PallyPower seemed to be one too, but my brother don't use it.
As far as i can tell for now, it's pretty *random*, sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't, with the exact same addon configuration, and most of the times a single /reloadui solve the problem (without changing addons loaded :D). But sometimes it doesn't until i specifically disable or enable a new addon before reloading (using addonloader/addoncontrolpanel), sometimes it takes a couple tries for that.
Weird thing is it seems it's something that can happen during play, ie : i start with a working GW (be it from start or after a reloadui), play sometime, and at some point i got the non-interactive windows. I got it on different chars, only one being a miner, but mining isn't really the thing i open often, since i only open it to smell (at most once a day, either at the start of my game session when i cycle through chars for ah-checking, dailies and such), and i don't think it's when i open minning that the thing happens. I'll try to remember to check that.
Another thing, that doesn't come from GW but seems to be a change in the way Blizz handles professions. It seems you can't link "Smelting" Anymore, since "Smelting", like Milling/Prospecting, is now a 1/1 "profession" and link directly to the ability.
You can still link individual smelting recipes, but i haven't found a way to do it with the whole prof (be it from GW or Blizz's interface). IF you can find a workaround i would be happy. ;)
A bit of minor weirdness with spellthread... I hit Tailoring 475 and learned Rank 2 of Master's Spellthread and Sanctified Spellthread. Now there are two entries of each - one for each rank. The Rank 1 entries have no icon, no description, are listed under Trainable, and cannot be used. (The create button does nothing.) Strangely, if I switch to the flat view, the Rank 2 Sanctified Spellthread is missing.
I unloaded GW and the Blizzard frame only shows the Rank 2 entries.
OK, I reloaded GW and now the unusable Rank 1 entries are gone and Sanctified Spellthread Rank 2 is present in both group and flat views. Whatever.
But now if I filter on "spellthread" or "master", Master's Spellthread doesn't show. :-P It's still present with no filter, so no big deal...
Well Looks Like Lilsparky Missed The Milling.lua update and Prospect.lua update for the new herbs that are millable at 425 in game.
I a put down for 375 in the file if someone else could dubble check with the file. I have in ticket 242 i would be happy and if they could get out in next update
My Regards
smelting, eh? i'll give that a shot. man. this one is annoying cuz it's so random and hard to reproduce (for me, anyway). makes me think it's got to be frame level stuff. i've seen cases where frame levels aren't completely set in stone. not sure how or why it works that way, but it does.
if it happens again, try this:
/script GnomeWorks.skillList:SetFrameLevel(GnomeWorks.skillList:GetFrameLevel()+5)
and see if it wakes it up.
i'm hitting the issue again where I can not select anything for a profession when I open Gnomeworks. It seems to specifically trigger if I open smelting. Once I do that, I cannot use gnomeworks with any other profession. However, if I don't open smelting, but do first aid or cooking etc first, I can use Gnomeworks just fine, up until the point I open smelting.
just a comment on the " not sure why'd you skip singles, but adding a min number to queue could certainly be added (so that you'd only bother making something if you're making more than X of them) which would serve that purpose"but in KTQ I have added this line specifically for that purpose
if toQueue < 4 then toQueue = 0 else toQueue = toQueue + floor(toQueue / 2) end
What it does is make my time actually making the glyphs much more profitable as I am not making any glyphs until I need at least 4 and if they are really good sellers I make 6 of them (ie 4 + 2 (which half again).
But this is working really well with your GW so all is good.
If you can look it seems that the mats for new cata ink are not showing up on the craftable column at present. Not really a big issue but can be a bit of a pain./
thanks for a great mod. It really is great.
I just entered what should be a "show stopper" ticket... I have one (so far) character that gets disconnected from the server before completing the login process. The last line in chat is: Gnomeworks r97 initializing.
I'll disable Gnomeworks on this character and hope for the best.
yeah, i have grid loaded but haven't seen any issue with not being able to click on stuff... grr...
the auction scanner works directly off the queued recipes and their reagent sources. i've had reports of people not having milling as an option in the queue recipes, so it's possible that's what's going on here. try browsing milling and common recipes and then queue things up to see what it scans for. same with the essence conversions. those should all be there, but maybe it's not recognizing you "know" those recipes.
i'll turn off addonloader and turn on warmup to see how long it's taking to load and see what might be causing it.
The unresponsive window issue is not caused exclusively by Grid: I see this issue frequently and haven't used grid for many months now. I do, however, use VuhDo, which acts a lot like Grid. :-)
I just downloaded r97 but haven't had a chance to see if there's any difference.
One thing I've noticed is that the auction scanner seems to be missing some conversions. It doesn't ever seem to do milling, which makes it pretty useless for glyphs.
Another is that I think that GW in general doesn't realize things like the fact that 3 lesser enchanting essences = 1 greater enchanting essence.
Prices for different converted forms often differ dramatically on many realms, so the AH scanner definitely needs to take this convertibility into consideration. (There are few of us market makers on most realms, so many markets often diverge substantially from their clearing prices.)
Along Oukami's lines—I use AddOn Loader, so the pause on loading isn't a big problem for me, but it is still pretty long. If there are any easy areas for optimization, a speed-up here would be very welcome. I wonder if you should put a warning message when someone doesn't use AddOn Loader.
feherandor, what took so long with the queue profitable plugin? was it the set up time to adjust the different settings or was it something else? in terms of accuracy, can you give me some examples so i can pinpoint what might be failing? not sure why'd you skip singles, but adding a min number to queue could certainly be added (so that you'd only bother making something if you're making more than X of them) which would serve that purpose.
i've seen some cases where the auction scanner gives one result then gives a second result on a subsequent scan, so i think something might be slightly off somewhere. but i haven't seen it totally not do anything.
can you tell me what mats it said you needed that you didn't need?
reagents should remember their source until you rescan the ah (which will attempt to refactor your mat sources based on price.. at least, that should be the basis).
i'll make sure to have "create" and "create all" only consider in-bag reagents and not in-queue reagents.
is the buggy-ness of the gw milling process the issue where gw won't do milling as a single step? that is something i will definitely be fixing. there is some randomness to milling results so it's not a surprise that you might buy all the herbs you think you need and then still need a few more after all your milling is done. nobody knows exact drop rates for herbs and what factors play into those rates, so the best i can do is find people who've posted milling results and go with them.
manaman, whew. i was concerned there was something new wrong with lsw/gw.
user_30959, what's happening is that gw is reacting to updates to the tracked inventories and updating craftability counts as they change. so if you add a recipe that takes, say, 10 of your greater eternal essences, gw will update all of the recipes that use those reagents to indicate how many are currently craftable. i'm still thinking about ways to optimize this because the more items you have, the longer it takes to react.
Lilsparky wrote: user_30959, the latest revisions have changed the inventory tracking. i had realized the craftability calculations were drastically flawed in previous revisions. the current system is accurate, but it costs some cycles. i'm trying to get those cycles down. how many alts do you have and how full are your bags/bank/etc?
Interesting...The Download link at the top of LSW's wowace page downloads r100. After installing r107 directly from the "recent files" link, all is good now. Ty.
tried the built-in ktq... meh. it took 10x time to populate the list, and it wasnt accurate. maybe add skipsingles option?
also i love the new scan auctions, but it doesnt always work.. sometimes i ran it and nothing changes
and 3 requests: please fix the reagent list, it showing mats that i dont actually need (added items with ktq, glyphs to be specific) please make reagents remember their source if i choose one for them, it always goes back to "vendor conversation" please allow "create all" with mats when i have them in the queue... currently it goes like this:
1. i populate my list with ktq, look at the (sometimes incorrect) mats list and buy herbs accordingly 2. i mill every herb manually cause milling with GW is kindof buggy 3. i clear the queue list to be able to create all inks 4. i create all inks 5. i populate the list again, and buy herbs again because new ones showed up...
Hey Lilsparky Have uploaded under tickes The Milling and Prospect But prospect numbers (how many gems from Ore might not be acurate but you can see witch gem comes from the ore)
Regards Hevreka
manaman, yeah 107. if that's now showing up, check to see if it's disabled in the plugin button list...
paks, that auction scheme could work. right now, the green items are the ones that gw has selected for you. if instead of coloring them, i add an additional button that says "buy" it would mean you could only buy those items. if you click on a different column, it would select the item (adding a "buy" button). i actually need to add multi-selecting to my scroll frame system so maybe this would be a good impetus to do so. paging would have to have handled like i am now, tho the "buy" button could be changed to reflect this ("buy" becomes "find" or "page to" or something).
also, i'd like to get it to the point of being smart enough to just hit a "buy the next one" button so you could just spam a macro if you want.
heveka, if you have data for prospecting, milling or even de'ing, i'd be happy to incorporate it.
Hey Lilsparky
i do see that the new herbs are not added to the milling and ore to Prospect do you mind if i fix it in my version and send you the files when done ? to give you a hand ??
My Best Regards Hevreka